Chapter 356 Unavailable
But because he was too drunk, Leng Yihan sent them back to their rooms and didn't let them be together.

Mu Taotao was lying on the bed, dizzy due to drunkenness, so she didn't sleep well.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Mu Taotao heard the knock on the door very quickly, and her own people were in a daze.

But because he was staying in a hotel room, even if he wanted to find someone to open the door for him, it was impossible.

So she had no choice but to get up from the bed with difficulty, then leaned on the wall a little bit, came to the door of the room, and opened the door without noticing who was on the monitor.

A courier boy stood at the door of the room, and said to Mu Taotao, "Miss Wan Yuer, there is your package, please sign for it."

Mu Taotao blushed with a drunken face, her eyes could hardly be opened, her hands shaking while holding the pen, she couldn't write down her name completely.

She took a lot of effort to write the name, and then closed the door with the express box.

Who would send the courier to her so late?

Mu Taotao felt a little strange, but couldn't help opening the express box out of curiosity.

There are several layers of packaging, and Mu Taotao opened layer after layer, becoming more and more curious, until the last layer was removed, only to see a satin box, with an antique smell, and I don't know what is inside.

After opening the box, Mu Taotao discovered that it was made of a copper embryo, similar to an ancient snuff bottle.

Picking up the snuff bottle, opening the pointed lid, a strange fragrance wafted out.

Mu Taotao just took a sip, and felt that his brain seemed to have been washed, empty and blank.

What's going on here? "

Mu Taotao felt that his head was getting heavier, and when he shook it, it was so heavy that he was about to fall.

No, she is so sleepy and wants to sleep.

Unable to hold on anymore, she simply slid down on the spot, fell down on the sofa rug in the living room, and fell asleep.

As soon as Mo Yanshao came to Mu Taotao's room, he rang the doorbell vigorously, but unfortunately no one came to answer the door.

Mo Yanshao panicked and was about to kick the door with his foot when the floor supervisor came over and asked him what he was going to do.

"I'm a friend of this guest. I suspect that something happened to her. Please find someone to open the door immediately."

As soon as Mo Yanshao said that the guest had something to do, the supervisor didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly found the service staff in charge of cleaning the room, and opened the door for Mo Yanshao.

As soon as you walk into the room, you can smell a strange fragrance, which makes you feel dizzy, as if you will forget the past after smelling it for a while.

Mo Yanshao yelled badly in his heart, and when he rushed into the room, he saw Mu Taotao lying on the carpet.

Her little face was a little pale, without blood, and her whole body was limp, and she didn't know whether she was asleep or poisoned.

Mo Yanshao will never forget what Mu Qianqian said to him.

The time was just right, the moment Mo Yanshao helped Mu Taotao up, the phone rang.

Mo Yanshao supported Mu Taotao with one hand, and answered the phone with the other.

The hotel staff whispered Mu Taotao's name, hoping that she would wake up.

"How is it? Is Mu Taotao okay now?"

A woman's hateful voice came from inside.

Mo Yanshao almost yelled, "What did you do to her?"

"I said it earlier, but it's really nothing, but she might not remember you, so I wish you good luck."

Mu Qianqian knew that something must have happened to Mu Taotao, otherwise Mo Yanshao wouldn't be in such a hurry.

Everything is under her control, just waiting for Mo Yanshao to obediently hand over the white jade plate.

When Mu Taotao woke up again, he was already in the hospital.

The image in the brain is like an old movie, with snowflakes and fragments always appearing.

Her memory is being eaten away by drugs.

But she still saw the man the first time she woke up.

A man with handsome, straight eyebrows as if carved out.

His face looked exhausted, and then he stared at himself without blinking, like a friendship as deep as the sea.

"Yan Shao, what's the matter with you?"

"Peach, do you remember me?"

Mo Yanshao's face was almost surprised.

He thought that as Mu Qianqian said, Mu Taotao would not remember her at all.

But in the next second, Mu Taotao found that it was as if fireworks were going off in her head, and there was a rumbling sound, white, yellow, black, and purple, gradually swallowing her memory.

She hugged her head and wailed in pain, but after a while, the pain caused her to roll around on the bed, unable to control herself.

Mo Yanshao was terrified by her appearance.

She looked very bad, her face was slightly distorted by pain, but it didn't affect her beauty.

But such Mu Taotao really made Mo Yanshao feel distressed.

"Tao Tao, don't worry, I'll call a doctor for you."

After Mo Yanshao spoke, he yelled for the doctor to come over.

He has always relied on himself to be calm and self-reliant, but now, he can't calm down at all.

Mu Taotao's pain touched every nerve of his, as if her pain was his pain.

He couldn't see her suffering like this.

When Mu Taotao really calmed down, she found that her head was empty and her eyes were full of confusion.

She looked at the man who had been by her side in front of the bed.

His face was strange and frightening.

Who is he?
"Who are you? Why are you here? Where am I?"

Mu Taotao's eyes were completely unfamiliar, his eyes swept around, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"I... who am I? Why can't I remember anything?"

Mu Taotao felt like his profile picture was going to explode.

The bursts of headaches were like needles and hammers, she was about to go crazy, she couldn't take it anymore.

"We can't cure Ms. Wan's condition at the moment, and from the CT images, her brain doesn't show any signs of damage.

But obviously something messed up her brain's memory, making her unable to remember who she was. "

The doctor's words reminded Mo Yanshao of Mu Qianqian.

This hateful woman, she still did something she shouldn't do to Mu Taotao.

Mo Yanshao clenched his hands into fists, his eyes were full of anger, and the veins on his forehead faintly floated.

However, he knew that even if he asked Mu Qianqian to get the antidote and forced her to find a way to cure Mu Taotao, she might not do it with all her heart.

The only way is to get that white jade plate in exchange.

This is the best way to get Mu Qianqian to hand over the antidote.

"Zhu Ying, I asked you to look up Mu Qianqian's information, but did you find it?"

When Mo Yanshao received Zhu Ying's call, he asked immediately.

"Boss, I'm sorry, there is no way to find her information."

Zhu Ying's voice sounded very ashamed, obviously because the information could not be found.

(End of this chapter)

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