Chapter 361

The male voice on the other end of the phone was begging, and Mu Qianqian was even more irritated when he heard it: "Xu Feiyang, don't think that you and my dad can stop me by joining forces. Let me tell you, there is no way? I will definitely let The Wan family paid the price, and Wan Xiuer has no way to repay the disaster that Wan Xiuer brought to me, so let her daughter pay for it!"

After Mu Qianqian finished speaking, she hung up the phone heavily.

In a high-end office building in a big foreign city, Mu Xingtian listened to Xu Feiyang's report with a very sad expression.

"Why did Qianqian become like this?"

"I can't blame her, it's mainly because my aunt's insanity made her unable to accept it for a while."

Xu Feiyang defended Mu Qianqian.

"But that's not Xiu'er's fault, it's all my fault.

The child named Taotao is her own sister after all, why does she have to make trouble for her? "

"Uncle Mu, how about I also go to City A to persuade Qianqian to come back?"

"Feiyang, this matter can only be done by you, I believe that your love can make her turn back."

Mu Xingtian got up from behind the desk, came to Xu Feiyang's side, and patted him on the shoulder as a kind of affirmation to him.

The two men who could be father and son looked at each other and smiled.

Xu Feiyang was very grateful to Mu Xingtian for his trust in him: "Uncle Mu, don't worry, I will do my best to help Qianqian, let her let go of her hatred, and stop making trouble for Mu Taotao."

"Is that girl named Mu Taotao?"

When Mu Xingtian mentioned Mu Taotao, his eyes were full of love.

That was his other daughter, the woman he loved most in his life, Wan Xiu'er risked her life to give birth to such a daughter for him.

The two could not be together because of the disparity in their status.

Later, because Mu Xingtian couldn't stay in Fugui Island, he went to Europe and entered the world-renowned biomedical research center, Rockefeller University.

There, Mu Xingtian completed his three most important medical research achievements.

Relying on his own medical research results, Mu Xingtian established a company and made it grow gradually.

Now Mu's Medical is the world's top brain surgery expert, and the famous research results related to the brain are all from Mu's.

Mu Xingtian has been studying the structure of the human brain all his life, hoping that one day the human brain can be developed to the extreme and make this society more harmonious and perfect.

At the same time, Mu Xingtian also had some failed studies, which were all written in his scientific research notes.

One of them is to use a drug to control the nerves of the human brain and make it in a state of amnesia.

In such a state, the memory work of the brain stops, while other functions become abnormally active, such as sleepwalking.

This research does not do any good to the human body, but is very dangerous.

However, using this method to put people to death can be done without anyone noticing.

In fact, another advantage of using this research is that it can make people who are insane forget that they are insane, so as to achieve the effect of correction.

However, when Mu Xingtian wanted to give his wife who suffered from schizophrenia this medicine, he was stopped by Mu Qianqian, who was only 15 years old at the time.

She believed that her father was trying to kill her mother.

Mu Qianqian also knew that his father, Mu Qianxing, used to live in Fugui Island, where his favorite woman, Wan Xiuer, lived.

She also knew that he had a daughter named Mu Taotao.

And the daughter looked almost exactly like her.

They both have the same mother and half father, but they have the same face.

Another difference is that the woman her father loves is not Mu Qianqian's mother, but Mu Taotao's.

I heard that the woman named Wan Xiuer had died, but the one named Mu Taotao was still there.

So Mu Qianqian made up his mind to let this daughter get the price she deserved.

She will snatch what she loves most, whether it is a person or an object, from her hands.

Now, she is carrying out her plan.

Originally thought that Mu Taotao had changed his appearance, so it was impossible to become the old Mu Taotao again.

And she, Mu Qianqian, can justifiably be with Mo Yanshao as Mu Taotao.

Even if it's just for revenge, she still has pleasure.

However, he didn't expect Mo Yanshao to see her through so quickly.

How to proceed now?
Mu Qianqian thought about countermeasures.

And Xu Feichang's phone call made her even more irritable.

This man is really haunted, it must be his father who asked him to call again.

From Mu Qianqian's point of view, Xu Feiyang is a dog next to Mu Xingtian, specially to watch over her.

She hates Mu Xingtian, Xu Feiyang, everything.

Liu Yuewen hurried back to the ward, staring at Mu Taotao on the bed, no, it was Wan Yuer she had always thought, and pressed her forward step by step.

"Mom, why are you back again?"

"I just met that woman 'Mu Taotao' outside."

For the time being, Liu Yuewen didn't directly ask if the woman on the bed was the real Mu Taotao.

She wanted to hear her son's explanation.

"Mom, what did she tell you?"

Mo Yanshao looked nervous, and turned to look at Mu Taotao on the bed.

Mu Taotao looked bewildered, because she had no idea what the mother and son were talking about, she couldn't understand at all.

Liu Yuewen is getting more and more confused. She looks like a lady, and she speaks and acts like a lady. How could she be the old Mu Taotao?
In Liu Yuewen's eyes, Mu Taotao is simply a wild girl, and it is impossible for her to become a real lady.

But Wan Yu'er in front of her is different, she is very humble and polite, she speaks nicely, definitely not comparable to Mu Taotao in the past.

Could this be another trick played by that wild girl?

Is she jealous of Mo Yanshao's empathy?

It can be seen that Mo Yanshao cares about Wan Yuer very much now.

After figuring out this truth, Liu Yuewen immediately changed his face, the clouds of sorrow disappeared, and he saw the sun: "Oh, don't talk too much, don't worry about what she said to me, anyway, I don't believe her a word.

You take good care of Yu'er, I'll go first. "

This time Liu Yuewen really left and never returned.

Although Mo Yanshao suspected that Mu Qianqian had indeed said something to the old lady.

But because the old lady didn't admit it, he had no choice but to give up.

"Yan Shao, what exactly are Auntie and you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Mu Taotao looked sad, she seemed to want to know what happened, but she didn't know.

"We didn't say anything. She just asked me to take good care of you. In two days, I will go through the discharge procedures for you and send you home."

"Going home? Where is my home?"

Mu Taotao wanted to know very much, so there was longing on his face.

"Well, you'll know when you arrive."

Mo Yanshao did not explain.

Coming to Nanjiaowan Garden again, Mu Taotao was deeply attracted by the charming scenery here.

(End of this chapter)

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