Chapter 403

While talking, Mu Taotao forcefully pushed Mo Yanshao out of the ward.

Zhu Ying and Qi Yuan also left with Mo Yanshao.

Before leaving, there was a sneer on Zhu Ying's lips, she just glanced at Mu Taotao lightly, and said sarcastically: "Mu Taotao, do you think you are great? I think you are really stupid."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Ying walked away without looking back, Qi Yuan just shook his head and left.

Leng Yihan sat on the hospital bed without saying anything.

He knew that what he said now was superfluous.

It was up to Mu Taotao to decide.

Did he expect her to marry him?
That was the only girl he liked in his life, and of course he wanted her to marry him.

Whether she married him out of love for him or out of sympathy, she was married after all, wasn't she?

Leng Yihan silently accepts this reality.

Mo Yanshao who left Leng Yihan's ward wanted to kill impulsively.

He also wanted to yell to relieve his depressed mood at the moment.

What kind of woman did he fall in love with?

Is her head made of stone?

She actually thought of repaying Leng Yihan's kindness to her by promising such a bad move with her body.

Does she really not understand that this is real harm?It wasn't just one person who was hurt, but three people.

When Mo Yanshao thought of her decision, it was hard to calm down.

"What shall we do now?"

He really had no idea, and couldn't help but turn his head and stare at Zhu Ying who was chasing after him: "You are also a woman, tell me, what is she thinking?"

"Boss, don't be angry. Maybe there is a turning point, she's just talking casually."

"Do you think she seems to be talking casually?"

Mo Yanshao repeated.

In fact, Zhu Ying also knew in her heart that Mu Taotao usually seemed very easy-going and had an easy-going personality, but once she made a decision, it might be difficult to change it.

what can we do about it?

"I think we still have to find a way to heal Leng Yihan's leg. No matter what, we should try to find Lei Yu."

"What if he won't let us treat it?"

"Then we'll steal him away, so that he won't be able to see Mu Taotao, and they won't be able to get married."

This method sounds very naive, but Mo Yanshao actually nodded in agreement.

Without the groom, does the bride have to marry alone?
When Mo Yanshao thought of this idea, he couldn't help laughing.

After staying in a certain country for a week, Zhu Ying finally managed to catch Lei Yu.

At that time, he was chased all over the street by debt collectors.

The former army famous doctor became a street mouse, addicted to gambling, broke his family and property, and lived on the streets.

Zhu Ying drove away the debt collectors for him, and brought him in front of Mo Yanshao.

"Lei Yu, do you remember who I am?"

The bearded man looked at the radiance in front of him. He was always a tall man. He had mixed feelings in his heart: "Xiao, why are you looking for me again? Didn't I tell you? Don't come to me in the future."

"I'm looking for you, of course I have a reason, only you can help me."

"What can I do to help you? I'm already useless."

Lei Yu's current situation really looks no different from that of a disabled person.

"Don't worry, if you can help me do this well this time, I guarantee that you will be debt-free, and no one will dare to trouble you again in the future."


Because of Mo Yanshao's words, Lei Yu suddenly had hope in his eyes.

"Of course it's true. Tell me, how much do you owe others?"

As soon as this question was mentioned, Lei Yu's eyes became dodged, and he hesitated and stretched out a finger: "1000 million?"

Lei Yu didn't speak, just shook his head.

Zhu Ying said in surprise, "One hundred million?"

This time Lei Yu glanced at her, still did not speak, but nodded lightly.

I'm going!

No wonder he was hacked and hunted down.

A gambling debt of [-] million, thanks to him being able to get it out.

Mo Yanshao chuckled and said, "The more debts the better, then you will help me more wholeheartedly.

You remember, as long as you do this thing well, I will give you [-] million to pay you back, you know? "

Lei Yu swallowed: "What exactly do you want me to do for you? What if I can't do it?"

"If you can't do it, I'll ask Zhu Ying to chop it up and feed it to your dog."

Mo Yanshao's threats were very effective. Lei Yu shrank his neck, only feeling that the back of his neck was cool.

Zhu Ying at the side glared at Lei Yu in line with Mo Yanshao's words.

Lei Yu had no choice but to ask again: "What is it that I need to do?"

new document
"There is a man whose legs were injured by a bullet at point-blank range. Do you have a way to heal him so that he can stand up?"

"What what? Gunshot wound? Or close range?
This... How can this be repaired? "

Lei Yu frowned, saying it was impossible.

Zhu Ying and Mo Yanshao looked at each other, and the light of hope in their eyes was instantly extinguished.

If it can't be cured, then why did they spend all their time looking for him?

Mo Yanshao's expression became even more ugly.

If Leng Yihan can't be cured, is it really necessary to watch Mu Taotao marry him?
Zhu Ying and Mo Yanshao fell silent at the same time, and the rest were even speechless.

Infected by this silent atmosphere, Lei Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly said: "Actually, it's not that there is no way at all, but I just don't know if it will work?"

"What way? Why didn't you say it just now?"

Zhu Ying was frightened by his surprise, and couldn't help shouting at him.

"Don't be fierce, it's not cute at all. I just thought of it after I told you."

Lei Yu is very dissatisfied with Zhu Ying's attitude.

"What is the solution, tell me!"

Mo Yanshao also said loudly.

"Then I said, if this method works, will your promise still count?"

"of course."

Mo Yanshao gave him a firm look, expressing that he would pay off the debt for him.

Although it's not completely relying on his ability, but it can get rid of his debts, and Lei Yu is willing to go all out.

Mo Fangshao and Zhu Ying were waiting for Lei Yu's solution.

The man glanced at them both before he said slowly, "You guys should know Gui Sheng, right?"

Ghost saint?

Both Mo Yanshao and Zhu Ying were slightly surprised.

When it comes to ghost saints, Mo Yanshao wants to punish that person severely. If it weren't for him, Mu Qianqian wouldn't be able to cause Mu Taotao to lose his memory a few times, and he wouldn't be Leng Yihan now. Both legs were crippled.

Speaking of it, it was all the fault of this medical genius named Guisheng.

"Why did you mention him?"

Zhu Ying couldn't help frowning and asked.

"You also know that the medicines he developed are very powerful. If he has developed medicines for repairing tendons, soft tissue injuries, and nerve injuries, then my chances of winning will be even greater when I undergo surgery, understand?
With my surgical treatment, combined with his medical treatment, it is not impossible to make people with crippled legs stand up. "

(End of this chapter)

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