Chapter 415

Yes, it was the school Mu Taotao went to pretending to be Mu Qianqian.

Mu Taotao did not miss the appointment, but went to that place on time.

But just as she suspected before, she didn't see Mu Qianqian attending the appointment, but there was another person waiting for her there.

An unknown, tall, thin man.

As soon as the man saw her, he yelled at her: "Mu Qianqian, you still keep your promise, return the things you took back to me."

"What did I take from you? Why didn't I know?"

By the way, her name is Mu Qianqian.

It seems that Mu Qianqian took his things, so he should find Mu Qianqian.

"Hey, kid, I'm not Mu Qianqian, I'm just her sister."

The thin and tall boy couldn't believe it, as he walked closer and closer to her, he had a cruel look in his eyes: "You are Mu Qianqian, I won't admit it.

You always like to play pranks, but this time you even took my four-wheel drive model, what on earth do you want? "

"A four-wheel drive model?"

Mu Taotao repeated one sentence, and she couldn't figure out what Mu Qianqian was doing with this thing.

"Don't worry, after I find Mu Qianqian, I will ask her to return that thing to you."

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that Mu Qianqian was still playing pranks. Did she take other people's things and treat her as a dead ghost?
So that people can settle accounts with her.

"I don't believe you. Do you think you are a twin star? Can you still play the game of AB clone?"

The tall and thin man was getting closer and closer, his hands were about to seal Mu Taotao's neckline.

At this time, a boy next to him said, "Don't touch her!"

The tall, thin man and Mu Taotao went back to look at the male voice at the same time.

The violent black hair made the boy look very imposing, and the exquisite facial features carved out like a knife, but with a coldness that is different from ordinary people.

Mu Taotao had never seen such a handsome and imposing Jin Wanyong. His style made him look like an iceberg, so cold that he wanted to scream.

As expected, the girl passing by screamed and fainted.

They were directly shocked by Jin Wanyong's iceberg-like temperament and fainted.

The tall and thin man was also stunned the moment he saw Jin Wanyong.

He really did not expect that Jin Wanyong would come to help "Mu Qianqian".

Of course, he thought he was looking for Mu Qianqian.

And when Jin Wanyong heard the two talking, he had already discovered that the girl was actually not Mu Qianqian, but Mu Taotao.

However, Mu Taotao would appear in the school, which really surprised Jin Wanyong.

What is this 23-year-old aunt doing here again?

Jin Wanyong said what he thought of, and he didn't care about the other party's thoughts: "Mu Taotao, what are you talking to a high school student here, you don't really want the old cow to eat young grass, do you?"

Jin Wanyong's words were really detrimental. Mu Taotao has never been so degraded by a brat in such a big age.

Is it wrong to say that she is an old cow eating tender grass?
"Hey, Jin Wanyong, if you can't speak, just shut up, okay?"

Mu Taotao is not easy to mess with either.

Jin Wanyong did not expect that Mu Taotao dared to quarrel with him, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Mu Taotao, am I wrong? If you are not here to eat young grass, then why did you come to our school ?”

Mu Taotao really didn't know how to refute him, so he hesitated for a long time.

She didn't want to admit that she was set up by Mu Qianqian and came here to wait for her, but in the end she was almost taken as Mu Qianqian by this boy.

"Okay, stop teasing you, it's not fun at all.

That Qiu Xiang. "

The man who was named immediately walked to Jin Wanyong's side, respectful, after all, Jin Wanyong was not someone anyone would dare to mess with.

"Student Jin, what's the matter with you?" The boy was arrogant like a big bad wolf just now, but now he is docile like a little sheep, which really surprised Mu Taotao a little.

The change of attitude before and after this is too fast, right?

Mu Taotao was going crazy.

Why is she an old cow eating young grass.

Phew, she was also infected by that brat.

All in all, she was being tricked by these high school students, and she was really upset when she thought about it.

Mu Taotao didn't want to pay any more attention to these two boys, and turned around to leave.

"Hey, Mu Taotao, why are you rushing away when you're here?"

Jin Wanyong stopped her again.

"Don't go, are you waiting for you to invite me to dinner?"

Mu Taotao was originally a joke, but Jin Wanyong was very happy and said: "Okay, what do you want to eat, I invite you."

At this time, the class bell rang, and many students ran towards the classroom.

Looking at these two again, they seem to be okay, they don't seem to care about the class.

"Hey, aren't you going to class?"

"Why don't you go?"

"I'm an old cow, what class do I want to take?"

Mu Taotao followed Jin Wanyong's words.

After all, she wanted to leave without looking back.

Seeing that she insisted on leaving, Jin Wanyong quickly ran up to her, grabbed her and said, "Didn't I tell you to treat you to eat? Let's go."

"Jin Wanyong, I am an old cow, don't pull me, you little grass, be careful that I will eat you!"

Mu Taotao looked ferocious, and made a move to eat people.

Jin Wanyong smiled: "Okay, welcome to taste."

He opened his arms slightly, as if preparing to die.

Mu Taotao was amused by his actions.

"Come on, let me ask you, do you know where Mu Qianqian is?"

"You really know how to ask people. If you want to ask where Mu Qianqian is, shouldn't you ask your brother Feiyang?"


Mu Taotao said to himself.

Indeed, Xu Feiyang should be asked, he should know Mu Qianqian's whereabouts best.

Mu Taotao didn't say any more, but took out his mobile phone to call Xu Feiyang.

However, Jin Wanyong stopped her from making a phone call.

Mu Taotao was puzzled and looked up at him: "Why are you stopping me?"

"Why are you looking for Mu Qianqian? Do you think someone believes that you are not her?"

"Hey, of course I'm looking for her to ask her to return the four-wheel drive to others. I can't do such wicked things."

"She doesn't do this once or twice."

Just as the two of them were talking, the teaching director and his subordinates came here aggressively.

Jin Wanyong frowned and waited for someone to approach. \
Sure enough, as soon as the dean saw Jin Wanyong, his aura weakened a lot, flattering him: "Student Jin, the class bell is ringing, why don't you go to class?"

"Director, does it matter if I go to class or not?"

This was so arrogant that even the director was speechless.

No wonder, Jin Wanyong is the nephew of Jin Mingli, the most valuable teacher in the school, and he himself is the heir of a large consortium. Who would dare to disrespect him?
(End of this chapter)

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