Chapter 406

The car drove in an unknown direction, and then stopped at a place.

Ghost Saint didn't know where these people took him.

But when he opened his eyes, he was almost blinded by the scene in front of him.

The gold that is half the height of a person is placed there, emitting a brilliant, yellow light.

With so much gold, to Guisheng, it is simply the best thing in the world, and it has always been what he wanted.

Everyone in this world has different hobbies.

And the biggest hobby of this ghost saint is collecting gold.

So if someone wants to buy his medicine, they don't pay with cash, but with gold.

And this golden wall, which is half a person tall and composed of hundreds of gold bricks, can completely attract the ghost saint's attention.

The talented ghost doctor who was arrogant and indifferent just now had a smile on his face, and he said flatteringly to the people around him: "Excuse me, what do you want me to do for you? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help. "

Zhu Ying came out and said to Guisheng: "Mr. Guisheng, we want to ask you, is there any way to make the leg injured by the gun stand up again?"

"What does it mean?"

Gui Sheng frowned to express his confusion.

"That's what you heard, one of our friends was injured, he was shot at close range and injured his leg and knee, and couldn't stand up.

I just want to ask Mr. Guisheng if there is any way to heal such an injury. "

After hearing Zhu Ying's words, the ghost sage paced back and forth, glanced at the hundreds of gold brick walls, and said, "Is it because I developed such a medicine that you give all these gold bricks to me?" I?"

"It's natural."

"Actually, the medicine you mentioned for treating gunshot wounds is not impossible to develop.

But I need the very important medicinal material of Sanwei. If you can find a way to help me get it, then this medicine will not be able to be developed. "

"That is to say, we help you find the three herbs, and you help us develop the medicine?"

Zhu Ying asked, and her eyes lit up at the same time.

It seems that Leng Yihan's leg is really saved.

"Of course, for the sake of so much gold, I will naturally help you heal his injuries."

Gui Sheng said casually, but his eyes and movements betrayed him.

His hands kept running across the gold, and he couldn't take his eyes off of them. He wished he could take them home immediately and let them belong to him completely.

Zhu Ying observed all these things naturally, so she said without hesitation: "As long as the Ghost Sage can cure our friend, the gold will be brought to you personally."


Gui Sheng couldn't help saying hello.

After finishing speaking, knowing that he had lost his composure, he hurriedly said with a pretentious gesture: "Then I will wait for your good news."

Replying to the arrogant ghost saint looks very funny.

But Zhu Ying didn't have time to laugh at him, so she just said: "Then please tell me, Mr. Guisheng, which three kinds of medicinal materials you need, so we can find them for you."

As soon as he mentioned the three medicinal materials just mentioned, Gui Sheng showed a strange smile on his face: "The reason why I asked you to find these three medicinal materials is because I personally tried my best and couldn't find them.

And as far as I know, these three things don't seem to be unique to our planet.

Do you understand? "

"Not unique to our planet? What does that mean?"

Zhu Ying and the people who came with her looked at each other, they really didn't understand what Ghost Saint meant.

The ghost saint just smiled: "Literally, they are the star dust on the moon, the water on Mars, and the wind on Mercury."

These three things are really difficult to do, right?

Zhu Ying felt that the Ghost Sage was making things difficult for others on purpose.

"Then I want to ask Mr. Guisheng, have you seen these three things?"

Gui Sheng didn't expect a woman to ask such a question, and shook his head.

"Since you haven't even seen it, how do you know that these three things can heal gunshot wounds?"

This question really stumped the ghost saint, he just wanted to test them, but he didn't expect to be tested by them instead.

The ghost saint couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'm just kidding you. My ghost saint is not someone who doesn't want gold when he sees it.

In view of the fact that you gave me so much gold, I will not embarrass you.

As long as you help me collect enough bone fragments, ghost relics, and magic grass, I will make the medicine you want for you. "

Sure enough, there are three kinds.

However, Zhu Ying had never heard of these three medicines.

But she didn't dare to ask any more questions, the ghost saint's temper has always been like this.

He is in a good mood, coupled with the preparation of gold, he will know everything.

But if you keep annoying him, he will be in a bad mood, and it will be bad to drive them out when the time comes.

Zhu Ying promised to send the ghost saint back to the underground research room, and she conveyed the ghost saint's request to Mo Yanshao.

Broken bones, ghost relics, magic grass.

It sounded like three strange medicines. Mo Yanshao thought about it for a long time, but he still didn't want to understand what the hell those three medicines were.

When Lei Yu heard that he was planting the medicine, his complexion changed drastically, and he said, "No wonder the ghost saint can become a genius, and the medicine he gave is really only a genius can give."

"What do you mean by that?"

Mo Yanshao couldn't understand.

"Let me tell you, this Gu Suisan is indeed a traditional Chinese medicine, but what he wants must not be an ordinary Chinese medicine.

When you go to Gu Suisan, you must find the most special one, otherwise it will be useless.

As for the ghost relic, it will take some trouble, you have to search hard to find it, it should be a rare ore. "

"What about the magic grass?"

"Magic grass, according to my past medical experience, this kind of grass is also very rare. It grows in the dark all day long, and it is really a kind of transparent grass.

This kind of grass has a very special habit, which can copy the surrounding environment, that is to say, where it is white, it is white, and where it is green, it is green, just like a chameleon.

Its characteristic is that it can copy the surrounding environment, no matter what it is made of, this characteristic will not change.

Therefore, if it is made into a wound medicine to repair nerves, it can reproduce healthy nerves and thus play a repairing role.

It really is very clever. "

Lei Yu admired Guisheng's medical philosophy with all his heart.

Mo Yanshao was not as optimistic as he was, he just said, "Then tell me, how can I find these three things?"

"Young Master Mo, I really can't help you with this, you should find a way by yourself.

Also, are you sure the patient you asked me to treat is willing to cooperate? "

Lei Yu's words reminded Mo Yanshao.

The injury was on Leng Yihan, if he himself disagreed, could they force him to undergo surgery?

(End of this chapter)

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