Chapter 450

Mo Yanshao didn't expect that it was the Wan family's daughter who asked Mu Taotao out.

"I met her in the afternoon. You are Mr. Mo, right? I didn't expect you to call me. Could it be something happened to my eldest sister?"

"What did you talk to her about in the afternoon, didn't you get together later?"

Mo Yanshao was already heaving a sigh of relief, but after hearing what the woman said, it seemed that Mu Taotao was not with her at this time.

"Oh, we parted early, I told her about things at home, and then she left."

"What did you tell her about the family?"

"that is……"

Wan Liuli suddenly stopped talking, and the phone call stopped abruptly.

Mo Yanshao was so angry that he wanted to drop the phone. He wanted to redial immediately, but the phone rang.

The name displayed on it turned out to be Wen Yabin's name.

What does he have to do with himself?
Mo Yanshao was a little puzzled, but he still connected the phone.

"Hey, Mr. Wen, what do you need from me?"

Mo Yan Shao wanted to get rid of the man earlier so that he could continue to call Wan Liuli and ask what Mu Taotao had talked to her about.

However, it took a while for the person on the other end of the phone to speak, and his breath was heavy, as if he was deliberately blowing into the phone receiver.

Just when Mo Yanshao was about to run out of patience, the other party finally said, "Mu Taotao is here, do you want to see her?"

"What did you do to her?"

Mo Yanshao only felt that the tense string in his head suddenly broke.

He suddenly realized something.

Wen Yabin said that Mu Taotao was with him, so this matter was really not simple.

"Say, what did you do to her?"

Mo Yanshao almost went crazy.

He hadn't found news of Mu Taotao for so long, and now he suddenly got news from her, which gave him a bad feeling.

"Do you want her to come back safely?"

"What exactly do you want?"

Mo Yanshao was about to be very nervous by Wen Yabin's sinister voice.

"It's very simple, exchange Yu'er, as long as my Yu'er comes back, everything will be fine."

After Wen Yabin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

When Mo Yanshao called again, the other party had already switched off the phone.

Wen Yabin is looking for Wan Yuer?

But isn't Wan Yu'er Mu Taotao after her face has changed?

Now that Mu Taotao has regained his original appearance, who is he going to use to impersonate Wan Yuer?

Does this Wen Yabin really not know that the two are one person, or is he deliberately pretending not to know?
Now, the most important thing is to find out where Wen Yabin is. As long as Wen Yabin is found, Mu Taotao will be fine.

Mo Yanshao took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then began to contact Fenghua Xueyue.

"Boss, don't worry, our owls haven't degenerated yet, and we still have very sharp tentacles. We will definitely find Miss Mu Taotao." Ziyue promised.

They didn't talk big, half an hour later, Qiyuan confirmed Mu Taotao's seat, and based on Wen Yabin's call, he located them somewhere in the suburbs.

Mo Yanshao rushed there immediately with Fenghua Xueyue.

To deal with people like Wen Yabin, who were just businessmen in the past and didn't have much strength, Mo Yanshao and the others were really handy, but with a few casual tricks, they would knock down those little gangsters who were ambushing around, and then Wen Yabin would be there.

Don't look at Wen Yabin as a businessman, but he is really ruthless when he is really ruthless.

A pointed dagger was pressed against Mu Taotao's neck, trying its best to intimidate her.

He took advantage of Mu Taotao's advantage in his hands, and stared at Mo Yanshao who was walking towards him step by step with that cold snake-like smile on his face.

At this time, when Mo Yanshao saw Mu Taotao for the first time, he was relieved and calmed down a lot.

What scares me the most is not knowing where she is and what's going on.

Seeing her now, my mood is naturally calm.

It doesn't matter even if she is being pressed against the neck with a dagger at the moment, he will always have a way to save her.

"Peach, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Mo Yanshao stared at Mu Taotao and said softly.

Every move of hand and every shot is full of chic.

Mu Taotao didn't dare to nod her head, she could feel that a sharp object under her neck might pierce her skin at any time.

She wasn't afraid either. She had experienced more dangerous moments than this, so how could she feel afraid?

What's more, she really believed that Mo Yanshao could save her.

It's just Wen Yabin, how did he become like this?
"Yan Shao, I believe in you, I'm not afraid."

"You two, do you think I'm a dead person? You still want to show your affection when you're dying!"

Wen Yabin's breathing became more rapid, and the pupils in his eyes shrank sharply. He was really too angry. These two people didn't take his threats seriously at all, were they too confident?
"Yabin, don't be so obsessed, I really am Yu'er, why don't you believe it?"

"No, I want to listen to Mo Yan, where is Yu'er?"

"Wen Yabin, Wan Yu'er won't come back, you'd better give up on it."

Mo Yanshao's words were even more ruthless, which aggravated Wen Yabin's revenge psychology.

The dagger in his hand advanced further, the skin under Mu Taotao's neck was cut, and blood flowed out.

Seeing the blood that merged into a stream, Mo Yanshao's face darkened even more, and he didn't dare to say anything that would irritate him.

"Don't you want to exchange Yu'er? If you let Taotao go, I'll tell you where she is."

"Do you think I'm only three years old? So easy to cheat?"

Wen Yabin narrowed his eyes slightly, completely distrusting the other party.

Mu Taotao felt blood flow from her neck.

It is a lie to say that you are not afraid.

At this time, Zhu Ying stepped forward and whispered in Mo Yanshao's ear: "If you drag it on, it will be bad for Taotao, so let's do it."

Indeed, if it continues, if Wen Yabin loses control, Mu Taotao may be hurt.

Mo Yanshao didn't dare to take the risk.

"Look over there, who is coming."

Mo Yanshao casually pointed in a direction, causing Wen Yabin to look in the direction of his finger involuntarily.

At the same time as he focused on other places, the sleeve arrow in Mo Yanshao's hand also left his hand, hitting Wen Yabin's dagger-holding wrist.

After hearing a miserable cry, Wen Yabin clutched his bloody wrist, and the knife in his hand dropped in response.

Mo Yanshao rushed over to protect Mu Taotao in his arms, and the police who came after him brought Wen Yabin into the police car.

Before leaving, Wen Yabin had a disheartened face, and asked without giving up: "Where is my Yu'er?"

His eyes were eager, wanting to know the answer, but Mo Yanshao still said firmly: "She won't come back."

Mu Taotao couldn't bear it and wanted to explain further, but Mo Yanshao just shook his head at her: "If he doesn't believe that you are Yu'er, no matter how much you say, he won't believe it."

Wen Yabin always thought that Wan Yu'er must have fallen in love with Mo Yanshao, but Mu Taotao snatched away her beloved and went away, so she didn't want to see her.

(End of this chapter)

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