Chapter 453

This is exactly the meaning of the abstract painting school, there is a feeling that the heights are overwhelming, and the heights are low.

To put it bluntly, it is a painting that ordinary people cannot understand, but only high-end people can understand.

Mu Taotao, his master, and his fellow apprentices once teamed up to steal that painting.

As you can imagine, the painting was eventually stolen and sold for a good price.

Because of this, Situ Liang provoked the man who kidnapped his son in the end.

Now, the old story of these two people was brought up again, which made Mu Taotao think about who they were.

At that time, there was another organization in China that was well-known in the industry, and that was the two children brought up by a woman named Murong An.

When they stole "Junction" that year, these two kids were only fourteen or fifteen years old, but their skills were already impressive.

Mu Taotao still remembered that the two children had deep bangs and dark eyes, and they looked very domineering.

Now five years have passed, and these two children have grown up. It is said that their names in the industry are Haishi and Mirage.

It just adds up to a mirage.

When Mu Taotao thought of these two people, he naturally called out their names: "You two are a mirage, right?"

The two of them were not surprised when someone found out their identities, but Mirage smiled extremely charmingly: "I knew that Sister Taotao would definitely think of us.

I call you sister, you don't mind. "

She was already older than these two, so it was only natural that she was called sister.

But is this the time for dating?

"We're talking about the Wan family's underground treasure, right?
Are you trying to steal the treasures of my Wan family?

Do you think I will help you? "

Mu Taotao questioned the other party with an inscrutable look.

Haishi has a serious face, while Mirage starts to play the family card: "Don't be like this, Sister Taotao, we are looking for you. It is true that only you can open the door of that secret treasure house. Besides, we don't want the wealth inside." , what we want is a blood manuscript, it is said that as long as you get the blood manuscript, you can know where the three most famous treasures in the world are located."

"Blood manuscript, treasure?"

Why does it sound so much like something out of a pirate story?

Mu Taotao was very surprised.

Haishi gave Mirage a look that only talks about you, and had to explain to Mu Taotao: "I know you are a descendant of the Wan family, but you may not know that among the ancestors of the Wan family, there was a Pirate man.

And Mirage and I are the descendants of the other two pirates.

You should understand this, right?
The ancestors of your Wan family were very smart. They followed the former pirate leaders, fought in many places, and hijacked many large commercial ships at sea.

Several of these ships transported gold during World War II.

They used the new weapons they bought from other countries, took advantage of day and night, and were familiar with water, ambushed these ships, and robbed these ships that transported gold, as well as a priceless antique ship.

Killed all the people on board, took only those antiques and gold, and buried them on a nearby island.

After burying them, their leader promised them that he would share the wealth with his minions when the war was over.

And made a detailed map description of these places where the wealth was buried.

This is the blood manuscript.

The reason why it is called the Blood Manuscript is that the pirate leader was killed later, and the manuscript was taken out of his arms, and it was just soaked in blood, so it was called the Blood Manuscript.

And this bloody manuscript has been kept in a certain pirate family, and this family is your Wan family.

It is put together with your Wan family's underground treasure.

If I'm not mistaken, the underground treasure of the Wan family is actually just a part of the treasure that was hijacked at that time.

It's just that more treasures are in that bloody manuscript. "

After Haishi finished speaking, Mu Taotao seemed to understand something.

No wonder someone wanted to buy Fugui Island, could it be for this reason?
At this time, someone knocked on the door, and then the maid's voice came: "Miss Mu, are you awake? The young master asked me to call you downstairs for dinner."

"Oh, come on."

Mu Taotao agreed indiscriminately, not wanting the maid to come in.

The maid heard her answer, and there was no further movement.

Mu Taotao broke out in a cold sweat.

She suddenly thought of something, if she took out the things in the underground treasure, she should be able to buy Fugui Island.

Then does Mo Yanshao need to do this for her?
There is no need for it at all.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao's face was really happy.

This is really a great thing.

But what these two people say is actually quite dangerous.

"How much did you know when you told me about this?"

Mu Taotao asked closely.

The sea and the mirage looked at each other: "Everyone in the pirate world should know that this is an open secret."

Hearing this, Mu Taotao felt a basin of cold water being poured over her head.

If everyone in Pirates knew about it, would there still be peace in Fugui Island?
"Why didn't anyone tell me the truth about this earlier?"

The ancestors of the Wan family turned out to be pirates. No wonder there was an underground treasure. She always thought that it was the foundation laid by the Wan family's ancestors with hard work. She hid it underground because she was afraid that her descendants would ruin the family.

Now it seems that is really not the case.

It turns out that these treasures were actually snatched, full of blood, violence, and cruelty.

Mu Taotao didn't want to pursue these matters.

All she wants to know now is how to prevent outsiders from succeeding, and let her find these underground treasures by herself, and then transfer them.

"If the two of you want my help, that's of course no problem, but you have to remember that you must get these things before the others."

"Sister Taotao, don't worry, it is said that your ancestors were very smart, they were not from the Wan family, and there is no way to get those treasures out.

Otherwise, how would we find you? "

Mirage said proudly.

Mu Taotao suddenly discovered that she was actually walking the same path as her ancestors. The difference was that they were struggling desperately amid blood and violence, while she could take advantage of modern high-tech civilization.

"What kind of mechanism my ancestors set up, only the Wan family can open it."

"Of course, why not call it a blood curse?"

Mirage proudly said again.

As soon as she said this, Mu Taotao was startled again.

Haishi on the side gave Big Mouth a hard look, then looked at Mu Taotao and comforted him: "You don't have to worry, it's just a blood curse.

In other words, as long as it is the blood of the Wan family, it can open the door to the underground treasure house.

On the contrary, if you can't solve the blood curse, never even think about it. "

"Well, well, we'll talk about it later, I must go downstairs to dinner now, or people will be suspicious."

(End of this chapter)

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