Chapter 380

The maid couldn't laugh or cry when she heard her question: "Miss, have you forgotten? She is your mother, Yu Xiuer?"

"Yu Xiuer?"

Mu Taotao repeated the name in her mouth, but she didn't remember it at all.

And Xu Feiyang finally managed to give Yu Xiu'er a sedative injection, which made her fall into a deep sleep. Then he pulled out his arm from her mouth, and then went to the medicine room to apply the medicine for disinfection.

Mu Taotao looked at his swollen hands and wounds, the blood never stopped, and the tooth marks were obvious, so she sympathized with him very much.

"Does it still hurt?"

Looking at the hands he was bandaging, it seemed inconvenient to give one hand to the other, so she volunteered to bandage him.

"well enough."

He smiled softly at her.

"Are you scared?"

Xu Feiyang looked at her wrinkled face and asked softly.

Now that she has amnesia, and seeing the madness of Yu Xiu'er who is thought to be her mother, she is really afraid that she will be too frightened to sleep.

Mu Taotao raised her black and white eyes, shook her head, and nodded again.

She was actually a little scared, but when she saw Xu Feiyang's brave appearance, she didn't feel scared anymore.

"Actually, you won't be afraid, she is my mother.

It must be that there are too few people with her, so she feels lonely, lonely and afraid. "

What Mu Taotao said really surprised Xu Feiyang.

It was absolutely impossible for Mu Qianqian in the past to say such a thing.

Her mother would be terrified of being alone and lonely.

No, Mu Qianqian always thought that her mother was to blame, because she met a hypocritical man like her father, who obviously didn't love her, but still wanted to give birth to a daughter with her.

From Mu Qianqian's point of view, her mother, Yu Xiu'er, is not worthy of sympathy at all, and her father deserves to be damned!
It was the father who drove the mother mad.

Since childhood, Xu Feiyang has heard Mu Qianqian use such hateful words to evaluate his parents.

Talking too much made him feel like he was about to be homogenized.

But today, he heard such sympathetic words from a girl who looked exactly like Mu Qianqian.

It's not that the parents forced each other to cause the situation like today, it's just because the mother is too lonely.

Perhaps what Mu Taotao said is correct.

Although Yu Xiu'er has a husband, it's because her husband loves another woman and she is just a substitute.

She may not be able to bear the fact that she will be hit hard.

Although they are both daughters of the same father, they think and behave in completely different ways.

It's no wonder that Young Master Mo Yan is infatuated with Mu Taotao.

Anyone would fall in love with a girl with such a good heart and understanding.

Xu Feiyang looked at Mu Taotao intently, thinking of the two girls' completely different personalities and fates, he couldn't help but sigh.

If we say that a person is compassionate and loving because of family happiness.

So as far as he knew, Mu Taotao's experience was no better than Mu Qianqian's.

At least Mu Qianqian had her parents by her side, while Mu Taotao's mother passed away when she was young, and her father was unknown, so she was thrown into an orphanage.

The real way to live a good life is to be with Mo Yanshao.

According to the data, the two of them didn't have much relationship at the beginning, and it was cultivated little by little later.

Therefore, Mu Taotao's life and destiny are also bumpy, and there is no so-called happy childhood at all.

But she didn't have those messy vicious thoughts and actions, is it a miracle?
In Xu Feiyang's view, perhaps a person's growth environment will have a certain impact on his personality, but the most important thing is to have a sense of right and wrong and a tolerant heart.

Only a broad-minded person can accommodate more people and things.

Mu Taotao is exactly that kind of broad-minded person.

"So have you thought about what to do next?"

Xu Feiyang asked casually.

"Since I am her daughter, I will find a way to spend more time with her in the future."

Mu Taotao looked back at Xu Feiyang, without any fear or fear on his face.

"Aren't you afraid that she doesn't know you at all, and treats you like she treats me?"

Xu Feiyang lifted the back of his bitten hand. Although the place was sterilized, the wound was clearly visible, with deep tooth marks and bloody flesh.

Mu Taotao just stared at it for a while, and said indifferently, "It's okay, even if she bites me, she is still my mother. She raised me up, so what does it matter if I let her bite me?"

Mu Taotao has a beautiful smile, and when she speaks, she is calm and breezy, which makes her image even more majestic.

Xu Feiyang looked at her in a daze, and believed that she could do what she said.

Because she definitely doesn't look like the kind of person who says one thing and does another.

"Well, it's just that I advise you not to go to that room casually. Her mental state is up and down. I'm really afraid that she will do more aggressive behavior.

Actually, I suggested to your father to send her to a mental hospital.

However, he said that that kind of environment was actually not suitable, and he didn't want to be caught by the media for sending his wife to a mental hospital.

It's not good for him or the company. "

"Dad has his own ideas, we just need to pay more attention to Mom's mental state in the future.

How did you calm her down just now? "

"I took a sedative, otherwise I don't know how long she will go on."

Xu Feiyang sighed softly.

Mu Taotao was silent.

It turned out that the woman calmed down so quickly, it turned out to be the effect of the tranquilizer.

Although Mu Taotao was a little surprised, she still understood that Xu Feiyang did this, not only because he was attacked by her, but also because if she continued to make trouble, it would not be good for her health, because of yelling and crying It is actually a waste of energy to make trouble again.

"That's it. I'll come and see her later when I'm having dinner."

Mu Taotao suddenly felt that what happened in this day made her really tired, so she wanted to go back to her room to rest for a while.

Hearing that she would come to see Yu Xiu'er during meals, Xu Feiyang couldn't help frowning: "Aren't you afraid that she will be bad for you?"

"As I said, she is my mother. I should be responsible for her, take care of her, care about her, and love her, so that it will be effective for her condition."

Mu Taotao said with a serious attitude that he had never had before.

"But she doesn't even know you."

Xu Feiyang told this fact.

"That's okay, as long as I know her.

Also, brother Feiyang, thank you for helping her just now. I can see that you are also a person who treats her sincerely, better than my daughter. "

The first time Xu Feiyang received Mu Taotao's praise for taking care of Yu Xiu'er, he was really flattered.

You know, he helped Yu Xiu'er to calm down like this before, but what did Mu Qianqian say.

He said that he was just doing things for his father. In fact, his mother would go crazy, and he was also responsible, so he should do these things.

(End of this chapter)

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