Chapter 333

"No, I came to see you for something, is it convenient to talk to me?"

"I'm very busy. If there's nothing particularly important, you'd better go back first."

Just now, he had a warm and teasing look, because Mu Taotao came to him because he had something to say, which made him quite unhappy.

This woman doesn't take him seriously at all, so why is he talking to her?
After Mo Yan said less, he wanted to pass by Mu Taotao.

Just when he was about to leave, Mu Taotao couldn't help but said: "Can you stop making people doubt my strength and stop doing unnecessary things?"

These words successfully stopped Mo Yanshao's steps, and the blood in his heart kept churning.

What does this woman mean?
Is it to let him leave her affairs alone?
Who does she think she is?

Mo Yanshao almost clenched his teeth, his back facing Mu Taotao was even more upright.

"Are you finished?"


"Then can I go? Miss Wan Yu'er, I will do as you wish."

Mo Yanshao's voice was as cold as ice.

Mu Taotao just turned her head to look at his handsome back quietly with her beautiful eyes, unable to say a word.

The bodyguards in black followed Mo Yanshao into the elevator.

In the elevator room, the elevator door slowly closed, blocking the sight of the two people.

There was sadness in Mu Taotao's beautiful eyes that couldn't be concealed.

And Mo Yanshao looked into her eyes, feeling heartache spread all over his body.

When the elevator went up, Mo Yanshao ordered his special assistant Wen Sen to say, "Go and find out, who told her what?"


"In the future, we can ignore her affairs for the time being."


Vincent silently took down Mo Yanshao's words.

In his opinion, it's not that the president doesn't want to take care of Wan Yu'er's affairs, but because what she said just now made the president very angry, so he wants to air her out.

The day is going on in the process of intense filming.

Mu Taotao devoted himself almost entirely to the filming of this costume drama, while Mo Yanshao seldom came to visit the set, and he was hardly even seen on the set.

As a result, some people began to spread rumors again, thinking that Wan Yu'er, the number one female, might have been rejected by the benefactor.

Gao Tian also heard the news. He didn't have the heart to gossip, but he still expressed sympathy for her experience, thinking that those rumors were true.

In the gaps between filming, Mu Taotao often pondered over character creation and plot by himself, immersing himself in the character's world.

When Gao Tian handed the coffee to her, Mu Taotao realized that he was not the real Xing Aoxue, but just a modern woman Mu Taotao.

"Thank you."

Mu Taotao took the coffee that Gao Tian handed over, and took a sip. The aroma of the coffee instantly drove away the fatigue in his heart.

"How, recently?"

"It's okay, I'm very tired from filming, and I can't keep up with the work."

Mu Taotao's smile is very beautiful, she is not like a silly big sister in the past, but now she has the bearing and demeanor that a lady should have from head to toe.

"I'm not talking about filming, I'm talking about you and Young Master Mo, are you okay?"


As soon as Mo Yanshao was mentioned, Mu Taotao's smile disappeared instantly, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"It's like that between us."

Mu Taotao lowered the coffee cup in her hand, showing her fatigue.

"After what happened last time, did you really talk to him?"


"So he intends to exile you, is that what he means?"

Gao Tian continued to be concerned.

"I don't know, probably."

That's fine, she doesn't want him to do too much for herself.

"I'm sorry, probably because of what I said, there was a misunderstanding between you."

Gao Tian couldn't help apologizing.

He knows that for an actress, acting alone is not enough, there must be a strong support behind her.

And Mu Taotao's support is Mo Yanshao.

Without Mo Yanshao, her acting career will be very difficult.

"It has nothing to do with you, why are you apologizing?"

Mu Taotao chuckled at Gao Tian's apology.

What a kind girl.

Gao Tian looked at Mu Taotao's smile and couldn't help but lose his mind.

In the play, two people act as couples, and there are many rival scenes, but there are not many sweet words, mostly expressed by eyes and body, such as hugging, or looking at each other in the eyes. The kind of affection is all done by two people.

Therefore, the director also encourages the two to develop more relationships, and they must really like each other, otherwise how can this play be realistic?
So when Gao Tian knew that there might be a rift between Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao, he thought of inviting her to dinner to comfort her.

"Yu'er, how about having a supper after work in the evening?"


When it comes to eating, Mu Taotao seems to be refreshed.

Eating nothing is more important, not to mention she is a standard foodie.

At this time, Tang You'er also came over and joined their conversation: "Gao Tian, ​​Yu'er, what are you talking about, seeing that you are so happy, how about I join?"

Although Wu Cong has always been hostile to Mu Taotao, Tang Youer never regards Mu Taotao as an enemy at all.

Regarding Tang Youer's appearance, Gao Tian felt that women's conversations must be different from his, so he proposed to take a rest in the car and let Mu Taotao and Tang Youer continue talking.

Tang You'er was a little dissatisfied and said: "Do you think I'm in the way? As soon as I come, you have to leave."

"No, you girls are chatting, and I, a big man, can't get in the way, so I'll let you chat."

After Gao Tian finished speaking, he winked at Mu Taotao, and then went back to the nanny's car.

Mu Taotao said to Tang Youer who was on the side: "Don't worry too much, we didn't actually talk about anything."

"Really? Why do I feel that Gao Tian gives me a strange feeling."

"Strange? What's wrong?"

"He seems to enjoy talking to you."

"This is also normal. We are the male and female protagonists. There are many scenes that need to be correct. Of course we have to talk together."

"Oh, you're a fan of the authorities, but I'm a bystander. I think he's not just trying to play against you, he seems to have some interest in you."

Tang You'er said anxiously.

Mu Taotao felt that it was even more ridiculous, saying that Gao Tian liked her, how could this be possible?
The two of them were just filming together.

However, the conversation between Tang Youer and Mu Taotao soon became the news reported by gossip reporters.

And Mu Taotao went to eat supper with Gao Tian that night, and there was a scene where Mu Taotao had something on her head, and Gao Tian approached her and took the thing off her head.

From the shooting angle, it seems that Gao Tian and Mu Taotao are very close, and there is some kind of intimate behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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