Chapter 382

She even turned her head with difficulty, staring at the place where Yu Xiuer was biting her, but her voice was still gentle: "Mom, take a good look at me, I am Qianqian, your daughter Qianqian, you With one hand, you can bring thousands of thousands."

Yu Xiuer ignored it.

For a schizophrenic person, she only lives in her own world, and it is difficult for outsiders to call her back from her spiritual world.

In Yu Xiuer's spiritual world, apart from loneliness and loneliness, there is fear and hurt.

In her opinion, all the people who approached her wanted to harm her and should be killed by her.

She can only use this way of biting, so she bites on it desperately, clinging to it, completely ignoring what the other party said to herself.

However, today, she finds it a little strange that the person she has bitten has been talking to her.

She watched Mu Taotao's mouth open and close, but couldn't hear what she was saying.

Occasionally when I clear my mind, I will hear the word daughter, and then Qianqian.

Daughter, Qianqian.

There will be an image of a little girl who is only five or six years old in my mind.

That was her daughter Qianqian.

Yu Xiuer's head seemed to have suddenly opened up, and she looked at a spot on the ground and called out "Qianqian."

This made Mu Taotao very happy, and at the same time, Yu Xiuer let go of the hand that was biting her.

Mu Taotao thought that Yu Xiuer recognized her.

But in the next second, she realized that Yu Xiu'er actually went to pick up the food spilled from the broken plate on the ground, and then stuffed it into her mouth.

She rushed over to snatch the food from Yu Xiu'er's hand, and said anxiously: "Mom, these fell on the ground, you can't eat them."

Xu Feiyang and the maids beside him felt sad for a while.

Isn't it normal for a mentally ill person to behave like this?

How would she know that food that falls on the ground cannot be eaten.

"I'm hungry!"

At this moment, Yu Xiu'er blinked her sunken eyes, and said to Mu Taotao pitifully.

"Mom, I'll get you food, wait for me, wait for me."

Mu Taotao was so happy that she was about to stand up from the ground to get food again.

But Xu Feiyang said: "I'll get it, you should look at her first."

After Xu Feiyang finished speaking, he really left the room.

Mu Taotao took out the handkerchief in her bag, then took Yu Xiuer's hand, and wiped off the stains she had made by grabbing the food on the floor little by little.

And on her own wrist, blood was bleeding from the place where she was bitten.

Mu Taotao rubbed very carefully and gently.

Mu Xingtian on the side didn't even blink his eyes.

He seemed to understand something, and the expression on his face became more serious.

How could the former Mu Qianqian behave like this?

Amnesia is really a good excuse.

Can amnesia really change a person so much?

If it was true, then he would rather find no way to save her from losing her memory.

Xu Feiyang really brought the food.

Mu Taotao held the dinner plate and fed Yu Xiu'er again.

But she couldn't wait, so she went to grab it on the plate.

Mu Taotao only let her grab it once, and didn't let her grab it a second time.

Yu Xiu'er was full of grievances and looked very unhappy, she said to her: "Qianqian, mom is hungry, give it to me quickly."

"Mom, do you recognize me?"

"I'm hungry."

Yu Xiu'er didn't answer the question.

At this moment, she only has food in her eyes.

It's really crazy!

Mu Taotao sighed, and had no choice but to ask the maid to bring water, let Yu Xiuer wash her hands, and then let her grab the food by herself.

Yu Xiuer happily ate food with her fingers.

At the end, she grabbed some beef and put it in Mu Taotao's mouth, and said, "It's delicious, Qianqian, you can eat it too."

Mu Taotao really didn't have the appetite to eat the food she grabbed with her hands, so she just put her hands into her mouth and said, "Mom, I've eaten it, you should eat more."

When Mu Taotao said that she had eaten, Yu Xiu'er was not annoyed, and continued to eat happily.

After eating almost, he suddenly raised his eyes and saw that Mu Taotao was still bleeding, and he didn't take care of the wound.

"Qianqian, what's the matter with you? How did you get it?"

Yu Xiu'er seemed to wake up suddenly, threw the food in her hand, grabbed Mu Taotao's injured wrist and watched carefully.

When she saw clearly that the wound was bitten, she couldn't help crying.

She raised her tearful eyes to look at Mu Taotao, and said with a crying voice: "Qianqian, did mother do it?

Did your mother bite you like this?
Forgive Mom, Mom was sick so I don't remember what I did. "

Yu Xiu'er cried miserably, her face was covered with tears, and there was deep regret in her sunken eyes.

She seemed genuinely aware that she had done something wrong.

Mu Taotao's heart was even more sour.

There must be a reason why my mother became like this.

Doesn't she also have moments of sobriety?

So Mu Taotao quickly comforted her: "Mom, I didn't blame you, really, I just hope to comfort you, is the food delicious?
Would you like some water? "

Mu Taotao's words were really comforting, Yu Xiu'er nodded vigorously and stopped crying.

So, Mu Taotao ordered the maid at the side to pour water.

After a while, the water came, Mu Taotao handed it to Yu Xiu'er's lips, let her drink it, and stroked her back to prevent her from choking on the water.

Unexpectedly, before Yu Xiu'er finished drinking the water, her eyes froze again and suddenly became sharp.

Pushing the water glass in Mu Taotao's hand, Yu Xiu'er screamed at her: "Who are you? Do you want to poison me to death?
You villain! "

Before Mu Taotao could react, Yu Xiu'er had rushed over again, swallowing the other hand holding her in one gulp.

A sharp stabbing pain came, and the pain made Mu Taotao want to scream again.

But she held back.

It was her own mother who bit her. She is now insane. How can she blame her?
"It's okay Mom, you just don't know me anymore, it's really okay."

Mu Taotao couldn't help but shed tears.

She really didn't know what her mother had gone through to make her become the madness she is now.

But even though she was biting her, she didn't intend to resent her, but just sympathized with her more and more.

Mu Taotao's tears flowed silently.

Xu Feiyang was worried, she didn't even eat dinner, she just wanted to bring food to Yu Xiu'er.

However, when he came to Yu Xiuer's room again, he saw that Mu Taotao's other wrist was bitten by Yu Xiuer until it bled profusely.

Xu Feiyang couldn't bear to see Mu Taotao bear the harm caused by her mother's madness for Mu Qianqian.

So he rushed over and injected Yu Xiu'er with a sedative again so that she could calm down and slowly close her eyes to fall asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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