Chapter 304 I Am Your Aunt

However, it is easier to communicate with young people than with older people.

Mo Yanshao also knew something about the performance of the Wen family in Nanyang.

But he didn't expect that the Wen family seemed to have a close relationship with the Wan family, which would make him question.

But since we have a good relationship with the Wan family, can we get some inside information from Wen Yabin?

Where did Mu Taotao go?
It stands to reason that he should be living with the Wan family, why does no one know the existence of this person?

The place where Wen Yabin asked Mo Yan to eat less was at Yipincai Restaurant, a high-end restaurant specially for business meetings and cooperation.

This was also recommended by the person in charge of the Wen family's branch in City A.

Wen Yabin is not familiar with City A, so it is impossible for him to know where the dishes are good and suitable for business treats.

And Mu Taotao wandered alone in the street while Wen Yabin and Mo Yanshao were socializing.

She wanted to find the memories of the two people in the past, but she walked to Willis College unknowingly. The old campus scenery is still there, but things have changed.

I heard that Leng Yihan has also gone abroad for further studies. He is the future school director, and Willis College will be taken over by him in the future.

Thinking about that time, everyone had their own careers, and it should really be something worth celebrating.

"Hey, those in front, don't get in the way, get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

When Mu Taotao heard this call, she immediately turned around, and saw a young red-haired man in trendy clothes, with a boy behind him, and the two of them rode their bicycles and rushed towards him.

The boy kept his eyes on the front, seeing that he was going to hit Mu Taotao, he couldn't help but get nervous, the wheel tilted, and the two big boys fell off the car at the same time.

Looking at Mu Taotao again, he was unscathed.

No wonder, when the car was about to reach her, she quickly stepped aside.

You know, when you were a snitch, physical training was indispensable. Otherwise, when you are being chased, do you wait to be caught?

Mu Taotao is fine, but the young red-haired boy refused. He stood up and raised his eyebrows at Mu Taotao, staring at Mu Taotao: "Hey, where's the aunt? Do you know that standing in front of other people's cars is very uncomfortable?" Danger?"


How attractive and cool is this kid, dare to call her auntie?

"Nephew, you also know that my aunt is getting old and must not be able to run fast, so why do you still drive the car in front of me?"

Mu Taotao stood on the spot with her arms crossed, simply taking advantage of the red-haired boy.

"Are you in need of a beating? Who do you call your nephew?"

The red-haired boy didn't expect that Mu Taotao dared to call his nephew, and he was about to attack Mu Taotao with his fists.

The companion on the side persuaded: "Ah Ze, forget it, why do you have the same knowledge as girls.

Besides, if you call someone else's aunt first, she will follow your words. "

That companion seemed gentle and gentle, and his speech was quite polite.

And the boy named A Ze didn't seem too convinced: "A Yuan, do you have any brains? How can an aunt like this compare to a little fresh meat like us?"

The man brazenly thought he was a little fresh meat, and he really wanted to piss Mu Taotao to death.

She's only 23, 23, okay?How did you become an aunt?

At this moment, a pretty woman with trembling smiles came out of the college, and ran towards the red-haired boy, saying as she ran, "Ah Ze, I finally found you, think about it carefully." Is it? Be my boyfriend, then I will be the happiest woman in the world."

The woman's smile is really nympho.

However, unexpectedly, the young man named Ah Ze suddenly put his long arm on Mu Taotao's shoulder, and whispered in her ear: "Jianghu emergency, offended!"

After finishing speaking, the red-haired man said to the butterfly-like woman, "I'm sorry, Xiaoxin, I already have a girlfriend, here, it's her."

As the boy spoke, he pointed to Mu Taotao beside him.

When Mu Taotao saw that the red-haired boy was so ignorant, he really wanted to kick him hard, and then leave without looking back.

But she didn't do that, she just raised her head and squinted at the red-haired boy, then turned to the pretty girl opposite and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, I'm his aunt, he's my nephew, girl, this kind of The boy is not reliable to find, even if I am his aunt, I will say that about him!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and the red-haired boy almost cursed in anger.

He did the same, pushed Mu Taotao aside, and cursed: "You woman, why are you so disrespectful."

Mu Taotao was also angry: "Didn't you call me auntie, then of course I have to admit that you are my nephew."

The woman seemed to understand something, her pretty face turned red with anger, she stepped forward without hesitation, and slapped the red-haired boy, with tears in her eyes, she said with infinite grievance: "Yu Qingze, I was wrong." You, hum!"

After shouting, the woman turned around and walked away without looking back!

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Mu Taotao turned around and wanted to leave, but the red-haired boy took all the anger from the slap he received on Mu Taotao.

So he yelled: "You stop!"

Mu Taotao was not afraid of the boy's shouting, and turned her head back with disdain: "Why, do you still want me to continue to be your aunt? What do you want to treat me to?"

"I want you to punch me, you nasty woman!"

Yuqing really punched Mu Taotao in the face.

But someone stopped him by shouting at this moment: "Yu Qingze, what are you doing?"

Hearing this voice, Yuqing lost her momentum as if she had heard an imperial decree, and she couldn't help but put down her hand angrily, but still looked at Mu Taotao fiercely.

Mu Taotao was curious about who was speaking, so she couldn't help but look at the man walking by.

This temperament, this demeanor, is refined and refined, comparable to Wen Yabin.

"I'm sorry lady, he didn't hurt you, did he?"

"Where, how could he hurt me?"

"It's okay, I'll go first."

Mu Taotao spoke politely to the man, then turned around and wanted to leave.


But the man stopped Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao looked back puzzledly, looked at the man with doubts in his eyes: "Do you have anything else to do?"

"Just now I seem to have heard you say that she is Ah Ze's aunt?"


Mu Taotao was shocked. She just said it casually, and some people believed it?
"That, it's a misunderstanding, don't take it seriously. I just can't understand how he randomly finds a woman to act as his girlfriend to prevaricate other women."

Yuqing said bitterly: "What's the matter with you?"

"A Ze, it's none of your business, go back to school."

Yuqing was sent away.

(End of this chapter)

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