Chapter 440

Mu Taotao sometimes wondered, what exactly did their acquaintance bring to each other?

"Yan Shao, I have something to tell you, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Except for breaking up, do whatever else you want."

Mo Yanshao was still observing the surrounding environment, and the conclusion he came to was still that this place was too out of the way.

Mu Taotao was startled by Mo Yanshao's words.

Apart from breaking up, everything else can be discussed.

But what she wants to talk about is breaking up.

Mo Yanshao was actually teasing her, because he never thought that the other party would really break up with him.

"But what I want to talk about is what you just said except that."

Mu Taotao's voice was extremely low.

She felt that she was probably possessed by Ai Meili, and she really didn't have the courage to break up with her aloud.

"Are you playing tongue twister with me? What did I just say except that?"

Mo Yanshao just thought it was funny.

But after thinking about it, his expression changed.

He just said that apart from breaking up, everything else can be discussed.

But Mu Taotao said that what she wanted to talk about was nothing but that.

In other words, she really wants to break up with herself!
Mo Yanshao was really shocked.

This woman, because of Leng Yihan's legs, wanted to break up with her, and then marry her so that she could take care of her for the rest of her life.

How is it now?

Leng Yihan has already had an operation, and it will be a matter of time before he learns to walk.

What kind of nerve is she going on?
Mo Yan didn't even think about it, his hands grabbed the woman's shoulders like iron tongs, his eyes seemed to have a bloodthirsty light, staring at Mu Taotao felt as if there were many blood holes on his body.

"You... don't do this."

Mu Taotao wanted to break free from his hand, but no matter what she did, there was no way.

"You want to leave me so much? You want to break up with me.

Mu Taotao, do you really have a heart?Why do you want to torture me like this again and again? "

Mo Yanshao felt that his heart was almost completely deformed by the other party's words.

He was also thinking, is it worth it to bet his feelings on this woman?
But he couldn't understand why this woman suddenly mentioned these two words.

Weren't they fine before?
Although he made a joke for her about the airport, which made her a little angry, but in the end, it's all right?
Why on earth did she still want to break up?

"Tao Tao, tell me, what is the reason for breaking up?"

Mo Yanshao seemed to understand a little bit, so he said in a relaxed tone.

Mu Taotao didn't even have the courage to look up at him.

It's not that she wants to break up with him, but it's because Mu Qianqian is really difficult, and she hopes to make him understand some truths in her own way.

"There is no reason, I just want to break up."

Mu Taotao finally broke free from Mo Yanshao's hands, turned and left after his mind went blank.

But Mo Yanshao would not let her go.

If you don't make it clear, you will break up. How can there be such a cheap thing.

"Mu Taotao, don't make it clear, don't even think about going anywhere today."

"She wanted to break up with you because of me. Mo Yanshao, you lost, right? In my sister's heart, my sister is actually more important than you."

Even though the two met in such an empty and remote place, Mu Qianqian followed him lingeringly.

Mu Taotao is going to break up with Mo Yanshao. How can such a wonderful show lack audiences?

So Mu Qianqian followed Mu Taotao all the way here, and of course, Zhu Ying.

Zhu Ying saw her boss's livid face, and heard Mu Qianqian's more irritating words, she really stood up for her boss.

"Boss, Ms. Mu probably has her own ideas."

Zhu Ying wanted to smooth things over for the two of them.

However, Mo Yanshao seemed to have figured out the reason behind it. He couldn't help staring at Mu Taotao with a pair of dark eyes, and asked word by word: "Is what Mu Qianqian said true? Did she tell you to break up with me? You Just agree?"

Who is Mo Yanshao, how could he not understand the reason behind this.

Mu Qianqian is used to doing things in her own way.

It's just that she didn't expect Mu Taotao to be led away by her nose this time.

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that Mu Qianqian would follow to make trouble when he came to break up with Mo Yanshao.

It was literally killing her.

The expression on her face was so miserable that she had nothing to say in the face of Mo Yanshao's questioning.

But with a flash of inspiration in his mind, Mu Taotao still said truthfully: "Yes, I can't watch myself live happily and make my sister unhappy."

"What do you mean by that? Is it your sister's misfortune that you are with me?"

"Yes, because she liked you very much before, and almost pretended that I married you."

Mu Taotao's divine logic made Mo Yanshao really dumbfounded.

There were doubts, anger, and more sadness in his black eyes.

This woman's logic was really hard for him to understand.

"So? What do you want to say? Don't you want to give me to your sister? She's just full."

"If she likes you, there's nothing wrong with it."

Mu Taotao said awe-inspiringly.

"Do you think I'm an item? Let you two sisters send it back and forth?"

Mo Yanshao was so angry that he was going crazy.

What kind of woman did he fall in love with?

Mu Taotao was also very angry with herself.

It's really hurtful, especially when the other party is still Mo Yanshao.

I'm sorry, this is not my original intention, I just want to send Mu Qianqian back to my father.

I beg you to forgive me, my words.

Seeing Mo Yanshao mad, Mu Taotao was heartbroken.

How could it hurt him so much?

"Taotao, you don't have to make things so difficult, Dad will take this unworthy girl away right now."

At some point, Mu Xingtian also appeared.

Mu Taotao was so frightened by his appearance that his heart stopped beating.

"I've heard about Qianqian from Feiyang.

I didn't expect that she was really messing with you here.

As a sister, you have done your best, and there is no need to do those unnecessary things for her.

How can the fiancé let things come and go?

In the past, it was because of a misunderstanding that she was proud of her for so long, but now she can't. "

Although Mu Xingtian is already a middle-aged man, his elegant temperament and beautiful facial features make him not inferior to ordinary young people.

At this time, he was looking at his eldest daughter, Mu Taotao, with loving eyes.

Ever since Mu Taotao regained his memory and left Mu's house, Mu Xingtian realized that he owed her too much.

How can I let my youngest daughter destroy the happiness of my eldest daughter?

As a father, he would never allow it.

Mu Qianqian never thought that she thought she could break up Mu Taotao's happiness with her own hands and make her unlucky, but her father came to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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