Chapter 371
This is the first time Ai Meili has heard that Mu Taotao has a younger sister.

Although their two looks can only be explained clearly if they are sisters.

"Of course, although I don't want to admit it, she is indeed my sister. We were born with the same father."

Mu Qianqian said casually as she played with a wedding dress hanging on the side.

"This is really great. Then do you want to come to Taotao's wedding? It's best to be a bridesmaid."

Because she is Mu Taotao's younger sister, Ai Meili smiles at her more.

No matter what, she is Taotao's younger sister, so she should be allowed to attend the wedding no matter what.

"Forget about the wedding. Don't you think that if I become a bridesmaid, people will not be able to distinguish the bride from the bridesmaid?"

Mu Qianqian said these words in a cold voice.

Ai Meili thought about it carefully, and it really made sense.

Mu Taotao and Mu Qianqian came out of the same mold, they appeared at the same time, and there was no way to tell each other apart.

At least no one else can tell the difference except themselves.

Even if she is a very good friend, if she sees that Mu Qianqian is silent, she will mistake her for Mu Taotao.

"You're right. It's just my sister's wedding. Even if you're not a bridesmaid, you should come to attend, right?"

"I will think about it."

While the two were talking, Mu Taotao had already walked out of the fitting room.

And the wedding dress named Huaxin is really suitable for her.

The eyes of all the people stared straight.

Xu Feiyang on the side was probably the only man in the VIP room.

When he saw Mu Taotao walking out in a wedding dress, he sincerely praised: "It's so beautiful!"

Mu Qianqian was unhappy when she heard this, and turned her head to stare at her: "I'll put it on later, isn't it the same?"

"I actually thought she was looking at you."

Xu Feiyang quickly explained.

"But I am me, she is her, you praise her, not me."

Mu Qianqian was unforgiving.

Well, Xu Feiyang will always be at a disadvantage in front of her.

"Qianqian, do you really want to try on that wedding dress?"

"Otherwise?" Mu Qianqian turned her head and saw Mu Taotao surrounded by stars like a moon.

Those waiters and Ai Meili all praised her like a flower, and Mu Qianqian's jealousy burst instantly.

"I don't know if my dear sister has finished the trial? Is it my turn?" Mu Qianqian walked up to Mu Taotao proudly with her arms folded.

Although Mu Taotao has no memory of Mu Qianqian at all.

But her sister still made her feel very cordial.

The two of them look so much alike, so they should be related by blood.

So Mu Taotao readily accepted her title, and said, "Your name is Qianqian, right? Can I call you that?"

"Don't get close to me. I just want to try on that wedding dress on you. If you finish trying it, you can change to me."

Mu Qianqian said unceremoniously, the arrogance in his eyes remained unchanged.

Others were very disgusted by her attitude.

But Mu Taotao didn't have such an idea, she just thought it was a good thing to have a sister who looked so similar to her.

"Okay, then I'll take it off for you."

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll go to the fitting room with you, and you just change the clothes for me."

Mu Qianqian ordered.

Although the others hated Mu Qianqian's attitude, because Mu Taotao didn't say anything as the person involved, it was even harder for others to criticize Mu Qianqian.

Two women who looked almost identical entered the fitting room.

The rest are waiting outside.

Only Xu Feiyang's face was always full of lingering gloom.

He didn't know if anyone would see through what Mu Qianqian did.

But he could only do what she said, otherwise the consequences would be beyond his imagination.

Mu Qianqian once said that in this world, there is only one Mu Qianqian who can live.

If you want Mu Taotao to be alive, you must hide and never show up.

Xu Feiyang knew that Mu Qianqian could do what he said, so she could only do what she said.

In the fitting room, Mu Taotao said to Mu Qianqian, "Qianqian, can you unzip the zipper for me?"


For Mu Qianqian, this is a very good opportunity.

Just when Mu Taotao turned around, Mu Qianqian had a needle as thin as a cow's hair, glowing with blue light, and pierced into Mu Taotao's neck fiercely.

Before Mu Taotao had time to snort, she had already collapsed limply.

Mu Qianqian looked at the fallen woman with a sneer on her face.

She wanted to see who would really recognize them.

Next, Mu Qianqian put on the skirt that Mu Taotao put aside, and then started to shout: "Qianqian, Qianqian, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Qianqian's loud cry reminded other people outside the fitting room.

Especially Xu Feiyang, he was the first to rush in, and saw the unconscious woman in a wedding dress.

"What's up with her?"

"I... I don't know either, just as she put on the wedding dress, she said that her head hurt and that she was going to explode, and then she passed out quietly.

Are you her friend?Then can you send her to the hospital for an examination? "

Xu Feiyang stared at Mu Qianqian saying these words, he couldn't tell who was the real Mu Qianqian, the one who fainted, or the woman who was talking to him.

But he didn't think about it carefully, so he went outside and called two waiters to help the woman change the wedding dress for him, and then put on the red skirt.

After changing his clothes, Xu Feiyang left with the unconscious woman.

There was a smug expression on Mu Qianqian's face.

She finally managed to replace Mu Taotao and stayed.

And when the real Mu Taotao was taken away, Ai Meili was also taken aback, thinking that something happened to the woman named Mu Qianqian.

She came over and asked with concern: "Taotao, are you okay? Why did your sister faint?"

"I don't know, it's scaring me to death."

Mu Qianqian patted her chest with a frightened and timid expression, which made Ai Meili shed tears of sympathy for her.

"Forget it, let's go back too, let's try on the wedding dress another day."

"Well, I also think that I don't really like wedding dresses from bridal shops. I still want to order them."

"Yes, a custom-made wedding dress may be more desirable."

The two walked out with their arms.

The bodyguards Mo Yanshao sent to accompany Mu Taotao were waiting outside, so they couldn't tell if Mu Taotao was real or not.

After the two got into the car, they drove them to a place to eat.

Mo Yanshao was waiting for them there, along with Tao Song and Sheng Bo.

Three men and two women, a table of exquisitely prepared high-end dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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