Chapter 398

"Mu Taotao, why are you still here? Have you really recovered your memory?"

"Leng Yihan, why do you ask that? You think I should leave as soon as possible when I restore my memory?

So what have I become?An ungrateful villain? "

Mu Taotao was very upset that Leng Yihan wanted to drive her away the first time she woke up.

"That's not what I meant, but why do you call yourself an ungrateful villain?"

"Isn't it? You crippled your legs to get the antidote for me, but after recovering my memory, the first thing I thought of was leaving, what is it if it's not ungrateful?"

"Who told you that I crippled my legs to get you the antidote?"

Is that why she stayed?
Is she sympathizing with him?

He doesn't need her sympathy.

He didn't do this for her to make her sympathize.

Leng Yihan's face was even colder than before, he said loudly to Mu Taotao: "Get me the black dragon!"

"Who is the black dragon?"

Mu Taotao blinked and asked.

"You should call him here, he should be outside the door."

Mu Taotao didn't dare to neglect, Leng Yihan's anger is actually quite scary.

Mu Taotao went out and called, "Who is the black dragon?"

Immediately, a tall and mighty man in a black suit came over and said, "Miss Mu, what do you want from me?"

"Your young master is looking for you, so go in quickly."

Mu Taotao didn't know why Leng Yihan was looking for him, but he still helped him find the black dragon.

The young man named Heilong walked in, and Mu Taotao stood beside him, and then he heard Leng Yihan shoot at Heilong with a sullen face: "Who told her that my leg was crippled because of the antidote?"

"Young master, that's the truth, and we are just..."

"Do you still see me as the young master in your eyes?"

Leng Yihan's anger was so fierce that it almost burned everyone inside and outside the house.

Only then did Mu Taotao understand why he was angry.

"Leng Yihan, are you enough? You just got angry at them because you didn't want me to know.

But what to do?

I already know, do you still want me to forget this fact? "

Mu Taotao also got angry at Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan glanced at her, with a sneer on the corner of his lips: "This is a way."

The implication is that he doesn't mind making her lose her memory again.

Mu Taotao took a step back in fear, a little afraid to say: "Leng Yihan, you are not serious, are you?

Are you too much?
So what if I know?

What's the benefit of you hiding it from me like this? "

"Mu Taotao, what I did is my own business and has nothing to do with you, so you don't have to stay here just to repay me, go find your Mo Yanshao.

I don't need your care here. "

Leng Yi said coldly.

So what if he liked her again?

So what if he lost his legs for her?

Her heart is not with him, he does not need her sympathy and pity.

He didn't need her to do that either.

If it was to get her to stay by his side, he would have crippled his legs.

Then he is too poor.

Thinking of this, Leng Yihan said to Heilong beside him: "Send Miss Mu to Mo Yanshao, and after finishing this, go to Shen Shen Hall to receive the punishment."

"Yes, my lord."

The black dragon replied respectfully, then bowed and prepared to leave.

But Mu Taotao stopped him from leaving: "Slow down!"

Mu Taotao walked up to Leng Yihan who was in front of the hospital bed, and looked at him coldly: "When did I say I was going to find Mo Yanshao?"

Leng Yihan looked at her, a little puzzled, and didn't speak.

Mu Taotao rolled his eyes and said, "I repeat, I will never be ungrateful, so don't try to drive me away!"

"You want to stay?"

"of course."

"doing what?"

"Take care of you."

Mu Taotao answered as a matter of course, but Leng Yihan thought of something.

His complexion became even more ugly: "If you just think that I lost my legs because I took the antidote for you, so you want to stay and take care of me, then there is no need.

I have so many men, they will take good care of me. "

"But you saved me, not them. I have an obligation to take care of you here."

What Mu Taotao said didn't make Leng Yihan agree that she was here.

In his opinion, Mu Taotao's presence here will only make him feel more hurt.

"You go, I didn't do this all for you, you should go."

Leng Yihan didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he asked Heilong and the others to take her out.

Mu Taotao didn't understand why Leng Yihan was so stubborn.

"Talk about it, why does your young master drive me away?"

Mu Taotao was forced out of Leng Yihan's ward, she couldn't help questioning Heilong and the others.

"That's the young master's business, we have no way to ask."

After Heilong finished speaking coldly, he wanted to leave.

"Okay, if you don't tell me, I won't leave, and I will never leave him."

As for Mo Yanshao's place, she will not go back.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Knowing that Leng Yihan had crippled his legs for Mu Taotao, the four of Fenghuaxueyue were also very surprised.

Just ask, how many people can do this.

This has to show again that Leng Yihan's feelings for Mu Taotao are unbelievable.

"It's simply a love saint, a love infatuation, a love shock!"

Ziyue used three words in a row to describe Leng Yihan, praising him like there is nothing in the sky and no earth on earth.

Zhu Ying and Qiyuan tugged at his sleeves, motioning him not to say any more.

Everyone could see that the expression on their boss Mo Yanshao's face was so dark it couldn't be darker.

It is obvious that Mu Taotao loves him, he is the one he likes, and he is the only one in his heart.

But after waking up again after amnesia this time, what he had to face was such a situation.

How could she just leave a man who crippled his legs for her?
If it was him, it wouldn't work, right?
What to do now?

Mo Yanshao also tried his best but couldn't think of a way.

"I think there should still be a way."

Zhu Ying spoke suddenly, while the other three looked at her, waiting for her next words.

Ziyue, who has always been short-tempered, urged even more: "You said it, what can I do?"

"That's it." Zhu Ying looked at Mo Yanshao who had his back to them, "Do everything possible to heal Leng Yihan's legs so that he can stand up again."

Zhu Ying's words did not make everyone feel hopeful, but more disappointed.

"Xiao Yingying, what you said really means that you didn't say anything.

Everyone knew that the gunshot wound was caused by shooting at close range, and it was impossible to restore the leg to its uninjured state. "

"What is impossible?
Isn't it impossible for Miss Mu Taotao's amnesia and memory recovery to happen?
But it still happened.

(End of this chapter)

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