Chapter 409

To him, Mu Taotao is more like his family. Compared with the brothers of the Leng family, he is quite dependent on her.

That's why he was willing to trade her legs for her former memories.

Thinking of this, Leng Yihan also had a satisfied and happy smile on his face.

He didn't think it was a painful thing to pay for Mu Taotao.

"Leng Yihan, can you stop doing that kind of thing again? It's scaring people to death!"

Mu Taotao's tone was not without blame.

Although she won't scold Leng Yihan like Dr. William did, it doesn't mean she agrees with him doing such a dangerous thing.

Leng Yihan smiled and beckoned her to approach.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to do what he wanted, so he did what I wanted.

"I'm just trying to stand up, you heard it, and Mo Yanshao's purpose is the same, he wants me to stand up and compete fairly with him.

Now that he said so, of course I want to try it too.

Don't you want us to compete fairly?

Do you want to marry me like this? "

Mu Taotao was even more surprised by Leng Yihan's words.

It turned out that he thought so, he wanted fair competition, and didn't want her to marry him just like that.

However, if his legs are healed, is it still necessary for her to marry him?

Mu Taotao didn't know what to say.

She just stared at him blankly, very puzzled and shocked by his words.

"I know, you may think that if I do this, there is no need for you to marry me.

However, I hope you will also give me a chance, a chance to marry you, okay?

Don't disqualify me before I start the game. "

"That was not what I meant……"

"Although, I may lose in the end, but I hope at least you gave me a chance."

Before Mu Taotao could finish his sentence, Leng Yihan interrupted him.

In desperation, she could only continue to listen to him.

Finally, Leng Yihan said: "So, let me heal my leg and compete fairly with Mo Yanshao."


Mu Taotao said nothing more.

After leaving, Mu Taotao walked aimlessly on the street.

Leng Yihan's leg was crippled because of her, and of course she hoped that he would get better, no matter what the purpose was.

Whether it is to let them compete fairly, or for the convenience of his future walking.

Having a pair of healthy legs is much better than living in a wheelchair.

She should support Leng Yihan to heal his leg.

As for slapping Mo Yanshao today, Mu Taotao still regrets it.

She hopes to have the opportunity to apologize to him.

She didn't mean to hit him, but what he said at that time really hurt her heart too much.

He doesn't know her at all, does he?

I thought she was the kind of person who would go her own way.

While walking, Mu Taotao accidentally came to a restaurant selling beef noodles.

She couldn't remember if she had ever been to this beef noodle restaurant.

But she wanted to go in and taste it.

So she wandered in.

"Boss, a bowl of beef noodles."

"Okay, miss, do you want to add green onion and coriander?"

"Of course, add any seasonings that can be added."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she sat in.

At this time, another man dressed as a high school student also walked into the store, went straight to Mu Taotao's table, and then Da Lala sat opposite her.

Mu Taotao took a closer look and almost called out the God of Plague.

Why did this kid come here?
Did he follow?

"Mu Qianqian, what the hell are you doing? Are you playing transformation?"

Looking at Mu Taotao who was dressed completely differently from the daytime, Jin Wanyong called her the queen of transformation.

Indeed, during the day it was that witch Qianqian.

Jin Wanyong greeted her, but she ignored him.

That's all, he glared at her, and the witch ran faster than a rabbit.

Ask her what just happened in the past, but she doesn't know anything.

Now, Jin Wanyong came out with great difficulty and met her again. He felt that this Mu Qianqian was different from the one in the daytime.

Mu Taotao was somewhat embarrassed when facing the high school boy Jin Wanyong he knew when he lost his memory.

As others have said, she is 23, no.

Calculated in this way, she is five years older than the kid in front of her. Would she be ashamed to be a classmate with him?
She felt that she was not so thick-skinned.

"Well, this classmate, you have misunderstood the person. My name is not Mu Qianqian, but Mu Taotao."

"Mu Taotao? You're really good at cross-dressing, and you even changed your name?"

Jin Wanyong ignored her explanation and decided that she was Mu Qianqian.

"I'm really not Mu Qianqian. You should be talking about a high school student, right? But I'm already 23 years old. If you don't believe me, do you want me to show you my ID card?"

Mu Taotao really wanted to show Jin Wanyong her ID card, but it was a pity that she couldn't do it for the time being.

Jin Wanyong folded his hands in front of his chest and put them on the dining table. Seeing that the woman couldn't show her ID card, he had a funny expression on his face: "Mu Qianqian, can you be smarter in lying? You don't like me, so don't pretend to be an aunt no?"

"I'm not pretending. I'm indeed 23 years old. My name is Mu Taotao. If you don't believe me, I can call..."

As soon as he was talking about making a call, the phone rang, and it was Xu Feiyang who called this time.

Mu Taotao didn't know when this person's number was stored in her phone, but she still only had to answer the call.

"Brother Feiyang, hello, I'm Taotao."

As Mu Taotao was talking, he repeatedly emphasized the word Taotao, telling Jin Wanyong of his identity.

However, the other party looked at her with an optimistic look, and did not express any surprise at her calling her Taotao.

Mu Taotao ignored him, and only heard Xu Feiyang say on the phone that Mu Qianqian hadn't seen him, and that she might go find her.

"When did Qianqian run away from home?"

"Today she went to see her mother and asked her why she didn't go to die early, but her mother was stimulated and almost jumped off the building, but luckily I went back in time and caught her.

Then Uncle Mu was so angry that he slapped her and she ran away. "

A girl who is so cruel that she tells her mother to die, she has no reciprocal feelings at all, she is so cold-blooded.

Mu Taotao really never expected that Mu Qianqian would do such an extreme.

No wonder her mother thought of committing suicide by jumping off a building.

Maybe Yu Xiuer's schizophrenia is also related to Mu Qianqian's ignorance.

"Brother Feiyang, don't worry, if I see her, I will definitely persuade her to go home."

After saying that, Mu Taotao hung up the phone, then looked at Jin Wanyong with a serious face and said, "Did you hear that? I'm not Mu Qianqian. Mu Qianqian has run away from home now. If you see her, remember to call She goes home."

(End of this chapter)

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