Chapter 365 Take the Antidote

And that poor child was Mu Taotao.

Before Mu Taotao was born, her mother Wan Xiu'er was tricked by Mu Youwei to come to the mainland, and she died after giving birth.

Mu Taotao took the surname of Mu Youwei and was mercilessly abandoned by him.

Speaking of which, Mu Taotao's life experience is quite pitiful.

However, Mu Qianqian was also unfortunate.

Because Mu Xingtian couldn't get along in Fugui Island, he had to abandon Wan Xiuer and go to Europe by himself.

There, Mu Xingtian devoted almost all his energy to his studies. He studied tenaciously and assiduously, and finally published his important papers and research results in many professional journals.

Because of his invention, it fills up many blanks that cannot be cured for brain tissue lesions.

He has also become the target of many drug research institutions.

However, Mu Xingtian did not forget his promise to make money to marry Wan Xiuer.

However, Wan Xiu'er didn't wait until that day, but died after giving birth to Mu Taotao.

While Mu Xingtian was sad, he made friends with Yu Xiuer, Mu Qianqian's mother.

Not only did the two women look alike, but they even had a similar name. Amidst the confusion and fascination, they had a relationship and had Mu Qianqian.

Mu Xingtian also had to marry Yu Xiuer Fengzi.

The life after marriage is not sweet, Mu Xingtian is focused on his career, he is busy expanding his career kingdom, and he has no intention of managing his marriage.

Not long after marriage, Yu Xiuer hooked up with her ex-lover because she couldn't stand her loneliness.

Later when the matter was revealed, she was so ashamed that she wanted to leave, but was stopped by Mu Xingtian.

His words were very clear: "I won't let you leave, but I won't have any relationship with you anymore, you are just Mrs. Mu in name."

Yu Xiu'er, however, was deprived of her husband's love and care due to long-term depression, and finally became insane.

Mu Qianqian witnessed how her mother lived alone for a long time, until she finally lost her mind and did unbelievable things.

She almost set fire to the high-end villa that Mu Xingtian bought for her.

When the fire reflected half of the sky, Mu Xingtian and his adopted son Xu Feiyang came back from the outside, witnessed everything, and rescued Mu Qianqian who was still sleeping in the house.

Although Mu Qianqian was saved, there was a scar on her armpit.

That was left after the fire.

It was for this reason that Mu Qianqian seldom wore sleeveless clothes.

Although Mu Qianqian regained his life, the hatred for his father and the woman hidden deep in his heart was like a torrent of water, endless.

This gave her the idea of ​​revenge.

Now, according to her wishes, Xu Feiyang found Mo Yanshao and sat with him to talk about Mu Taotao.

After listening to Xu Feiyang's introduction, Mo Yanshao seemed to have truly realized that Mu Taotao's biological father was the founder of the famous Mu's Medical Institution, which is really remarkable.

In other words, her surname should not be Mu Guiying's Mu, but Mu Guiying's.

These two characters have the same pronunciation but different characters, and the families they represent are quite different.

The Mu family is very famous in Europe, and the most important reason is Mu Xingtian.

His prestige in the medical field is far and wide, admired by the world.

With such a father, Mu Taotao can feel proud and proud, and no longer needs to be discriminated against by others.

Mo Yanshao also thought that Mu Taotao was able to review the knowledge of the college entrance examination in a short period of time, and was finally admitted to Willis College, probably because of Mu Xingtian's genes.

She is actually a genius.

It was a miracle that she took only one month to learn what others took three years to learn.

"You came to me just to talk to me about Taotao's life experience?"

Mo Yanshao was still not quite sure about Xu Feiyang's motives.

"Of course not, I have something important to tell you.

If Miss Mu Taotao wanted to restore her original appearance, there was actually one person who could do it. "


Mo Yanshao was indeed shocked by the news.

"Actually, the reason Miss Mu Taotao's appearance changed was not because of plastic surgery, but because she took a medicine that could change her appearance.

Once the medicine is removed, her appearance can be restored. "

"Is there such a medicine?"

Mo Yanshao was really surprised.

"I don't know if Master Mo has heard of ghost saints?"

"Ghost saint? Are you talking about the ghost saint who lives in the underground medical laboratory all year round and studies some weird medicines?"

"It seems that Mr. Mo is indeed well-informed. I'm talking about him."

Xu Feiyang continued, "The medicine that can change and restore the appearance is actually made by him. As long as you find him and get the antidote that can restore it, Miss Mu Taotao can return to her previous appearance."

Mo Yanshao thought for a while, is it really suitable to restore Mu Taotao's appearance now?
She is in a state of amnesia now, and her appearance has no effect on restoring her memory at all, so it really doesn't matter what she looks like.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao just said lightly: "I know, but I don't think there is anything wrong with her current appearance, so let her keep it."

After hearing his words, Xu Feiyang was slightly surprised.

This is not in line with Mu Qianqian's plan. If he can't convince Mo Yanshao, he won't be able to complete the task Mu Qianqian gave him.

Xu Feiyang immediately continued to talk: "Mr. Mo, how can you say that? That medicine is poisonous, how can you bear the heart that Miss Mu Taotao is always carrying that poison on her body?"

"Is that so?"

Mo Yanshao was dubious.

"Of course, I'm part of the Mu's medical team. Although we don't approve of ghost saints inventing such weird medicines, he still let these medicines flow into the people.

What Uncle Mu and I can do is to let people know its dangers and use it with caution. "

"If this medicine is not good for Taotao, then it should be removed sooner.

So, Mr. Xu has a way to get the antidote? "

"Of course, it's not difficult to get the antidote. What's difficult is that no one knows where the Ghost Sage's underground medical laboratory is, so even if you want to get the antidote, you can't get in. This is the key .

And Gui Sheng would have a group arena with Uncle Mu on medical research every year, so he would definitely contact Uncle Mu to know where he was. "

Mo Yanshao felt that Xu Feiyang's words were reasonable and had no doubts, so he sincerely asked Xu Feiyang to get the antidote for him.

"It's my duty, I'm Uncle Mu's son-in-law in the Mu family, and Mu Taotao is Uncle Mu's daughter, I treat her like my own sister.

My sister is in trouble, how can a brother not help? "

(End of this chapter)

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