Chapter 448

"Do you know who bought Fugui Island?"

"who is it?"

"Wen Yabin."

How could it be him?
An image of a gentle and refined man appeared in Mu Taotao's mind.

That's right, he is Wen Yabin, a very young and promising young man in real estate business.

I remember that when she was still Wan Yu'er, the Wen family and the Wan family had a good relationship, so they kept in touch, and Wan Daxiong still wanted to marry her to the Wen family.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yabin would now buy Fuguidao.

"Why did he do this?"

Mu Taotao was slightly surprised.

"You have to ask him about this, but it seems that nine out of ten he wants to take revenge on our Wan family."

Wan Liuli sighed.

"how do you know?"

"My guess."

Wan Liuli said helplessly, "Think about it, my father planned to marry you to him, but you got engaged to that man named Mo Yanshao after you came to the mainland.

This must have made their Wen family very embarrassed, so they naturally wanted to take revenge. "

"Then according to what you said, if we can persuade the Wen family to give up buying Fugui Island, uncle won't have to worry that the Wan family will be affected, right?"

Mu Taotao's words gave Wan Liuli a relaxed expression: "Sister, this is why I came to you.

No matter what this time, you have to help the Wan family. No matter what kind of request Wen Yabin asks, you must agree to him, as long as he is not allowed to buy Fugui Island. "

Mu Taotao's expression froze and he didn't say anything.

She didn't quite remember what Wen Yabin looked like now, and she didn't know if the other party would recognize her?

In this regard, Mu Taotao has no confidence at all.

"He won't necessarily listen to me."

Mu Taotao said so.

"How come? You probably don't know yet, right? Wen Yabin has always regarded you as his goddess. He has repeatedly told his father that he hopes to marry you to him.

But Dad didn't tell you because he was afraid that you would disagree. "

Is it really?

Mu Taotao was even more uncertain that she could persuade Wen Yabin.

Even Wan Liuli couldn't recognize her current appearance, and it was even more impossible for Wen Yabin.

But you can only try.

"Okay, I promise you, I will go to meet Wen Yabin, but it's hard to say whether he can give up the idea of ​​buying Fugui Island.

If it doesn't work, let uncle find another way to do business elsewhere. "

"Sister, you haven't done this yet, so you have a little confidence in yourself."

Wan Liuli encouraged her.

Mu Taotao nodded, thinking that the time was almost up, she should go back quickly, otherwise, Liu Yuewen and Mo Yanshao would probably go crazy.

Mu Taotao's guess was correct, those black-clothed bodyguards lost Mu Taotao, and immediately called Liu Yuewen, saying that Mu Taotao had disappeared.

Liu Yuewen was so angry that he scolded the black-clothed bodyguards for being idiots, then immediately contacted Mo Yanshao, and scolded him severely on the phone: "I told you earlier, this woman has a bad background, and she can play tricks. It's just that he kindly asked the bodyguard to follow her, fearing that she might make a mistake.

She was lucky enough to play peek-a-boo with my bodyguards and make them wait there. "

When Mo Yanshao heard Liu Yuewen say that Mu Taotao had dumped the black-clothed bodyguards after he went out and disappeared, he felt a little anxious.

He had to hang up the phone, and immediately called Mu Taotao.

But unexpectedly, Mu Taotao's cell phone was turned off.

When Mu Taotao walked out of Renhe Spring, she wanted to take out her phone to check the time, only to find that it was turned off.

This is really unexpected.

What if Mo Yanshao called and couldn't find her?
Mu Taotao wanted to ask a passer-by to call him.

But after asking several times, they all dismissed her as a liar.

Think about it too, who would be willing to lend a stranger a phone call, and who knows what the other party's intentions are?

Mu Taotao could understand people's thoughts, so she finally gave up calling Mo Yanshao on the phone.

She decided to take a taxi back to Mo's mansion.

At this time, there was a muffled thunder in the sky.

Look at the sky, the heavy rain is about to fall.

At this time, it is the rush hour for getting off work, and often a taxi has not stopped, and a group of people are already swarming up.

Under such circumstances, it is simply too difficult to grab a taxi that can carry it!
Mu Taotao was really furious, what should she do now?
Just as Mu Taotao watched the bean-sized raindrops fall one by one, drenching the dry ground little by little, when he had no choice but to hear someone calling his name: "Miss Mu?"

Mu Taotao turned her head and looked at the person, startled.

How could he be here?

As the saying goes, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

But this person is not Cao Cao at all, but someone more terrifying than Cao Cao.

He actually knew that he was Mu Taotao, not Wan Yuer?

This person is none other than Wen Yabin whom he and Wan Liuli mentioned just now.

In my impression, Wen Yabin is indeed a nice young man with a gentle manner and a great demeanor.

But looking at it today, this good young man seems to be a little haggard, not as radiant as before.

" did you know me?"

"Ms. Mu is really good at joking. Mr. Mo and I have business contacts. He has a picture of Ms. Mu on his desk. I also asked him who it was. He didn't hide it from me, so I know You."

Mu Taotao smiled. It turned out that she met herself through Mo Yanshao, so there was no problem.

But I don't know if he knows his relationship with Wan Yu'er.

Seeing Mu Taotao's thoughtful smile, Wen Yabin stepped forward and took out an umbrella and put it on top of her head, and said to her, "Miss Mu, where are you going? Why don't I see you off?" ?”

"Ah, no, it's okay, I can take a taxi back by myself."

Mu Taotao instinctively refused.

"How about that? Why don't I send you to Mr. Mo's company? That's okay, right?"

Wen Yabin suggested.

When Mu Taotao thought about it, she also wanted to have something to say to Mo Yan, and it would be best to go to his company.

So she generously agreed: "Then there will be President Lao Wen."

"I didn't expect you to know me too, Miss Mu, you really flattered someone Wen."

Mu Taotao was stunned for a moment, that's right, Wen Yabin didn't even introduce herself, she actually called him Mr. Wen, no wonder he felt strange.

Mu Taotao couldn't explain that she was Wan Yu'er, so she had to lie and said, "I heard Yan Shao mentioned you and said that you are a good partner, so..."

"Oh, got it, got it."

While talking, Wen Yabin welcomed Mu Taotao into his black Audi, and then told the driver to drive away.

But Mu Taotao did not wait to meet Mo Yanshao at the company as he imagined, because Wen Yabin's car did not drive to Mo Yanshao's company, but to an abandoned suburban factory.

(End of this chapter)

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