Chapter 348 Cancellation of Engagement
The begging light in those eyes made him feel compassion immediately.

No matter how this woman got here, he must save her first.

So Mo Yanshao ordered the bodyguards around him to stop those men who were chasing and killing women.

Knowing that it was a woman who stole their wallets, they asked the women to return the wallets to those people, and said some good things, telling them not to call the police, and then let them leave.

The woman threw herself into Mo Yanshao's arms with a terrified expression, hugging his strong waist tightly, unwilling to leave.

The two went to a nearby hotel so the woman could clean herself up there.

At the same time, because of the woman's bumping, Mo Yanshao felt that his body smelled strange, so he also took a bath by the way.

During this process, Mo Yanshao's cell phone rang, and it was Mu Taotao who called.

The woman said that she was the real Mu Taotao, the woman Mo Yanshao loved in his heart.

When the woman stood in front of Mo Yanshao after washing her face, it really made him think that the woman from a year ago had come back.

She has the same face as Mu Taotao, with some baby fat on her face, her eyes are bright and full of aura.

Most importantly, the way she looked at Mo Yanshao was almost exactly the same as that of Mu Taotao before, full of love and sweetness.

This made Mo Yan even more delusional that Mu Taotao had really returned to him and was with him.

"Mu Taotao" is very attached to him, and he really can't wait to stick to him 24 hours a day, which makes Mo Yanshao feel the feeling of being needed and loved like never before.

And this kind of feeling is something that Mu Taotao, who is Wan Yu'er, can't give him.

After settling down the "Mu Taotao" that appeared out of nowhere, Mo Yanshao went to work, and then received a call from Liu Yuewen, asking him to take Wan Yu'er back for dinner.

It was only then that Mo Yanshao remembered that there was another woman named Wan Yu'er.

And Wan Zhenzhu said in person that Wan Yu'er is Mu Taotao.

Then who is this "Mu Taotao" who popped up?

Of the two women, one has a drastically changed personality, but may be the real Mu Taotao.

The other was a woman who had exactly the same face as Mu Taotao from before.

Mo Yanshao is not an idiot, he will not judge that Mu Taotao who "coincidentally met" on the street is the real Mu Taotao just because of his appearance.

He would not think that Wan Yu'er was lying.

Now, he is sitting in the room of Mu Taotao who has changed his name to Wan Yuer, waiting for the other party's explanation.

Mu Taotao looked at the man's too handsome face.

Thinking of this man has always been my love, no matter before or after.

But now, there appeared another woman who looked exactly like her before, and she claimed to be Mu Taotao.

What should she do?

There is no answer in my heart.

The decision can only be handed back to the man.

"I don't want to argue for myself, what do you think is what it is."

Mu Taotao got up and said to Mo Yanshao, "I'm a little tired, can you let me sleep quietly for a while?"

"Aren't you really going to say something for yourself?"

Mo Yanshao looked at the woman with fixed eyebrows, but he didn't intend to get up and leave.

"What is the explanation for such a thing?"

"Don't you think someone else is impersonating you?"

"What if I'm the impostor?"

Mu Taotao sneered.

Who she is seems to be unimportant, what is important is who Mo Yanshao actually likes.

Just when the two of them fell into a state of silence for a while, and they didn't speak to each other, there was a knock on the door.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to go to the door of the room to open it.

What is unexpected is that the woman standing at the door looks exactly the same as before.

With a face full of anger, the woman pushed Mu Taotao away, then rushed into the room, and saw Mo Yanshao sitting on the sofa.

Without further ado, the woman turned around and gave Mu Taotao a slap in the face, and scolded sloppily: "You bitch, you dare to seduce my husband, you are shameless!"

Mu Taotao was just unprepared, and was slapped by this slap.

But she didn't show weakness, she raised her hand and gave the impostor a slap, and said in return: "You think you can impersonate her because you have a face exactly like Mu Taotao's? Besides, Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao He's not married either, so what kind of husband is he?

If you dare to hit me, you have to weigh whether you are qualified enough. "

The two women started fighting. As the only spectator present, Mo Yanshao should do something.

Would the former Mu Taotao fight with other women for himself?
Mo Yanshao thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he had no similar experience.

I remember that when I lived under the same roof as Zhou Zhenni, Mu Taotao got along very well with others.

So if someone had a dispute with her because of herself, would she resist?

Mo Yanshao felt that there was no way to verify this experience.

But at this moment, he could only persuade the two women to leave, and he could not let the two conflict again.

So Mo Yanshao walked over, pulled "Mu Taotao" away, and persuaded him kindly: "Taotao, stop making trouble."

"Mu Taotao" fell into his arms again, with a very aggrieved look: "Yan Shao, I know that I have made you feel hopeless during my absence, that's why you chose to be engaged to this woman Yeah?
But I'm back now, shouldn't you call off your engagement to this woman?

I don't ask you to give me a title, but I don't allow other women to marry you. "

What is this nonsense?

Mu Taotao stood where she was, looking at the woman who was almost exactly the same as her before, dominating Mo Yanshao, and when she said these nasty and disgusting words, goose bumps all over her body came up.

And Mo Yanshao didn't respond enthusiastically to the woman, but just looked at Mu Taotao and said:

"Wan Yu'er is my fiancée, that's right, but it's not just a matter of quitting the engagement. Marriage is not a child's play."

Mo Yanshao's words intensified "Mu Taotao", rubbing back and forth in his arms, acting coquettishly, but looking at Mu Taotao, the provocation was so obvious.

Mu Taotao was really fed up with the two people showing affection in front of him, so she couldn't help pointing in the direction of the door and said, "This is the room I booked, please leave, otherwise I can only ask the hotel security to ask the two to leave .”

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she really walked to the internal telephone in the room, ready to make a call.

Mo Yanshao looked at Mu Taotao's behavior coldly, and didn't mean to push away the woman in his arms, he just said: "Okay, you can think about the matter of retiring the engagement."

"Mr. Mo, I don't need to think about anything. You were the one who asked me to get engaged to you, and I didn't do it voluntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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