Chapter 327 The Rumored Heroine
He also came with a man named Wang Da, who had a mustache and was passable.

As soon as Wang Da came, he never took his eyes off Gao Tian.

He even moved to Mo Yanshao's side and said, "Hey, your little lover is with mine, don't you think there is something wrong?"

"what is the problem?"

Mo Yanshao said indifferently.

At this time, he was holding a glass of champagne in his hand, sipping slowly, following Wang Da's question, he looked at Mu Taotao and Gao Tian in the field.

The two smiled like flowers, dressed in ancient costumes, with an indescribable harmonious beauty, toasted and chatted with the guests.

Mo Yanshao frowned inaudibly, but he didn't want to admit the uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

"I don't think so."

"You don't think it's nothing. I'm just afraid that after this play is over, the two of them will become a couple, and we will be alone. I'm not going to get water from a bamboo basket."

There was a sour taste in Wang Da's words, and when he looked at Mu Taotao in the field, he felt hatred.

Mo Yanshao glanced at Wang Da's expression, and said sarcastically, "I don't know what's going on with you, but I can't."

For Mo Yanshao, he was very sure that even if Mu Taotao changed her appearance, she would not be the woman who met and loved each other, otherwise he would have no chance to get engaged to her, would he?

"What do you mean? Are you so confident that you can tie that woman by your side?"

Wang Da couldn't believe it.

"Isn't it? Do you think I'm worse than that man named Gao Tian?"

Mo Yanshao's self-confidence made Wang Da carefully compare him with Gao Tian.

Indeed, although Gao Tian is a popular niche in the circle, with good looks and good acting skills, but looking back at Mo Yanshao, how can he lose to him?

If you want to be rich and rich, and have good looks, it is simply perfect.

Only then did Wang Da believe that the crisis was actually his alone, and others didn't have to worry so much.

On the other hand, when Mu Taotao is toasting, he will inevitably have to deal with those guests, many of whom are related to the show, various sponsors, and so on. As the director, Wu Yue, with two men and women Protagonist, toast with these people.

Not all the men looked at Mu Taotao purely.

From their point of view, as a newcomer actor, they can take advantage of it. Even if they can't make it clear, it would be good to toast a few more glasses of wine.

Therefore, scenes of Mu Taotao being given alcohol happen from time to time.

At first she was able to handle it. After all, she was not a famous lady in the past. When she was a snitch, she used to drink and drink with her brothers and sisters. In addition, as a woman, she has a three-point alcohol limit, so Mu Taotao It is not difficult to deal with the previous sponsors.

But no matter how much you can drink, you can't stand being toasted one by one by others, and you have to return the toast.

After a long time, her pink and white face turned crimson, and it seemed that she was about to die.

Gao Tian, ​​who was on the side, saw it in his eyes, and felt uncomfortable. She is a girl. Are these sponsors a little self-conscious?

It's not easy to offend on the surface, so I had to block the wine for her.

Unexpectedly, these sponsors are also very hateful. An old man surnamed Huang, relying on himself as one of the sponsors, kept pouring wine into Mu Taotao's wine glass, and put his hand on her shoulder. With frivolity and disrespect for the old, it is obvious that he wants to eat tofu.

Gao Tian wanted to hold the wine for Mu Taotao, but the old man was not happy: "Gao Tian, ​​I'm paying respects to Miss Wan Yu'er, how can you drink for her? Go aside."

Gao Tian felt ashamed and embarrassed, but he didn't dare to offend the old man.

Mu Taotao looked at the full glass of wine, which was still white, and his head began to feel dizzy.

Are these people trying to force her to death here?

Just when Mu Taotao looked at the glass of wine in embarrassment, his brows frowned, and the hand holding the glass began to tremble slightly, and even his stomach began to churn, a slender, well-articulated hand quickly disappeared from the cup. She took the cup in her hand.

A deep and pleasant male voice sounded: "Does Manager Huang think it's appropriate for a girl to drink so much?"

Everyone hurriedly turned their attention from Mu Taotao to the man.

Mo Yanshao had his usual faint smile on his face, but he had an aura that made people dare not look directly at him.

Compared with Mo Yanshao, the old man surnamed Huang is nothing short of insignificant.

Who dares to offend Mo's heir?
There are too many rumors about him, and he has acquired thousands of large and small companies within a year, both domestic and foreign.

He is a legend!
The manager surnamed Huang didn't dare to offend Mo Yanshao even if he had the guts of a leopard.

The manager surnamed Huang already understood his rescue.

And the rest of the people seemed to understand why Wan Yu'er was able to get such an important role as a rookie.

No one dared to underestimate her backer.

The manager surnamed Huang left immediately disheartened.

Mu Taotao finally made it out of the siege and whispered thanks to Mo Yanshao.

But Mo Yanshao looked at her with a soft light in his eyes.

Gao Tian on the side had a panoramic view of the two standing together, and his eyes became complicated.

He also had doubts about Mu Taotao's strength, but since the two of them were going to play against each other, they had to cultivate some kind of relationship, so even if he had doubts, he still didn't dare to believe it until he saw it with his own eyes.

But seeing Mo Yanshao today, that person who is a dragon and a phoenix, rumors from the past spread in his head.

It seems that all these rumors are true.

Mo Yanshao just relieved Mu Taotao, and lightly brushed the shoulder that the manager surnamed Huang had helped just now, as if he wanted to drive off other people's traces from Mu Taotao's shoulder.

And such details also made others gasp.

Those men who had made a fuss about Mu Taotao all buried their heads, not daring to keep looking at Mu Taotao, fearing that Mo Yanshao would stare at him, and that would be the end.

Mu Taotao couldn't tell what it was like, she understood what Mo Yanshao's purpose was for doing this.

He wanted to help her drive away the flies who wanted to bully her, but he brought her another disaster, that is, what would the media write about it?

You know, this drama needs a lot of media attention, in all aspects, to make it more popular.

Necessary marketing means are needed, but is it really okay to have a scandal between the heroine and the investor?

"Yu'er, what are you afraid of? Don't forget who you are?"

Mo Yanshao not only dusted off her shoulders, but also whispered in her ear.

Naturally, such an intimate interaction between two people was easily captured by the cameras of the reporters.

(End of this chapter)

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