Chapter 461

And the man is even more hateful, following her words: "I... I don't want to do anything, I just want to enter the bridal chamber with my bride."

As soon as he said this, everyone burst into laughter.

Mu Taotao's face swelled to the color of a pig's liver.

She was teased, teased, naked, naked, naked teased, teased.

Moreover, she can't kick and kick men like she did to Mo Yanshao back then, because that would be too unwise.

God, come on with lightning and knock them back! ~
Mu Taotao prayed to heaven.

Suddenly, she remembered something, and asked the man, "What year is it now?"

"what are you saying?"

The man couldn't help asking, with a slightly serious expression on his face.

"If I tell you that I come from the future and I have seen your descendants, would you believe it?"

After hearing Mu Taotao's words, everyone fell silent, and the man just stared at her.

It was only a few seconds of silence for everyone, but Mu Taotao felt that it had been a long time, so long that she thought the time travel had ended like this.

However, soon, the man burst into thunderous laughter, almost deafening.

Mu Taotao couldn't help covering her ears.

The man took advantage of the situation and let go of his arms around Mu Taotao's waist.

So, Mu Taotao covered her ears and fell gorgeously on the ground.

Mu Taotao is really going to die of anger, why is this man so unmannered.

It's fine if you don't help her up, why did you really let go of the hand around her waist, causing her to fall so badly in front of so many people.

My head is almost dizzy.

After the man finished laughing, the audience fell into silence again, and then the man suddenly said coldly: "You woman who talks nonsense, do you think I will believe you?"

"You don't have to believe me, but what I said is true, this ship will be buried underground in the future, and the treasure you robbed will also have the same fate.

I believe that among you people, there must be a man surnamed Wan, who will be my ancestor. "

Mu Taotao's voice was clear and loud.

As soon as her words came out, the laughing people stopped smiling.

Then, the pirate leader who looked exactly like Mo Yanshao withdrew all his expressions and yelled at the crowd: "This girl also said just now that there is a man named Wan who will be her ancestor, you guys! Among the people, whoever is surnamed Wan, stand up boldly!"

As soon as the pirate leader's words fell, the audience fell into dead silence again.

Mu Taotao could feel a flock of crows flying over his head.

Mirage felt sorry for her.

Under such circumstances, even if the ancestor surnamed Wan was really in it, he would not admit it.

However, they were really wrong. When the pirate leader revealed who the man surnamed Wan was, everyone took a step back.

Then, a short, handsome, and slightly childish boy was isolated.

Mu Taotao couldn't believe her eyes.

It's fine if I can see my ancestor from 100 years ago, but this ancestor is completely different from the vicious-looking man in that painting.

What exactly went wrong?

The boy surnamed Wan was betrayed by others, so he had to stand up.

He had a sad expression on his face, while the pirate leader looked like he was enjoying the show, and said to the boy: "You also saw that this girl said that she is your descendant, do you believe it?"

With a terrified expression on his face, the boy glanced at Mu Taotao, hurriedly turned his eyes away, and then said to the pirate leader: "Captain, I don't believe it, I'm only sixteen this year, and this girl looks 20 years old. How can there be such a big descendant? I haven't mentioned a daughter-in-law yet."

Then the pirates below began to boo: "Xiao Wanzi misses his wife."

There was another burst of laughter.

The pirate chief laughed too.

Mu Taotao couldn't laugh, and Mirage stood aside silently.

For them, this situation is neither good nor bad.

At least they don't have to worry about their lives being in danger.

It was originally intended to hang Mu Taotao upside down as a spy, but because of her time-travel theory, it seemed to be lifted temporarily.

It's just that in which direction this situation will develop, no one can say for sure, it all depends on the mood of the pirate chief.

"You don't need to believe me, but I know exactly what your fate will be in the future.

If I'm not mistaken, your name should be Chu Yun. The Scorpion you led will sink in an internal fight with pirates and cease to exist. "

Mu Taotao relayed to Chu Yun verbatim the words in the logbook he saw.

The more the man listened, the more he frowned.

Panic expressions appeared on the faces of the rest of the pirates.

Because they believed what Mu Taotao said a little bit.

The girl who claimed to be a descendant of the Wan family told the fate they would face in the future.

Before Mu Taotao could finish speaking, Chu Yun yelled, "Enough! Lock up this woman who is bewitching people with her lies, and don't give her anything to eat, including her companions."

In this way, Mu Taotao and Mirage were locked in the bilge.

There are swarms of rats and cockroaches here, and the environment is very bad.

It was also very humid due to unknown seawater intrusion.

It was impossible to live in a place like this, pitched and pitched by the pitching of the ship.

After Mu Taotao was imprisoned, she regretted why she had to speak out so bluntly about the ultimate fate of the ship.

If she knew how to say half and half, at least she wouldn't get such a fate.

what should I do now.

Another question is, they came here through time travel, can they still be worn back?

How to wear it back?

It was nerve-wracking.

Mu Taotao even regretted that she should not have participated in this operation to steal the underground treasure house.

Fortunately, the treasure was not stolen, but even his own people got in.

If not go back 100 years.

There is no way for her to go back to that era from now on.

Just ask who can live to be more than 100 years old.

Even if he could live to that time, would it be rare for Mo Yanshao to marry an old woman who was about to die?

When Mu Taotao thought of this question, he couldn't help crying.

What should she do?
Mirage on the side looked at each other, not knowing how to persuade her.

Mirage sent Mirage to comfort Mu Taotao, because women talk to women better.

Mirage walked up to her, squatted beside her and said softly: "Sister Taotao, don't cry, you are not traveling alone anyway, aren't Haishi and I here too? Is there anything we can't bear together? OK?"

The sound of the mirage is very nice, and it does have a calming effect.

Think about so many time-travel novels, don't they all have heroines traveling alone.

(End of this chapter)

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