Chapter 421

Mu Taotao took Ai Meili into Leng Yihan's room together.

In the ward, the strong smell of disinfectant water hits the nose.

Mu Taotao and Ai Meili walked to Leng Yihan's bedside.

The man who just finished the operation looked a little pale, but his eyes were still sharp and clear as ice.

"Peach, why didn't I see you first when I woke up?"

Leng Yihan's voice sounded very light, as if he meant to blame.

Mu Taotao apologized to him: "Beautiful is here, I am in a hurry to talk to her."

"In your heart, beauty is more important than me?"

Leng Yihan smiled wryly.

God knows how flustered he was when he woke up from the long darkness and couldn't see Mu Taotao.

For a moment, he thought, he would rather never stand up than keep her by his side.

Fortunately, she was not too far away from him, and he could see her again.

Ai Meili saw the scene of Leng Yihan holding Mu Taotao's hand tightly, and her heart was full of sadness.

She should have known that Leng Yihan's heart for Mu Taotao.

Whether it was before or now, he never gave up the idea of ​​wanting to be with her.

Ai Meili felt that she was a little redundant here, so she wanted to leave.

But Mu Taotao turned around and stopped her: "Beautiful, Leng Yihan woke up, do you want to talk to him?"

After being called, Ai Meili couldn't turn around and leave, so she had to bite the bullet and come to Leng Yihan's bedside.

Thinking about the intersection of the two people, Ai Meili is still a little afraid of Leng Yihan's coldness.

But this time for the first time, Leng Yihan smiled at her: "Beautiful, thank you for coming to see me."

Ai Meili felt even more flattered by Leng Yihan's address and politeness.

He actually called her beautiful and thanked her.

This is a treatment that has never been done before.

Ai Meili was really weeping with joy.

Mu Taotao on the side tried her best to wink at her, telling her to talk to Leng Yihan more, while she planned to leave.

However, just as Mu Taotao was about to run away, Leng Yihan called his name again: "Taotao, where are you going? Don't you want to stay and continue to accompany me?"

Mu Taotao wanted to say, brother, can you talk to Meili more?Why do you have to pull me?

Ai Meili's originally hopeful eyes gradually dimmed, and the last light disappeared.

Mu Taotao also felt sorry for her.

I don't even know what this Leng Yihan is thinking, why he plays with people like this.

Mu Taotao suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and said: "Ah, yes, I thought there was still soup in my pot, and I asked my aunt to watch when I left. I have to go and see how the soup is doing."

This excuse was too perfect, and Mu Taotao's ability to escape was too clever, and he disappeared without a trace in a short while.

Leng Yihan wanted to catch her back, but because he was on the hospital bed, he seemed powerless.

Ai Meili said thank you to Mu Taotao in her heart, then walked to Leng Yihan's bed, and said softly, "President, do you need anything?"

"I want to drink water."

Leng Yihan was extremely thirsty because he had just had an operation and hadn't drank water for a long time.

Ai Meili immediately poured him a glass of water, the temperature of the water was just right, it wouldn't burn his mouth, and it wouldn't be too cold.

Ask someone to raise Leng Yihan's bed slightly so that he can pass the water to his mouth so that he can drink it.

Ai Meili's movements were gentle, and she cared for him meticulously, but Leng Yihan still seemed sullen.

The man he wanted to stay didn't stay for him.

"Beautiful, do you know what Taotao is thinking?"

"Her? I don't know either."

Ai Meili's eyes were slightly affected by Leng Yihan's question about Mu Taotao.

Leng Yihan would never ask her about such things.

And now, he was willing to ask her questions.

I don't know whether it is regressing or improving.

Ai Meili felt sore in her heart.

After escaping from the ward, Mu Taotao breathed a sigh of relief, she decided to go shopping in the shopping mall and then back to the hotel, she should find a way to go back to Fugui Island, otherwise no one would recognize her as Wan Xiuer's heir.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao's mood improved a lot.

Just when she thought she was going to go shopping quietly for a while, suddenly someone hit the back of her head from behind.

Because the action was too fast, Mu Taotao was unable to defend himself and was hit hard.

Mu Taotao was almost in tears after being beaten.

damn it!
Who wouldn't dare to attack her?
Turning around, Mu Taotao saw that Jin Wanyong had a wicked smile on his face. It was obviously a dark school uniform with a stand-up collar, but he was dressed like a ruffian, with the neckline slightly open, the collarbone looming, and the whole person looked like a ruffian like.

His expression and demeanor at the moment are also like a ruffian.

Mu Taotao looked at the date on the phone, today is Tuesday, this kid was not in the classroom, he came out again, and it was a coincidence that he was bumped into by her.

No, I should have been hit by him.

Anyway, the unlucky one must be her.

"Boy, what do you want to play with sister again? Are you afraid that sister will kill you?"

Thinking about when he lost his memory, this brat actually ordered her to buy him cigarettes, and almost caused him to be expelled from school in the name of Mu Qianqian.

Now it's time for class, but he is hanging around here, so she has to teach him a lesson.

Jin Wanyong did not expect that Mu Taotao would speak to him in such a tone, like a girl.

To be honest, he really didn't think of it, but compared to Wei Wei's look before, doesn't this kind of Mu Tao Tao have more personality?

Jin Wanyong was amused by what she said just now, and he couldn't help clasping his hands and said, "Then I will ask this eldest sister, how do you plan to play?"

Mu Taotao looked at the surrounding scenery and thought for a while: "Let's play the game of chasing me and running away? If you can catch up to me within 10 minutes, I will play with you. What do you want?" You can play whatever you want.

If you can't catch up with me, just go to school obediently, and you are not allowed to hang out during school time from now on, how about it? "

Jin Wanyong did not expect that a woman several years older than him would dare to challenge him to the chase game.

Not to mention that he was younger than her, and it was the time when his speed and stamina were at their best. In terms of gender alone, men also had an advantage over women.

But Mu Taotao must be responsible for what he said.

And Jin Wanyong wished that Mu Taotao would lose, so he let him order him.

It just so happened that he was going to fight with a group of boys, and with Mu Taotao around, he should be able to win the fight.

Now that she herself agrees to play such a game with him, she will bear the consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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