Chapter 354 Who Is More Depressed
At this moment, Mu Taotao looked fiercely at Leng Yihan, "Haven't you been testing me? Now that I admit it, why don't you speak for me?"

"Are you asking for help?"

Leng Yihan takes time off.

He knew that his intuition was right.

But another question lingered in his mind.

It is impossible for Mo Yanshao not to feel things that Leng Yihan can feel, but he and Mu Taotao are the closest people.

Could it be that he didn't recognize Mu Taotao who had changed his face because of that very similar face?

This seems illogical.

Ai Meili recovered her voice little by little, pointed at Wan Yuer and said, "What you said is true? You are Mu Taotao? But why are you like this now?"

"It's a bit long to say, but it's beautiful. You have to believe me. I'm really Mu Taotao. We both grew up together in the orphanage. Later, you and Mr. Ai went to Ai's house, and you became Ai. Beautiful, and I became Mo Yanshao's happy bride and lived in Mo's Manor.

Then many things happened. I left Mo's house and found the home where my biological mother was.

That is the Wan family, they asked me to go back to inherit my mother's inheritance, so now I have become Wan Yu'er.

That's it. "

Mu Taotao roughly explained what happened, and Ai Meili was also very excited, she couldn't help holding her hand, and said with a trembling voice: "Taotao, I finally found you, I really miss me. "

When Ai Meili thought that the two had been separated for almost a year, and that they had been thinking about each other all the time during this year, she couldn't help but want to cry.

Ai Meili is a real woman, sensual and innocent, and Mu Taotao expected her to cry.

It's just that she didn't expect the woman's tears to come so many and urgently that she had to keep wiping her tears away.

Mr. Ai also came over, and the four of them happily had dinner together.

Near the end, Leng Yihan wiped his lips, and said to Mu Taotao: "If the relationship with Mo Yanshao is terminated, come to my side. You have always understood my heart."

"No need, Leng Yihan, you know, what I always hope is that you and Meili are together."

Mu Taotao is also serious.

Ai Meili, who was the person involved, blushed.

Mr. Ai on the side respected Leng Yihan very much. Thinking about the company's poor cash flow back then, it was all thanks to Leng Yihan's help.

Now the three young men obviously couldn't talk to this old man, so he planned to leave first.

"You guys talk slowly, and I'll take a step first."

Mr. Ai got up.

Leng Yihan on the side didn't stop him, he just said: "Boss Ai, go slowly."

Ai Meili was a little bit reluctant: "Dad, I finally came back to have a meal with you."

"It's okay, you, Taotao and Young Master Leng haven't seen each other for a long time, you eat slowly and talk slowly."

After Mr. Ai finished speaking, he waved his hand again and left the restaurant quickly.

"Taotao, I've seen it all. I heard that there is another Mu Taotao next to Mo Yanshao. At that time, I thought it was you.

Originally, I thought about having a chance to say hello to her, but now it seems that there is no need. "

Ai Meili was surprised by the change in Mu Taotao's face.

To be honest, Mu Taotao, who has been renamed Wan Yuer, really looks more like a lady than the former Mu Taotao, less naughty and smart, and more dignified and stable.

But Ai Meili can still feel Mu Taotao's deep affection for her since she was a child, there is no doubt about this.

"Tao Tao, you have become like this now, it is really hard for people to recognize you at a glance."

Ai Meili grabbed Mu Taotao's hand.

The two little girls told each other their reluctance after a long separation, and Leng Yihan who was on the side was completely left alone.

But he didn't mind at all.

He hoped that Mo Yanshao really didn't care about Mu Taotao anymore, but cared about the woman who was by his side now.

At this time, Mo Yanshao and the fake Mu Taotao were in the cafeteria, but they were a little absent-minded.

He was thinking, what would Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan say when they met alone?

If Mu Taotao leaves him and falls into Leng Yihan's arms, will he be willing?
Why is he doing such a boring show of affection with this fake Mu Taotao here?

For Mo Yanshao, there is only one Mu Taotao, and no one else can replace him, even if she looks exactly the same as her former self.

Just when everyone was celebrating the great success of this TV series, a person came in like a gust of wind outside the door.

Wearing a decent western attire, Liu Yuewen could be the focus of attention wherever he went, but the appearance of such a hot mom caught Mo Yanshao by surprise.

I don't know why Liu Yuewen came here at this time?

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuewen came to Mo Yanshao's side. Without saying a word, he raised his wrist and slapped the fake Mu Taotao, and said fiercely: "Mu Taotao, you bitch, I told you before, Don't seduce my son again, but you always don't listen.

He is now engaged to Yu'er, and you still come to seduce him, do you have any sense of shame? "

Liu Yuewen's scolding made the fake Mu Taotao cry bitterly.

Mo Yanshao stood between the two of them, facing Liu Yuewen and said solemnly: "Mom, don't hit people at will, okay? Look at what you look like now?"

"What do I look like? Mo Yanshao, I'm your mother!"

Liu Yuewen also yelled at Mo Yanshao, and then waved to the black-clothed bodyguard behind him without looking back. On the spot, someone with a video camera was unlucky, and was asked to show the video he just secretly captured, and even threatened that anyone who The picture of her beating someone is released, just wait for bad luck.

Who is Liu Yuewen?

She is the head mistress of the Mo family, and few people in the Mo family can afford to provoke her.

Therefore, those reporters who wanted to gossip all restrained themselves and did not dare to broadcast the scene of the fake Mu Taotao being beaten just now.

Liu Yue, who had beaten someone, was still a little angry, but he just looked at the woman bitterly and said: "If you dare to have any thoughts about my son and cause him to break off the engagement with Yu'er, I will never forgive you."

After Liu Yuewen finished speaking, he walked away.

The fake Mu Taotao was crying so hard that she didn't dare to confront Liu Yuewen, but she was very wronged and just looked at Mo Yanshao with tears in her eyes.

Accidentally becoming the focus person, Mo Yanshao felt depressed, and didn't know how his mother got the news that he was with "Mu Taotao".

But judging from her attitude, she still doesn't like Mu Taotao, what should I do?

Taking the beaten woman away in embarrassment, Mo Yanshao sat in the back row with her, took out his mobile phone and called Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao drank a little too much tonight, because being able to admit her true identity in front of her friends made her feel extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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