Chapter 419

Jin Wanyong said without compromise.

Mu Taotao glared at Mo Yanshao angrily.

Mo Yanshao also looked indifferent.

Although he didn't say that he would let me go, his actions also showed that if the other party didn't let him go, he didn't intend to let go either.

Mu Taotao was about to faint from anger.

Are these two people planning to just pull her along like this?
"This is a restaurant, can you be more mature?"

Mu Taotao whispered to the two of them.

Jin Wanyong said with a sneer, "I'm just a kid, so it's normal to be childish."

The implication is that if Mo Yanshao behaves childishly, it is really inappropriate.

Mu Taotao was completely speechless.

Mo Yanshao looked around at the strange eyes cast on them, and seemed to feel that something was wrong. In the end, he was the first to let go of Mu Taotao's hand, and then walked out of the restaurant.

As soon as Mo Yanshao let go, Jin Wanyong also let go of Mu Taotao's hand.

Mu Taotao was really defeated by these two people, can you stop torturing her like this.

After leaving the restaurant, Mo Yanshao quickly walked towards his car with Mu Taotao from behind, and brought her into the passenger cab.

Before Jin Wanyong had time to attack, Mu Taotao was taken away by Mo Yanshao.

The young man chased after a few steps, but he couldn't catch up, so he had to give up resentfully.

Mu Taotao was secretly happy when Mo Yanshao took him away.

I don't know where this joy comes from.

The mood is very mixed, but overall it is good.

However, as soon as Mo Yanshao opened his mouth, Mu Taotao's good mood disappeared.

He said, "How did you provoke a high school student?"

"I didn't provoke him."

"Then why did you invite him to a restaurant for dinner?"

Mo Yanshao still didn't let Mu Taotao go, and asked closely.

Mu Taotao really wanted to say that she didn't know what was going on, she obviously received a note from Mu Qianqian and went to school, but her classmates thought she was Mu Qianqian and asked her to return it and take it away Four wheel drive model.

Later, I met Jin Wanyong, insisting that if Mu Qianqian skipped class again, she might be repeated. She had no choice but to pretend to be her and go to class.

In the end, Mu Qianqian ran away again by herself, so she had no choice but to run away.

Jin Wanyong was the one who ran out after her, and sullenly asked her to treat her to dinner, causing her to almost lose her fortune.

In the end, he didn't know when the call was made to Mo Yanshao.

"When did I call you?"

Mu Taotao was very puzzled.

If it wasn't for accidentally getting through the phone, how could Mo Yanshao come to pay for her?

"It wasn't you who got through to my phone, it was when I called you that you got through, but you didn't hear your words, but heard the conversation between the two of you."

It turned out to be the case.

Mu Taotao really regretted it, why didn't she notice that she had dialed the phone?
How careless it was.

The two went to the hospital together.

Mu Taotao said to Mo Yanshao: "You should go back first, I am afraid that Leng Yihan will feel a psychological burden when he sees you."

"Are you afraid that he will be unhappy? Are you good at thinking about him?"

Mu Taotao expressed helplessness to Mo Yanshao's slightly sarcastic words.

She didn't refute his words, let him say what he said.

Mo Yanshao did not insist on going with Mu Taotao, but let her go to the ward by herself.

Leng Yihan didn't show much enthusiasm for Mu Taotao's arrival.

He's always been like this, but now it seems to be colder.

Mu Taotao saw that his complexion was not very good, so he quietly asked the black dragon beside him, "Your young master, what's the matter today?"

"Dr. William said that if he was going to undergo a second operation, he would not need to live here and let him out of this hospital."

What a tempered doctor, dare to talk to the young master of the Yanlong Gang like that.

"Is he not afraid that the hospital will be demolished by your young master?"

Heilong stopped talking, just thought Mu Taotao was telling a joke.

"What are you two whispering about?"

Leng Yihan whispered to the two of them, but ignored him, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"I didn't say anything, I just think the weather is not bad today."

Obviously this is a lie, but Leng Yihan is not easy to expose her.

"It's very good, how about pushing me out for a walk?"

Leng Yihan demanded.

Thinking about the last time he walked outside in the garden and almost stood up, Mu Taotao was almost scared to death.

"You are going for a walk in the garden, I have no objection, but you must roll before you stand up, you know?"


Leng Yihan wanted to say, that would make life worse than death, so he wouldn't be so stupid.

When Lei Yu came to the back garden, Mu Taotao had already pushed Leng Yihan around the garden several times.

"Young Master Leng, your operation must be carried out as soon as possible, are you ready?"

Leng Yihan actually didn't quite believe in Lei Yu.

He looked a little sloppy, it was hard to believe that he was a surgeon, but his medical skills were unquestionable.

Mu Taotao spoke for Lei Yu and said, "He was the one who assisted me in my heart surgery. He is indeed trustworthy."

"Is heart surgery the same as this?"

Leng Yihan's question stopped Mu Taotao.

It is indeed different.

But, isn't it all surgery?

Mu Taotao had no choice but to comfort him and said, "Anyway, don't worry, it's okay to leave it to him, isn't there still a ghost saint? He's been working overtime recently to make medicine for you.

Once his medicine is ready, your operation will be a complete success, and you will have no problem standing up when the time comes. "

The purpose of Lei Yu's visit this time is to see how Leng Yihan is doing.

Obviously, Leng Yihan's condition is not bad, but he is not ready psychologically and needs to make adjustments. He should not be too nervous, otherwise it will not be good for the healing of the wound.

Mu Taotao also persuaded Lei Yu: "Leng Yihan, you must be fine, as long as you think you can stand up, the operation can be successful."

To Mu Taotao and Lei Yu's words, Leng Yihan's reaction was quite cold.

He has never been a person with a happy face, so even if he is eager to stand up again, he will not show it on his face.

Mu Taotao stopped persuading him and just let him face the sun.

The warm sun in winter makes me feel very comfortable and comfortable.

A blanket was put on Leng Yihan's injured leg to keep warm.

Lei Yu left quickly, and Black Dragon and other Yanlong Gang disciples stood behind them, always watching out for someone who was going against them.

The day when Leng Yihan will be operated on is coming soon.

Mu Taotao went to a nearby Buddhist monastery that Chinese people like to go to, and asked for a peace talisman for him, hung it around his neck, and said to him: "Leng Yihan, I hope everything goes well for you."

Leng Yihan tightly grasped the peace talisman Mu Taotao gave him. He thought, even if the surgical hand couldn't stand up, he would try his best to do it. There was no other reason, but he didn't want to disappoint her.

(End of this chapter)

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