Chapter 331 Appearing Like a God

The so-called "greetings" are just like an enemy, pointing a sword at the other's nose while asking why the other party killed his whole family.

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, talking about the relationship between Xing Aoxue and the heroine Nangong Che in the play.

In fact, Nangong Che didn't know that his father killed Xing Aoxue's family.

"Nangong Che, take your life today!"

Xing Aoxue yelled, pouring super fighting spirit into the Snowflake Sword she was using, and slashed at Nangong Che.

And Nangong Che also dealt with it in a hurry. In his eyes, this fairy-like woman in front of him was actually a lunatic, and she would chop him with a sword when she saw him.

Two people are fighting to the death there.

Martial arts movements are set by the martial arts instructor from the very beginning, how to come and go, every move, one move, one must be good-looking, and the audience must be convinced.

The two actors also performed very seriously, their eyes were murderous, and their sword dancing movements were neat and imposing.

Although Mu Taotao was making a martial arts movie for the first time, because he used to be an agile person behind his back, and he was young, so there was no pressure to do these moves.

Gao Tian is a veteran idol and a powerful actor, so he is very handy in acting.

When the filming of the scene was over, both of them were sweating a little, and the director said he was stuck behind the monitor.

"Very good, you two can take a break for a while."

The director ordered.

Mu Taotao immediately returned to his seat to drink water.

It's just that she didn't expect that just as she was about to pick up the glass of clear water to drink, another woman snatched the glass from her hand, and then the glass of water splashed directly on Mu Taotao's face.

The water dripped down from her costume-shaped headgear, and the paparazzi who followed her took pictures of the whole scene.

Mu Taotao glared at the young girl who splashed water all over her face. The unfamiliar face made people feel very inexplicable.

"Try to seduce my idol, and I will make you look good."

The woman's attitude was very arrogant, she wore a baseball cap on her head, and she had an expression of arrogance on her face, as if Mu Taotao had robbed her or something.

The scene of Mu Taotao being splashed with water was seen by many people.

Gao Tian, ​​who is the leading actor, also rushed over and yelled at the woman, "How did you get in? Who told you to come?"

Mu Taotao was quickly wiped off by the makeup artist with a paper towel.

The staff present, including the waiting actors, had wonderful expressions on their faces.

Tang Youer has the next scene, so she is also waiting.

Seeing that Mu Taotao was being splashed with water now, I also wanted to come over to take a look at the situation and comfort her.

Wu Cong, who was at the side, held her back, with a very gloating expression on his face: "What are you going to do?"

"Miss Wan Yu'er is in trouble, I want to go and have a look."

"This kind of woman deserves what she deserves. Sooner or later, she will be raped. I heard that the young master Mo who she seduced has always had a woman he likes. Just wait and see. One day, there will be women who will chase after you with a knife. The one who killed her, this kind of woman who hooks up everywhere, will definitely not end well."

What Wu Cong said has nose and eyes.

Tang You'er didn't like it in her heart, so why didn't she live by this second generation ancestor?
What right does she have to look down on others?
"Young Master Cong, stop talking, I'd better go and have a look."


Wu Cong wanted to hold Tang You'er, but failed.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the venue, and someone walked in.

To be precise, not one person, but a group of people.

A group of bodyguards in black appeared there, surrounded by a radiant man.

The man was tall and straight, and he was dressed in a formal suit, making him noble and extraordinary, like a fairy descending to earth.

And his sharp-edged cheeks are even more charming than male models.

Mo Yanshao's sudden appearance really surprised everyone.

The men and women of the Appearance Association will be fascinated by his demeanor, while the director and those who worry about this drama are concerned about why this rich man is here.

Mo Yanshao's gaze scanned the audience, and finally stopped on Mu Taotao who was dressed in an ancient costume.

The water stains on her face have been wiped clean, but the hair will not dry for a while, so there are obvious water marks.

After Mo Yanshao saw those water marks, the indifferent expression on his face showed a hint of anger.

He glanced at the black-clothed bodyguard beside him, his gaze was cold.

The bodyguard in black understood, and immediately walked to the woman who was still confronting Gao Tian, ​​and pulled off the peaked cap she was wearing on her head.

The woman's long hair drooped, revealing her true face.

She is obviously a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, still childish, but the way she looks at Gao Tian is completely obsessed.

To put it bluntly, the reason why this little girl came here was to see her idol.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, he saw Xing Aoxue played by Mu Taotao having a martial arts scene with Gao Tian, ​​and in the end he pointed a sword at his idol to make him take his life.

This little fan was a little unconvinced.

Dare to point a sword at her idol, it is simply not giving her face.

So she poured the glass of water beside Mu Taotao on her face.

At this moment, Mu Taotao had mixed feelings in his heart.

She felt that she was very innocent, but she received such a strong reaction from the fans just because she was acting against Gao Tian. If she made some sweet scenes in the future, wouldn't she have to finish it?
And the bodyguard in black came over and took off the little girl's hat, which also exposed her true face.

Someone recognized the little girl and called her by name.

Obviously, many people are too familiar with the little girl, because she is Gao Tian's die-hard fan, as long as there is Gao Tian, ​​there will be this little girl in many cases.

It's a little fan named Hua Rong who has been following Gao Tian since he doesn't know when.

This Huarong, I heard that the family conditions are not bad, his father is in business, the CEO of a large advertising company, and this daughter became a complete fan of Gao Tian as soon as she graduated from high school, chasing after Gao Tian all day long, treating him as a The goal you want to pursue in your life.

Mo Yanshao's bodyguards took the little girl out, no matter how much she yelled, she couldn't get rid of her.

Everyone turned their attention to this young investor who was outstanding in every aspect.

But Mo Yanshao just turned his attention to the director.

Director Wu Yue also understood, and immediately walked over from the side: "Young Master Mo, do you have any orders?"

"Director Wu, you are the commander-in-chief of the filming scene. If this kind of thing does not happen in the future, what do you think should be done?"

(End of this chapter)

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