Chapter 321

For example, going to a haunted house to explore, or surviving in the wild, or even rock climbing, all of them were done quite smoothly.

Mu Taotao's performance was remarkable, especially in rock climbing. Mu Taotao was a burglar in the past, and it was really easy to fly over walls.

Therefore, compared with several other male stars who are similar to her age, even young male stars, she is also extremely proficient in rock climbing, and she can climb to the highest place in just a short while.

Not only that, she also generously extended a helping hand and taught other team members how to climb rocks, which benefited everyone a lot.

Mu Taotao's body has endless potential, which makes everyone look at her with admiration.

She has also become a reality show talent, no matter what kind of reality show, she can't beat her.

Her unpretentious and unpretentious performance style also deeply moved the audience in front of the TV.

From the public's point of view, Mu Taotao, a little woman, has a sweet appearance and an uncomfortable vibe.

Once there are things she can't conquer, she will go all out, try various things, and then conquer them.

After participating in this series of reality shows, it was surprising that Mu Taotao had hundreds of thousands of fans, which was close to those low-level stars.

No, it's not just a small star, she has already gathered among the third-tier stars.

Of course, this is clearly not enough.

Because of Mu Taotao's daring, many reality shows are willing to ask her to be on camera, because with her, there is a guarantee of ratings.

However, when Mu Taotao's reality show was in full swing, her manager Yang Jin gave her a warning: "Wan Yu'er, I advise you not to accept those reality shows anymore, finish the last one, and I will give you Arrange announcements other than reality shows, do you understand?"

"But why is that?"

Mu Taotao looked confused, isn't it good to be a reality show?
She really likes it, and thinks it can be played again, and it can increase exposure.

"In the long run, this is definitely not conducive to your development, so stop."

Yang Jin said seriously, "I'm cultivating superstars, who have great acting skills, can win awards in the world, and can have box office in movie theaters, instead of laughing and laughing with the audience all day long, like the circus Little star like a monkey, you know?"

Well, Mu Taotao felt very wronged.

How did she become a monkey?
When he returned to Mo's house for dinner, Mu Taotao felt even more aggrieved when he saw the whole family, including the servants, sitting by the TV watching his reality show.

She became a monkey, and these were the audience watching her monkey show.

It is enough to hurt self-esteem.

"Wan Yu'er, why are you standing here in a daze?"

Mu Taotao was still thinking about Yang Jin's words, but Mo Yanshao who had just got off work reminded her.

She didn't want to stand here in a daze, but she accidentally remembered what the manager said.


"Okay, I'll know if you don't tell me, Yang Jin called me.

There is nothing wrong with her words, she has brought so many stars and knows what is good for you and what is not good for you.

No matter how good a reality show is, there will be a day when it will end, so please don't take this kind of show for the time being.

Think carefully about your acting skills, and I will hire you the best professional teachers of all kinds to tutor you, so that you can officially take over the work of filming. "

"But I really never thought that I would really be able to film."

"I haven't thought about it, and now I can think about it. As long as you appear on the big screen, the audience will cheer you on because you acted. If your acting skills impress them, then your stardom will be wider in the future. .

As a star, that's it. You have to learn to constantly break through yourself in order to achieve greater development, isn't it? "

Mo Yanshao's words made Mu Taotao feel like walking on thin ice.

On this day, Mu Taotao was planning to leave the hotel and go to the place Yang Jin mentioned to meet the director to discuss the script.

Unexpectedly, Wan Zhuzhu appeared in front of her in a sports car: "Wan Yu'er, where are you going?"

Wan Zhuzhu was not very polite when talking to her, especially when she knew that she had become Mo Yanshao's fiancée, so she was even less polite.

Mu Taotao's assistant Xiao Geng stepped forward to stop Wan Zhenzhu and said, "I'm sorry miss, we still have work to do, so we won't delay any longer."

After all, Xiao Geng escorted Mu Taotao into the car, and easily blocked the shots of the paparazzi squatting at the side.

Mu Taotao didn't talk to Wanzhuzhu much, she knew that this woman coming to her would be no good.

It is better for her to stay away from her.

But Wanzhu's nose was crooked with anger.

The reality show that Mu Taotao participated in was also broadcast on the Chinese channel in Nanyang.

Seeing her eldest sister perform so glamorously on the reality show, Wan Zhuzhu's eyes were really blinded.

At that time, she decided that she had to try it herself.

She is talented, youth is capital.

For Wan Liuli, if both the eldest and the youngest in the family are going to enter the show business circle, wouldn't the Wan family's career be hers alone?
That was a good thing she could have wished for, so she didn't care what they did.

Wan Zhuzhu looked at the nanny car carrying Mu Taotao away, and secretly swore in her heart that she could do it too.

She is the well-known little pepper of the Wan family, and she will definitely make a difference.

Mu Taotao went to audition for a horror movie, of course she wasn't playing the heroine, but the second female lead in it, a female ghost.

However, due to the twists and turns of his life experience, as long as he plays well, he is very pleasing to the audience.

When Mu Taotao went to the audition, she was asked to appear in a white robe and long hair to cover her face. The feeling of pretending to be a female ghost really made her feel very happy.

So after covering her face with her hair, she made all kinds of funny faces in front of the mirror, as cute as she could be.

She was doing happily there, completely forgetting herself, and suddenly heard a clear male voice reminding her: "You are very leisurely here, do you know that outside is about to fight because of you?"

Mu Taotao was startled, and couldn't help turning her head to look at the man.

It is a very young and handsome face, with very handsome features, fair skin, and a photogenic little face.

At first glance, he looks like the kind of man who is partial to idol stars.

When Mu Taotao turned to look at him, the man was also staring at her with obvious contempt in his eyes.

Mu Taotao was puzzled. She was sure that if she didn't know the young man in front of her, why should he despise her?
"What did you just say? Why don't I understand?"

"Hehe, you are the most hateful and annoying woman who pretends to be innocent. Do you think you are a white lotus? In fact, it is just a dirty green tea, girl, watch."

(End of this chapter)

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