Chapter 434

He once swore that since his mother died in front of his eyes, he would not allow any woman to disappear before his eyes, no matter who that woman was.

What's more, it was Mu Taotao who was about to end his life in front of him.

The woman he had always wanted to protect.

"Mu Taotao, you have won."

It is rare for Leng Yihan to say such a thing, it is a compromise, an absolute compromise.

"Little Lord."

"Heilong, bring the food to my bed."

Heilong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Leng Yihan say that, and couldn't help but look at Mu Taotao with grateful eyes.

Sure enough, this woman is the only one who can deal with the young master.

Mu Taotao also had a relaxed expression on his face.

As long as he is willing to eat lotus, he will be saved.

At first it was to eat, to store energy, and then slowly learn to walk on the ground.

Mu Taotao believes that Leng Yihan will definitely get better and better, until he can really walk like flying on the ground.

Ai Meili, who was standing outside, was also happy when she heard that Leng Yihan was finally willing to eat.

It didn't matter who made him promise to eat.

The important thing is that he can slowly get better after eating.

Ai Meili almost thanked the sky.

Mu Taotao clasped his hands on the side, staring at Leng Yihan eating.

The dishes are delicious and exquisite, and I don't know which chef made them.

"Is it tasty?"


The question and answer of the two people was really concise.

"Who did it?"

Mu Taotao asked again.

No one really could answer her question.

In fact, Black Dragon has the answer.

The food was delivered by Ai Meili, and the answer must lie with her.

Leng Yihan also wanted to know who knew his heart so well and cooked what he loved.

So he also turned his attention to the black dragon.

Seeing the young master and Mu Taotao looking at him, Heilong was naturally a little nervous, but he still had to answer, otherwise he would be stared to death by them.

"Young master, Miss Ai Meili delivered the food, so you can know who made it just by asking her."

"Call her here."

Only then did Leng Yihan realize that there was another Ai Meili.

Recently, she has been by his side all the time, and his attitude towards her is really bad, and he always tells her to go away.

But it was a miracle that she didn't really get out.

Now is the time to thank her.

When Ai Meili heard Leng Yihan say that she wanted to see her, she was so excited that she almost fainted.

She didn't hesitate, just adjusted her clothes, pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing that Mu Taotao was also there, the two good friends looked at each other tacitly, then Ai Meili walked towards Leng Yihan and stood beside his bed.

"Can you tell me, which big hotel made this meal?"

Leng Yihan pointed to the food that he had eaten up.

Although Ai Meili was a little disappointed that he actually asked her who cooked the food, it was an improvement if he took the initiative to ask her.

"I made the food with my own hands. Is the taste okay? It should meet your requirements, right?"

Ai Meili asked cautiously, but everyone else present was shocked.

Mu Taotao was even more surprised.

In my impression, Ai Meili is the daughter of a daughter. When did she do such a thing, cook for others, and cook such a good dish.

"Beautiful, did you really do it?"

Mu Taotao came over, grabbed her hand and said.

"Yes, is there any problem? Does the president not like it?"

As soon as Ai Meili said this, she was nervous.

If Leng Yihan doesn't like it, it's useless to do more.

There was a frustrated look on her face.

"No, no, I just ate it up because I liked it too much."

Mu Taotao suddenly felt that a girl as caring as Ai Meili should let Leng Yihan see her sincerity.

"Leng Yihan, the food cooked by Meimei is still to your liking?"

Mu Taotao immediately asked Leng Yihan.

She didn't believe that he dared to say the word "not delicious".

If she did, she would look down on him.

Sure enough, Leng Yihan didn't say that he didn't like these two words.

But he didn't say he liked it, he just said lightly: "It's okay."

And he's okay, that's okay.

So Mu Taotao happily took Ai Meili's hand and said: "Lili, look, the president likes your craftsmanship, so you have to work harder in the future."

"I will, Taotao, thank you very much for making the president willing to eat. I can't think of anyone else who can do it except you."

"Hey, you have to thank me for this, so I'm so embarrassed."

In fact, Mu Taotao thinks that Ai Meili is very good.

But Ai Meili felt a little sour in her heart, why could Leng Yihan not be the one who decided to eat?

"Okay, as long as the president likes it, I will make it for him every day."

Mu Taotao wanted to say, of course he would like it.

However, she felt that talking too much between these two would make her appear redundant.

So Mu Taotao walked to Leng Yihan's bedside, and said to him: "Leng Yihan, what you promised me, you have to do it, I will come to see you in the future."

Seeing her about to leave, Leng Yihan hesitated to speak.

He really wanted to keep her, but that would be too embarrassing for him.

So he just stared at her for a while without saying anything.

"I'll take you out, Taotao."

Emily said.

"Okay, beautiful, you have to take good care of your president."

"Well, I know."

Leng Yihan just listened quietly to the conversation between the two women.

Mu Taotao left the ward, and said to Ai Meili who came out later: "Lili, don't be too nice to him, don't accommodate him too much, and occasionally lose your temper with him, you know?"

"But I dare not."

"What's not to dare?"

Mu Taotao thinks that Ai Meili's temper is too good, that's why Leng Yihan eats her to death.

"I think the president doesn't like me at all, so I'm afraid of him."

"No, as long as you are sincere, gold and stone are the same. As long as you work hard, he will definitely see it, you know?"

Mu Taotao persuaded Ai Meili.

Ai Meili bit her lower lip, maybe what she lacks is Mu Taotao's courage to love and hate.

After returning to the hotel, Mu Taotao lay alone on the big bed, remembering the situation when he was on the phone with Mo Yanshao.

He was angry, must have been angry.

But there is no way, who told her not to leave Leng Yihan alone?

She couldn't watch him torture herself to death.

But why couldn't Mo Yanshao understand her?
Tossing and turning, Mu Taotao couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

At this moment, the phone beside him rang.

Mu Taotao picked up the phone and saw that it was Xu Feiyang calling.

The intuition was that there was something wrong with Mu Qianqian, but Mu Taotao still had to pick up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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