Chapter 417

Mu Taotao grabbed her, grabbed her in his hand and said, "Qianqian, don't be so self-willed, okay?"

"What's the matter with you? You think you are really my sister, I tell you, I never admit that you are just my father's illegitimate daughter, I hate that you look exactly like me, I hate your fake appearance I hate you for calling me my sister!"

At the same time, Mu Qianqian said several disgusting things, and she was so angry that Mu Taotao was about to go crazy.

This woman just needs cleaning up.

Mu Taotao couldn't bear it any longer, so she raised her hand and slapped the woman.

The slap was so clear and loud that even the students in the classroom heard it.

The audience was silent.

Jin Wanyong frowned, watching the two sisters, one quarrelled and the other started fighting.

Mu Taotao didn't expect that he would really do something to Mu Qianqian.

But her behavior was too much: "Mu Qianqian, do you think I want to be your sister? What is it about you that deserves my treatment? Let me tell you, I don't even bother to have someone like you younger sister.

Also, your parents are by your side, you should, if you don't know how to cherish blessings, one day, you will lose everything you have now! "

Mu Taotao is not to be outdone.

"You threaten me? You hit me? Why do you?"

Mu Qianqian was used to being arrogant, and was about to attack Mu Taotao, but soon, her hand was grabbed by another person.

The person who came was none other than Xu Feiyang.

Xu Feiyang grabbed Mu Qianqian's raised hands, not wanting her to hurt Mu Taotao.

"Xu Feiyang, let go!"

"Qianqian, have you had enough trouble?"

"What's wrong with me? But you, why do you protect this woman? Do you like her too? Are you men crazy? Why do you like an idiot woman like her? "

Mu Qianqian was really hysterical.

Jin Wanyong felt uncomfortable when he saw Xu Feiyang protecting Mu Taotao in the classroom.

This class is not going to go on anyway, and he hasn't admitted it yet.

Jin Wanyong got up and walked out of the classroom, completely ignoring Jin Mingli's yelling at him.

He came to Mu Taotao's side and gave her a cold look: "Aren't you going?"

It's time for her to go.

So, Mu Taotao was held by Jin Wanyong in such a foolish way, and walked out of the church building.

She didn't realize until she got out of the building, no, why did she follow this brat down the stairs?

By the way, she was still holding her hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Mu Taotao asked unwillingly.

Jin Wanyong turned his head, gave her a look of contempt that you really are an idiot, and then lazily said, "Can't you see? I'm holding your hand."

"Hey, I'm an old cow."

Mu Taotao really has the spirit of self-deprecating.

Jin Wanyong smiled, and the smile was not cold at all: "I don't mind being young grass."

"I mind, I mind okay:"

Mu Taotao desperately threw away Jin Wanyong's hand that was holding her.

"Hey, you are not enough friends, I support you so much, why do you still do this?"

Jin Wanyong was very dissatisfied with Mu Taotao's performance.

"Jin Wanyong, are you out of your mind? I'm Mu Taotao, not your classmate Mu Qianqian."

Mu Taotao strengthened the tone of the word "student", just because he didn't want Jin Wanyong to misunderstand anything.

But Jin Wanyong smiled disdainfully, and gave her another look that you are an idiot: "I know you are Mu Taotao, not Mu Qianqian, do you think I am an idiot like you?"

"Hey, who the hell is the idiot?"


Jin Wanyong also dragged out his voice.

Mu Taotao was so mad at him that he was about to die, and it was hard to get angry.

"I warn you, stop following me."

After Mu Taotao said this, he ignored Jin Wanyong and left on his own.

But Jin Wanyong was really determined to be her little tail, and insisted on following her.

"Jin Wanyong, I'm going to the hospital to see a patient right now, do you want to follow?"

"Who are you going to see?"

"It's none of your business, is it?"

"But I want to know."

The cool man said.

Mu Taotao was really defeated by him.

"Can you go to the hospital as you please?"

"Then you still go?"

"My friend is sick and I'm going to see him and take care of him because he's in the hospital because of me."

Mu Taotao's words did not surprise Jin Wanyong, on the contrary, the boy calmly expressed that he would continue to follow.

Mu Taotao was thinking, what would happen if Leng Yihan saw Jin Wanyong following behind him?

And Mo Yanshao, would he sneer at her again and again?

Although Jin Wanyong is still a high school student, who told her that Mu Taotao has a baby face?
Walking on the street, no one would believe that he and her are nearly five years apart.

Cough, what are you thinking?

Mu Taotao realized that he was thinking too much, so he hurriedly pulled back his thoughts and asked, "Jin Wanyong, if you go, you will disturb my friend's rest, so I beg you, don't go?"

"Then treat me to something delicious, and I'll leave after eating."

Jin Wanyong winked at her and asked for Yan.

Mu Taotao can be regarded as convinced by this kid's thick skin.

By the way, it was agreed that he invited me to eat.

How did she invite her now?
"Hey, boy, don't think that you can blackmail my sister like this because you are young."

"Lao Niu, let's go, there is so much nonsense!"

Jin Wanyong walked forward first, and Mu Taoli had to follow.

This kid is really rude, but she can't get angry at him yet, she just hopes to get rid of him sooner.

It's easy to want to eat, anyway, she still has money for a meal.

Mu Taotao didn't speak to Jin Wanyong any more, and took him to a nearby restaurant.

To be exact, it was Jin Wanyong who took Mu Taotao to a nearby restaurant that was expensive.

The two of them only ordered two steaks, desserts, and a pot of coffee. The price has risen to three-digit dollars, and Mu Taotao was a little dumbfounded.

Even if it is a waste, it is not such a waste method, is it?

Mu Taotao really hated the calm and usual person on the opposite side, looking at her was like looking at an idiot, a kid who took advantage of her.

But Jin Wanyong was unconscious: "Mu Taotao, you don't even have this little money, do you?"

"Who said no?"

Although it is true that money is a bit tight recently, because my identity is really embarrassing, and there is no contact with my uncle, where can I ask her to get the money.

But she didn't want to be looked down upon by this brat.

Mu Taotao took out her mobile phone and checked the account balance inside. Really, after this meal, there was no more money for calling.

It was miserable.

"What are you doing on your phone? Get your boyfriend to pay for you?"

While eating the steak, Jin Wanyong still did not forget to tease Mu Taotao.

"Where is it? Eat yours. If it's not enough, eat mine too."

(End of this chapter)

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