Chapter 342 Help her out
Mu Taotao was talking to herself, she just wanted to leave quickly, she didn't want to make too many mistakes.

After saying these words, he wanted to snatch the sunglasses that Leng Yihan was holding in his hand, but he never thought that the other party would raise his arms up, that height would be unmatched by anyone.

Mu Taotao wanted to jump up and reach the sunglasses, but obviously he couldn't.

Really pissed her off!

It's been a long time since I did such a stupid thing, but I was forced to have such a demonic nature by this person who played with her as soon as he came back.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to say directly: "Since you like it so much, I'll give it to you as a meeting gift for fans."

After finishing speaking, she wrapped the big scarf a little tighter, and Mu Taotao turned and left.

Leng Yihan didn't catch up, because he didn't want to startle the snake.

Even if he knew that the other party was Wan Yu'er, and that she was Mo Yanshao's fiancée, but that wasn't the point. The point was, where is Mu Taotao?
After Leng Yihan stayed in the hotel, he sent someone to inquire about Mu Taotao's whereabouts.

Looking for a person in a city is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, even if people from the Yanlong Gang search together, it may not be possible to find that person.

After three days of no results, Leng Yihan felt a little discouraged, sitting on the sofa in the hotel, resting his head on his hands, thinking hard, where would Mu Taotao go?

Before I knew it, my mind returned to the situation at Willis College.

When I met Mu Taotao for the first time at that time, it seemed to make people laugh and cry.

It was because of Ai Meili that they had an inextricable connection. Who would have thought that a man like Leng Yihan, who was always afraid of women to the point of falling in love, would fall in love with such a nonsensical woman?

Thinking of Willis College, Leng Yihan also wanted to take a walk there.

Just do what you think, this is also Leng Yihan's consistent style.

He called his personal assistant, asked him to give him the car keys, and went out with his coat and coat.

The car drove all the way to Willis College.

After Mu Taotao went out, there was actually nothing else to do. The film couldn't be filmed for the time being, so it was impossible for her to go to the set.

What to do now?

The idler sitting in the taxi inadvertently glimpsed the gate of the school not far ahead.

Thinking of how he and Ai Meili were studying there, Mu Taotao wanted to go back to school to take a look.

So she asked the driver to park the car in front of the gate of Willis College.

After paying the money and getting off the bus, Mu Taotao stood in front of the gate and looked into the school from a distance.

There was no change in Willis College a year ago, but the people she was familiar with were no longer there.

Even Xiao Feifei, Zhou Zhenni and the others seemed to have disappeared from this school, even if they wanted to find someone to catch up with, there was nothing they could do.

Mu Taotao sighed and wanted to walk into the school, never wanting to be stopped by the security:

"Hey, which country bumpkin are you from? Our school is not open to the outside world, and idlers are not allowed to enter."

"You security guard, why are you so rude? Do I look like a country bumpkin?"

Mu Taotao pointed to her clothes, except for the big scarf on her head, her dressing level is very high, okay?
"I don't care, anyway, you are not a student of this school, so you are not allowed to enter."

The security guard had no intention of compromising at all.

Mu Taotao really has nothing to do with him.

At this time, a golden Rolls-Royce drove up to the door, and the security guard didn't go up to ask, but went to activate the switch of the door to allow the car to enter.

Mu Taotao saw at a glance that the person sitting in the car was Leng Yihan, and he is not in this school now, why can he go in?
Mu Taotao grabbed the security guard's clothes and yelled at him: "I know, he is not a student of this school, why can he go in?"

"Didn't you see? He drives a Rolls-Royce. Anyone who can afford this kind of car must be related to the school. If you have the ability, you can also drive a luxury car, and I will let you in."
The security guard was not afraid of Mu Taotao's anger at all, and when he said such brazen words, Mu Taotao was so angry that he really wanted to jump.

After working for a long time, it is a dog's eyes to see people as inferior.

It turns out that rich people can enter, but people like her who haven't driven a luxury car for the time being can't enter.


That's abominable!

Mu Taotao wanted to go crazy, but she never thought that Leng Yihan would recognize her too.

What is this Wan Yuer doing?
How did she come to Willis College?
Out of curiosity, Leng Yihan gestured to the security guard.

The security guard ran over in a hurry: "Master, what's the matter?"

Although I don't know him, the man's name is Young Master.

"Let that girl in, I have the final say on anything."

"This one……"

The security guard looked very embarrassed, but when he met Leng Yihan's eyes, he was overwhelmed by his too strong aura.

He had a hunch that if he didn't do this, he would be in trouble.

So the security guard immediately said: "Yes, yes, young master, I'll listen to you."

Back in front of Mu Taotao, the security guard immediately changed his expression: "You go in, the young master told you to go in."

The attitude of the security guards was bad, and Mu Taotao was like an object of dislike.

This was the first time she met this rude person after she became Wan Yu'er, because she was wearing ordinary clothes today, and she also wore a very strange big scarf.

Really pissed off!

These low-minded guys!

Mu Taotao took a deep breath in his heart and said to the security guard, "Hmph, he told me to go in, so I'll go in? I'm not interested in going in now, goodbye!"

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the opposite direction of the school.

This time, the security guard was no longer calm, and cursed even more: "You crazy woman, don't come here again, or the police will arrest you and send you to the shelter."

Mu Taotao is so angry, her fists are clenched tightly, dare to say that she is a crazy woman, this security guard is really tired of working!

Mu Taotao took a few steps, and then came back. She had to ask the security guard to apologize to her, otherwise he would be better than him!

"What did you say about me just now? Say it again if you have the ability!"

When Mu Taotao came back this time, her aura was completely different from before, and she carried an inviolable aura all over her body.

The security guard didn't expect that the woman would dare to go and come back again. She was stubborn and continued to yell at her.

Mu Taotao really couldn't tolerate the security guard's rudeness, so he stretched out his hand and slapped the security guard almost in a circle.

I really didn't expect that this woman looked so weak, but she was really ruthless enough to beat someone.

The security guard covered his beaten mouth and was stunned for a while before realizing that he had been beaten.

Think about it, as a man being beaten by a woman, and a crazy woman, how could he be willing?

So, the security guard raised his baton high, and was about to attack Mu Taotao.

(End of this chapter)

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