Chapter 369 Be Kind to Her

He swore that no matter what she became in the future, he must treat her well.

Because Mu Taotao felt chest tightness, Mo Yanshao decided to take her to the hospital, and Ai Meili followed.

Mu Qianqian was completely ignored.

This makes women very unhappy.

Looking at the backs of the group of people leaving, Mu Qianqian swore that they would definitely make them pay the price.

"Qianqian, come back to China with me, don't make trouble here."

"Feiyang, I want to be Mu Taotao even more now. She has such a good friend and lover. I must get everything she has now."

"Qianqian, you still have me, why do you envy her?"

"But you're not Mo Yanshao, I've never liked you before!"

Mu Qianqian said this fact viciously, then glared at Xu Feiyang, and strode away.

Xu Feiyang looked at Mu Qianqian's leaving back, with sadness in his eyes.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang, and he had no choice but to pick it up to answer it: "Yes, Uncle Mu, everything is fine with us here."

"What? You want to come too? Or don't you want it for now? I'm afraid Qianqian will be unhappy. Don't worry, I will take her back safely and nothing will happen to her."

Xu Feiyang talked on the phone with Mu Xingtian for a while, then hung up the phone.

If Mu Xingtian came, Mu Qianqian would inevitably be severely scolded.

Don't look at Mu Qianqian's appearance of being fearless, in fact, what she fears most is Mu Xingtian.

A casual look from Mu Xingtian would make her tremble with fright.

No, he must remind her not to mess around, otherwise if Uncle Mu finds out, she really can't bear it and walks away.

Thinking of this, Xu Feiyang chased in the direction Mu Qianqian left.

"The old man wants to come in person? I want to see if he can tell the difference between his two identical daughters?"

"Qianqian, if he really comes, aren't you afraid of showing your feet in front of him?"

Xu Feiyang kindly reminded her.

Indeed, she was the most impatient in front of her father. I'm afraid she was trembling with fright before he could speak.

Xu Feiyang's words reminded Mu Qianqian, and she simply said: "Then you should find a way to stop him and make him not come."

"I have already promised him that he will rest assured that I will take you back."

"Well, don't worry, I will let you take 'me' back safely."|
Mu Qianqian said slyly.

Although Xu Feiyang had doubts about Mu Qianqian's words, he also took what she said to be true.

In the days that followed, Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao were preparing for their wedding.

The Wan family was also notified to attend the wedding.

Mu Taotao also used her previous name, and Wan Yu'er was her stage name, which only appeared in TV dramas.

For a super female star like Wan Yuer, the only work is "Aoxue".

After that, she married into a wealthy family in a beautiful manner.

This is really a big regret for the fans who like her.

However, the praise of her on the Internet is overwhelming. Even if there are people who hate her, they only say that she has taken a path that most female stars would take, that is, marrying into a wealthy family.

However, Wan Yu'er's life experience has also been made public on the Internet.

It turned out that she did not turn from a sparrow into a phoenix, but that she was originally a golden phoenix.

A wealthy young lady from a wealthy family willingly entered the film and television industry to help her fiancé open the door to enter the entertainment industry for love.

The film and television company invested by Mo's only signed an artist like Wan Yuer, and they can make a lot of money. It has to be said that Wan Yuer has a strong fortune.

However, there are also masters of metaphysics who made predictions.

If Wan Yu'er continues to film, she will definitely become popular.

But she chose to retreat bravely, which is not conducive to her development, and more importantly, she may go astray from now on.

Although the master of metaphysics said very mysterious, few people believed it, but Mo Yanshao still saw the news.

Instead of laughing it off, he arranged for a few more bodyguards to be beside Mu Taotao.

He didn't want his bride to have any accidents before they got married.

"Going astray? What a joke? How could something like this happen to our Taotao?"

Sitting in his office, Mo Yanshao's friend Sheng Bo scoffed at the news.

"Pay attention to your wording, what is our home? That is my home."

Mo Yanshao was very dissatisfied with Sheng Bo's words.

But Sheng Bo said in a ruffian way: "Oh, young master Mo, don't be so stingy, what belongs to your family belongs to my family, and what belongs to my family also belongs to your family."

"Stop, except for Mu Taotao, they all belong to your family, I don't care. But she must belong to my family."

Mo Yanshao said seriously.

"It's not cute at all. Fortunately, we used to call each other brothers when we were together. It was so good that we wore a pair of pants."

Sheng Bo played with the crystal ball next to him unconvinced.

Compared with Sheng Bo's noisy, Tao Song is much quieter.

He just sat there without saying anything, listening silently to what his two old friends had to say.

In the end, it was Mo Yanshao who reminded him: "Tao Song, your wedding company is the best. I will arrange my wedding for you. How about it? How much discount can I get?"

"Of course no problem, I will naturally give you the best discount."

At this time, Tao Song raised his head and smiled with white teeth.

"Don't laugh, your teeth can kill us all."

Mo Yanshao said with disgust.

Tao Song's teeth are naturally white, which is really eye-catching and embarrassing for others.

Compared with his teeth, even the whitest teeth have turned into big yellow teeth, how can it make people not discouraged?
This is probably why Tao Song doesn't like to laugh.

Because the teeth are too white, it is also disgusting.

Especially his two old friends.

The three teased for a while, and Mo Yanshao finished the work in hand, so they met at the bar for a drink.

"Young Master Mo, have you really made up your mind? Do you want to marry that woman named Mu Taotao?"

"Is there any doubt? We should have been husband and wife three years ago. If she hadn't left, she would have been my wife, Mo Yanshao."

Mo Yan took a sip of the wine in his glass and expressed his puzzlement at Sheng Bo's words.

Sheng Bo tilted his head: "I can't say what's weird, I just think it's weird."

"What's so strange? I think you think too much?"

Tao Song at the side also spoke for Mo Yanshao.

If two people agree, the third person's opinion will naturally be ignored.

Therefore, Sheng Bo also had to admit that he probably thought too much.

As a bride, Mu Taotao has many things to do.

The first is the maintenance of the skin, as well as the choice of dress, and the process of the wedding day must be rehearsed in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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