Chapter 314

During the dinner, Liu Yuewen was deeply impressed by Mu Taotao's elegant manner and noble demeanor, he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Look, daughters from rich families are really different."

Mo Yanshao rolled his eyes towards the sky, and couldn't help scolding his mother: "Mom, that's enough, stop talking."

"Why, isn't what I said the truth? Mom is very happy that you can find a lady like Yu'er. If you still keep that Mu Taotao in your heart and stare at it, you are really sorry for such a good girl."

Mu Taotao deliberately widened her eyes, expressing her surprise.

But Liu Yuewen knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and immediately changed his words: "Yu'er, don't take it to heart, my aunt just said that in a moment of impatience, so don't pay attention to it.

Don't worry, after you get married, Yan Shao will definitely forget Mu Taotao very soon. "

"What if I say no?"

Mo Yanshao drank the soup, his posture was lazy and elegant, and he looked at Mu Taotao who had turned into Wan Yu'er without blinking.

There was a kind of playfulness in his eyes, a kind of arrogance.

Mu Taotao pretended not to hear, and smiled at Liu Yuewen, "Auntie, I also know something about Mr. Mo's past, so I don't mind."

It is indeed meaningless to eat your own jealousy.

Mu Taotao is her, Wan Yuer is her.

There will never be a second Mu Taotao in this world, let alone a second Wan Yuer, so why should she be so jealous?

During the meal, it seemed that Liu Yuewen was the one who adjusted the atmosphere. She was very satisfied with Wan Yuer, the daughter-in-law-to-be, but she didn't care about Mo Yanshao's indifference at all.

After eating, Mo Yanshao said he was going to work, while Mu Taotao was going back to the hotel.

But Liu Yuewen said: "Yu'er, how about going for a stroll with Auntie?
It's rare for my aunt to find someone to go shopping with me. "

"That's it."

Mu Taotao was a little embarrassed.

"Mom, can you calm down a bit? Wan Yuer just came here by plane yesterday."

"Hey, do you feel sorry for your wife so soon? Mo Yanshao, it seems that Mom really misjudged you."

Being ridiculed by her, Mu Taotao blushed slightly, so she had no choice but to agree: "Auntie, stop talking, I'll go shopping with you."

| "Look, the two of you cooperate really well. It seems that you are destined to be husband and wife, so let's go."

Liu Yuewen was very happy, took his brand-name handbag, and took Mu Taotao to the bustling center of City A.

There is a Huarong Street here, almost all of which sell luxury goods, sachets, cosmetics, clothes, all kinds of jewelry and so on.

And the entire street of Huarong Street is said to be owned by the Mo family.

In other words, the Mo family not only invested in the entire street, but even the luxury brands on the street were mostly imported from abroad by the Mo family. Therefore, such high-end consumption can only be afforded by wealthy families like the Mo family.

Therefore, when Liu Yuewen drove a crimson Cadillac to the underground parking lot, Mu Taotao saw that the underground parking lot was almost full of luxury cars,

Whether it's all kinds of cars, sports cars, or off-road vehicles, if it's less than 500 million, it's embarrassing to park here.

This reminded Mu Taotao of the embarrassment when he was kicked out by the Mo family when he was still Mu Taotao.

Now that she stepped into a rich family again, she didn't look happy at all.

For rich people, if they don't take feelings seriously, no matter how rich they are, it will be in vain.

And Mo Yanshao, he obviously loved the former Mu Taotao, so why did he marry her?
Just for revenge?

Mu Taotao said that she couldn't understand her heart at all.

Liu Yuewen was dressed as a lady, and took Mu Taotao towards a large shopping mall on Huarong Street.

This shopping mall is also owned by the Mo family, but Mo Yanshao seldom comes here to inspect, and Mo Yanqing is the one who actually manages the place.

When Liu Yuewen brought Mu Taotao to the fourth floor, he happened to meet Mo Yanqing who was inspecting the floor.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, Mo Yanqing also faded away from his youthfulness in school and became a responsible man.

He is the general manager of this store called Emgrand Mall, and he looks like a manager.

And when he saw Mu Taotao and Liu Yuewen, he just greeted Liu Yuewen politely: "Mom, why are you here?"

Mo Yanqing's attitude towards Mu Taotao was to simply ignore him.

This made Liu Yuewen very angry, and couldn't help but get angry at him: "Ah Qing, Yu'er will be your sister-in-law in the future, can you be more polite?"

"Isn't she still now? Why should I be polite to her?"

Mo Yanqing glanced at Mu Taotao and said.

"You brat, you really don't know good from bad."

Liu Yuewen made a gesture to hit me, but Mu Taotao stopped him: "Auntie, don't do that, Ah Qing is right, we don't know each other well, it doesn't matter if he doesn't greet me, it will get better and better in the future."

At this time, Liu Yuewen suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach and wanted to go to the bathroom, so she told Mo Yanqing: "Don't leave Yu'er alone here, go shopping with her in the mall, I'll come find you later."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yuewen left in a hurry.

Mu Taotao stood where she was, looking at Mo Yanqing who was cold-spoken and cold-hearted, and didn't know where to start.

The atmosphere between the two people seemed very awkward.

"Who is the woman my elder brother really likes, you should know?"

"You already mentioned to me that her name is Mu Taotao."

"Then you are still foolishly marrying him. Is this kind of marriage what you want?"

Mo Yanqing was obviously dissatisfied with Mu Taotao's answer.

Mu Taotao shook his head helplessly: "Ah Qing, there is a saying that people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. You should have heard of it, right?"

"Miss Wan, don't tell me, my elder brother forced you."

"You should know what kind of personality your elder brother has. He will force others to do things, which is also his style."

Mu Taotao's eyes are very frank and very beautiful.

For the first time, when she turned into Wan Yu'er, Mo Yanqing watched her face carefully and spoke.

This woman is frank enough, without pretentiousness, twitching, or trying to please.

Her too plain eyes and too beautiful smile make people feel very at ease and comfortable.

Such a woman is actually no farther than Mu Taotao.

For some reason, Mo Yanqing actually made a careful comparison between her and the original Mu Taotao. Apart from the difference in appearance, her smile is actually very reassuring.

And Mu Taotao...

Thinking of the girl who once made him fall in love, Mo Yanqing was at a loss for words.

"Well, you're right, my elder brother will indeed do this, so do you like him?"

"I have always taken feelings lightly, if I care too much, it will be more painful when I lose.

So I hope that I can treat the other party lightly and not burden the other party. "

(End of this chapter)

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