Chapter 443

It was found that the woman's lower abdomen did not show any signs of pregnancy at all, and more importantly, her blushing was abnormal.

Could it be that he lied to her?

Is she Liu Yuewen so easy to fool?
Liu Yuewen has her own ideas.

"Since this is the case, you don't mind if I take Miss Mu to the hospital for an examination, right? If it's really pregnant, then I really have no reason to object to you being together."

Liu Yuewen smiled darkly, but still looked at Mu Taotao with contempt.

Mu Taotao was about to admit that she wasn't lying, but Mo Yanshao grabbed her waist first, and "bited" her ear: "Don't tell the truth, I have my own way. "

Afterwards, Mo Yanshao said to Liu Yuewen again: "Whatever, this is what you said. Once she really has one, you agree to us being together."

"Of course, I can't let my grandson go outside for nothing, without even a title."

Liu Yuewen let out a long sigh.

But haven't you checked yet?Then the chances are half and half.

From Liu Yuewen's point of view, Mu Taotao might be lying.

"Mom, Taotao is already very tired today, and the cool breeze blowing outside for a long time is actually very unfair to her.

How about waiting until tomorrow for the inspection? "

Hearing what he said, Liu Yuewen was right when he thought about it, anyway, she didn't believe that the two of them could put one in her stomach right away after only one night.

So Liu Yuewen acted extremely generously at this time and said, "Okay, then I'll just watch and see what tricks you guys can come up with."

After Liu Yuewen finished speaking, he went upstairs and returned to his room.

Young Master Mo Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and winked at Mu Taotao.

But Mu Taotao couldn't relax at all, and simply pinched Mo Yanshao's arm and complained: "It's all your fault, you have to say that I have it, this is a good thing, I will go to the inspection tomorrow, and I will have to wear clothes."

But Mo Yanshao said confidently: "Don't worry, if I go for the inspection today, I'm really not sure that I can get away with it, but if it's tomorrow, hehe."

Mo Yanshao had a smug look on his face.

Mu Taotao really couldn't understand his confidence.

But Mo Yanshao told her to keep her heart in her stomach and promised that he would take care of this matter.

"But I always feel that it is wrong to deceive the elderly."

Mu Taotao felt that telling the truth was better than cheating like this.

"That can't be helped. You've seen it too. If I didn't say that, my mother wouldn't agree to us being together."

"I don't understand why she objected to us being together?"

Mu Taotao had big doubts in his heart.

"Who knows? She probably thinks that I love you so much that it will affect her position in my heart, so..."

Mo Yanshao didn't continue talking, but just said with a smirk.

Seeing that he was smiling more and more proudly, Mu Taotao couldn't help but hit him with his fist.

However, Mo Yanshao took her into his arms and whispered in her ear: "Stop playing with me as a child, let's think of a way, how to really stuff the child into the stomach.

Even if I can help you pass the test tomorrow, ten months later, you still need to be able to give birth by yourself. "

Mo Yanshao's words made Mu Taotao feel even more ashamed.

That's all for the day.

Early the next morning, Mu Taotao woke up from the nightmare.

She dreamed that she was ruthlessly kicked out of Mo's house by Liu Yuewen. The reason was that she discovered the fact that there was no child in her stomach.

Mu Taotao was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, he couldn't help reaching out to touch his forehead and face.

Hands and feet are a little cold.

Mo Yan, who was supposed to be lying on the side, was not there.

Because Liu Yuewen said that since a woman has a child in her stomach, she should not have intercourse, so as not to affect the fetus.

If things go on like this, even if she wants to keep one in her stomach, it may not be possible.

The more Mu Taotao thought about it, the angrier she became.

But when she washed up and went out, she found that Mo Yanshao in the opposite room had also got up.

Compared to her embarrassment, the other party was in high spirits, with a refreshed face, as if something good happened today.

"Morning, Taotao, did you sleep well last night?"

The man took the initiative to say hello with a smile on his face.

Facing his handsome face, Mu Taotao really couldn't smile at all.

Is he too calm?Isn't he really afraid of being seen by his mother?
Mo Yanshao turned his head to look at Mu Taotao's face, and decided that she didn't sleep well.

Thinking that she might be nervous because of lying, he couldn't help walking in front of her, whispering in her ear again: "Didn't I tell you? It's okay, I have everything."

"But that's not the truth after all, how do you tell me to calm down?"

Mu Taotao still looked very nervous.

Mo Yanshao was really defeated by her, he couldn't help but took her hand with both hands, put it on his face, and said seriously to her: "Tao Tao, do you believe me?"

Mu Taotao also looked at him seriously, and nodded after a while.

"If you believe in me, then don't be afraid, go bravely, and I will guarantee you will be fine."

"What can happen to her? Are you still afraid that I will kill the child in her belly?"

Liu Yuewen didn't know when he stood beside the two people and listened to what they said.

Mo Yanshao was not happy, not only turned his head to her and said: "Mom, can you stop eavesdropping on other people's conversations?"

"Am I eavesdropping? You two are standing on the corridor talking, are you afraid that others will overhear?"

Liu Yuewen said unhappily.

"Okay, I won't argue with you. In short, if you take Taotao to the hospital, you must treat her well, but don't treat her too badly."

Mo Yanshao exhorted.

His words obviously carried distrust of her, which made Liu Yuewen furious, and couldn't help but angrily said to him: "I see, are you still afraid that I can't eat her? Am I a tiger or a leopard?"

"Of course you are my most beautiful mommy, but Taotao is also the mother of my future child, I don't want her to be too frightened."

Well, all in all just don't trust her.

"Then why don't you go together? You may also be the future father of the child."

"Well, well, of course I'm going."

Mo Yanshao blinked at Mu Taotao, indicating that the plan was successful.

If he can go together, then the chances of winning will be even greater.

So, on the way to the hospital, Mo Yanshao drove, while Mu Taotao and Liu Yuewen sat in the back row, and then went to the city's Maternal and Child Health Hospital together.

This hospital is specialized in the examination of pregnant women and the treatment of children's diseases. It is very professional.

The most important thing is that Liu Yuewen has a very playful boy who works as an attending doctor in this hospital, and is mainly responsible for prenatal checkups.

(End of this chapter)

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