Chapter 436

Emily asked.

But Leng Yihan turned around and ignored her.

Ai Meili does not have the courage of Mu Taotao, so she can use threats.

At this moment, Mu Taotao came in from the outside, and seeing the two people in that frozen situation, he walked over to pick up the sandwich made by Ai Meili, and took a big bite.

"Wow, delicious, beautiful, now I believe what you said."

Ai Meili really hesitated to speak.

That was the breakfast she made for Leng Yihan, why did Mu Taotao grab it and eat it?

Ai Meili had a strange expression on her face, and Mu Taotao quickly realized what was going on.

"I couldn't be the one who ate the breakfast you made for Leng Yihan, right?

Oh, damn it, I thought he had already eaten it, so I put on a bad face and refused to eat it. "

Leng Yihan just watched Mu Taotao's rudeness.

He knew what the woman was thinking, but she just wanted to match him and Ai Meili.

But that woman has always been like a cup of lukewarm water, how could he like Leng Yihan?

"Since Taotao is here, Meili, you can go back first."

Leng Yihan planned to drive Ai Meili out.

"Wait, I should be the one to leave, right? Leng Yihan, you chased the wrong person."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she was about to leave.

"Who said you should go? My legs can't stand up because of you. Shouldn't you practice walking with me?"

Leng Yihan said seriously.

It really stopped Mu Taotao from asking.

Yes, his leg was disabled because of her, but that doesn't mean she should stay and practice walking with him.

How nice it is to have Ai Meili with him.

"Then how about it, Meili and I stay, it's okay, right?"

Mu Taotao really felt that Leng Yihan was awkward.

Consider the doormat look of this woman, who looks like she's on the verge of tears.

Leng Yihan still couldn't bear to drive her away.

So he was silent and didn't speak.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

So from that day on, Mu Taotao and Ai Meili took care of Leng Yihan together.

Every day, Mu Taotao would come to grab food from Leng Yihan, and then he would always leave half of it for him, and said: "Hey, don't say that I robbed you of food, I gave you half."

I don't know why, it seems to be more delicious to eat from Mu Taotao's hands than to eat by himself.

Besides, Ai Meili's craftsmanship is really good.

Occasionally, Mu Taotao would be absent, because she didn't want to deny them any time.

Just when Leng Yihan was gradually able to walk two steps with his legs, Mu Taotao was also ready to return to China.

She felt that she couldn't stay on the side where Leng Yihan completely lost his crutches and walked.

In that case, it would be unfair to Ai Meili.

"Beautiful, I hope you can take better care of Leng Yihan after I'm gone.

Don't be afraid that he will get angry with you, I believe that you can make him move to you. "

Before leaving, Mu Taotao whispered something in Ai Meili's ear, and finally said mysteriously: "You remember, as long as you do what I say, he will be convinced."

Ai Meili didn't know if the method she taught was feasible, but she still accepted it happily.

Then, Mu Taotao took the plane back to China and left.

Ai Meili sent her away in tears.

Back in Leng Yihan's ward, before Ai Meili really approached, a big pillow was thrown in front of her.

Fortunately, she was quick to catch it.

Leng Yihan's face, lacking sunlight, was as white as paper.

He glared at Ai Meili, and growled at her: "Why did she leave, you are still here, why didn't you leave together?"

Emily was terrified.

It's not that she has never seen Leng Yihan get angry.

But this time the fire was really a little big, she was afraid that she really couldn't bear it.

"President, listen to me..."

"You go out, I don't want to see you."

For Leng Yihan, he knew Mu Taotao because of Ai Meili, so whenever he saw Ai Meili, he would think of that woman.

The woman he loves to hate.

Even he himself didn't understand why he fell in love with such a woman.

She was so bad to him.

"President, do you hate me so much?"

Ai Meili's eye circles were red, and she was about to shed tears.

She just stared at Leng Yihan obsessively, with crystal tears rolling in her eyes.

Ai Meili's facial features are very delicate, like a Barbie doll, with big eyes, a tall nose bridge and flowery pink lips.

If such a good-looking girl cries, it will be like pear blossoms with rain, I feel pity for it.

And Leng Yihan's Achilles' heel is the woman's tears.

As long as a woman cries, he will be more flustered and at a loss than a woman.

Sure enough, Ai Meili did what Mu Taotao said, and it really worked.

At this time, Leng Yihan didn't dare to tell Ai Meili to get out, but grabbed the quilt in front of him with both hands in pain.

He didn't want her to cry. When she cried, he felt his heart and lungs hurt.

"What... are you crying for?"

"No, I didn't cry."

"You obviously... have it."

Looking at her crying face, Leng Yihan thought of his mother's appearance when she was dying.

It was also a crying face, which was a great stimulus to him.

"Don't... cry again, I won't let you cry."

Leng Yihan was short of breath. When he looked at Ai Meili, he wished he could run to her side immediately, wipe away the tears on her face, and let her stop crying.

Ai Meili didn't understand why his face was so ugly, as if he would die from shortness of breath in the next second.

She couldn't help running towards him, threw herself on the side of his bed, looked up at him, with anxiety and concern in her eyes: "President, what's wrong with you, I'll ask the doctor to come and see."

As Ai Meili spoke, she planned to press the emergency button on the side.

However, Leng Yihan grabbed her hand, and panting with difficulty: "No, no, I'm fine."

"Are you really all right?"

Ai Meili had concern on her face.

"It's okay if you say it's okay."

Leng Yihan insisted, and did not look at Ai Meili's face.

There were tears on her face, and he still couldn't stand that kind of stimulation.

"You...why don't you look at me?"

Ai Meili felt that Leng Yihan was disgusting herself, so she didn't dare to be herself, which made her even more sad.

The misunderstanding between the two couldn't be explained clearly for a while.

"Don't cry anymore, okay? Otherwise, I will ask someone to throw you out!"

Leng Yihan was really annoyed by her crying, and threatened.

This trick really worked, and Ai Meili really didn't dare to cry.

She sniffed, trying to get herself back to normal, and then said cautiously: "I won't cry, will you really not let me go?"

Leng Yihan didn't speak, just nodded, but still didn't look at Ai Meili.

(End of this chapter)

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