Chapter 324
But for what she is doing now, she must go all out.

Either don't do it, or make it your best.

She, Mu Taotao, has never been a person who gives up easily.

At this moment, Mo Yanshao looked at Mu Taotao who was walking towards the camera. For some reason, he felt that she should be standing there. Standing there, she was more suitable than anyone else.

No one called to start, Mu Taotao just casually raised his head and looked up at the sky, and then tears appeared in his eyes naturally, without warning or defense.

She didn't know how she did it.

Then, her eyes turned to the camera.

From the camera, people can see that a beautiful woman with smooth black and shiny straight hair is crying.

Her tears were contained in her eye sockets and were about to fall, but her eyes were big enough, beautiful enough, and vivid and aura, they would not feel empty at all, but full of rich emotions.

That's how Mu Taotao thought about the role of Xiaoman, the life experience of this female ghost, a woman who was crazy about love and was willing to end her life because of love.

With teary eyes full of emotion, Mu Taotao stayed in front of the camera for a few seconds, until she sorted out the whole psychological process, and then slowly read that line, which was not eloquent and emotional, Even a little bland.

But after reading the lines and closing his eyes, tears flowed down his cheeks, but it was so beautiful and moving in front of the camera that many people present were shed tears.

At this time, silence is better than sound, and the sobbing of the audience can be clearly heard.

But Mu Taotao made a play at this time, bowing to everyone: "Thank you everyone."

At this time, everyone suddenly realized.

She was acting just now, she thought it was real.

So everyone came back to their senses.

Mo Yanshao watched Mu Taotao's performance without a second, and he felt that he had seen her right.

This woman is really good at acting, and she is ready to handle anything.

Even if she didn't come from a major, so what?This does not prevent her from being able to better interpret a movie character.

Mo Yanshao was the first to applaud. His applause was not intense, but there was affirmation in his eyes.

Mu Taotao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and smiled at him, their gazes met with so many people separated.

At that moment, they seemed to be able to hear each other's voices.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know, you are that good at acting."

"Mo Yanshao, who do you really like?"

"No matter who it is, as long as it is you, I will like it."

This inner dialogue, only they can hear each other.

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Taotao's lips, she still only had the other party in her eyes.

Tang You'er on the side was also shocked, and the sweet taste of the drink in his mouth also turned bitter.

She really didn't expect that Wan Yu'er was a newcomer who relied on unspoken rules, but she was a character who could reach such a high level of performance.

Her performance is natural, revealing her true feelings, without any trace, and it is impossible for people to see that she is performing, as if everything is real.

This time, Tang You'er was convinced of the defeat.

Cong Shao at the side naturally didn't think of it either.

I've seen Mu Taotao's reality show before, and I think she's just a silly girl, she can do what other people call her, and whether it's diving or rock climbing, she can do it very well, just like a superwoman.

But I really didn't expect that she could even perform better than others, better than others.

The crying scene where she stood in front of the camera just now touched so many people, even he felt panicked when he saw her tears.

However, he was on Tang Youer's side, so he didn't want to admit that Mu Taotao's performance was actually slightly better than Tang Youer's.

So when Tang You'er squeezed the drink bottle so loudly, Cong Shao comforted her in her ear: "You'er, don't think too much, Wan Yu'er's performance is nothing more than that, she will not be better than you. "

"Young Master Cong, don't talk about it, I am not as skilled as others, and I am willing to lose."

Because of Mu Taotao's height, the latter auditioners were naturally eliminated.

When Cong Shao was discussing the role between the director and the producer, he said to Tang You'er: "Don't worry, I will convince them that this role belongs to you."

But Tang You'er stopped Cong Shao: "No need, she's just the second female lead, don't go anymore.

Don't you forget how I got this audition.

You once said that Wan Yuer relied on unspoken rules, but you have also seen that she is actually very talented in acting. "

Cong Shao didn't agree with Tang Youer's words, he just said: "I don't care, this role opportunity is very rare, no matter what, I will try it."

Unexpectedly, before Cong Shao went to ask the director to ask Tang You to play the second female role on the condition that he would act, Mu Taotao had already made the request himself.

She calmly walked in front of the director and the producer, and said calmly: "Director, Mr. Producer, hello, I want to withdraw from this audition. No matter what the audition result is, I will not act."

As soon as such words were spoken, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Everyone looked at this completely unfamiliar new face in the film industry, and couldn't believe what she just said.

What a great opportunity, the director is the best director of this generation, and the screenwriter has also won awards.

Horror films originally had a place in the film market, and the male and female protagonists are also very important in the domestic film circle. This film has not yet started shooting, and it has already attracted the attention of many movie fans.

Such a good opportunity, this rookie didn't want it.

Is it really rich and willful?

Even Mo Yanshao almost couldn't believe what Mu Taotao said.

However, Mu Taotao was serious. She glanced at Mo Yanshao who was standing not far away, and repeated the words: "I don't think I'm suitable for this role, and I'm also very disgusted with horror movies.

A person who is not willing to leave after death, but wants to continue to entangle in this world, I don't like this kind of character.

If it's something I don't like, I can't perform anything. "

God, her reason is too far-fetched, right?

Also, she said she couldn't act well, so what did her previous audition show?

Mu Taotao didn't know why she did this?
She just doesn't want to make this movie a topic of more hype because of her own reasons.

The director and the producer looked at each other helplessly, and then looked at Mo Yanshao in unison.

The meaning is obvious, it's not that they don't want Mu Taotao, but that she herself refuses to act.

(End of this chapter)

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