Chapter 463

But the man was in a drunken state, watching her smile strangely and beautifully.

His smile made Mu Taotao feel that he was Mo Yanshao.

Why isn't he her Mo Yanshao?

When Mu Taotao thought of Mo Yanshao, he couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

If she can't wear it back to modern times, will she have to stay here forever?

When Mu Taotao cried, Chu Yun panicked.

This woman came strangely, she definitely didn't seem to be sent by those people on land, let alone a spy sent by the government army.

Her crying made him lose his mind.

"What are you crying for? I didn't do anything to you."

"What do you want to do to me? Otherwise, why are you approaching me?"

"Am I going to get close to you? I'm on my own bed, get up!"

After Chu Yun finished speaking, he really pushed Mu Taotao who was standing on the edge of the bed to the side, and he fell on the bed.

Mu Taotao thinks this is really fresh.

Generally, in bandit movies, women are snatched up the mountain by bandits, aren't they all the wives of the village?

The pirates and bandits actually do the same thing.

So, the man wasn't trying to be bad for himself, but just because he took up his bed?

Well, she really thinks too much.

When others don't think about her, she wants others to think about her.

Mu Taotao secretly scolded herself for being stupid, turned around and was about to run out of the cabin.

"I advise you to stay in my room honestly and don't go anywhere, otherwise my subordinates will do something to you, don't blame me."

The man behind him suddenly said.

Mu Taotao turned her head and met the man's too beautiful black eyes.

His eyes are as bright as the stars, and they are so beautiful that they are not like they should be in the world.

At this moment, there is no trace of drunkenness in his eyes, and a serious expression on his handsome face, those eyes seem to be able to see everything in this world.

Mu Taotao was deeply impressed by the man's expression and eyes at the moment, she couldn't help but turned around and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Literally, if you want to find a safe place to hide, then my place is the safest."

Chu Yun continued.

Mu Taotao was silent.

Is it really safe to stay with this man?

She was asking questions in her heart.

"I'm not worried about my two friends."

She was talking about a mirage.

The corners of Chu Yun's lips curved slightly: "You should take care of yourself first, can you still take care of others?"

"We came together, and of course we want to go back together."

"Then tell me where you came from so that I can send you back."

Chu Yun said again.

His black eyes looked at Mu Taotao without blinking, wanting to hear her tell the truth.

"Didn't I already say that? We're from 100 years from now, so I know what's going to happen to you and this ship."

"Then tell me, what is our future destiny?"

Chu Yun looked at her like a madman, and started to play with his slender fingers, instead of looking at Mu Taotao.

Seeing that the man didn't really believe what he said, Mu Taoli didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with him.

So she simply sat down on that grand master's chair, let her legs hang in the air, and then dangled around.

He stared at his legs without blinking, without saying a word.

"I was asking you something, why didn't you answer?"

"You don't believe me, it's useless for me to say more."

"Then you just say a recent one and let me believe you."

Chu Yun made another request.


That's a good idea.

If he said it right, he would definitely believe it.


"Then tell me first what month and date it is."

"It is……"

Chu Yun told her the time.

Mu Taotao began to recall the experience and time in the log book, which happened to be the night that Chu Yun said, he would meet a merchant ship coming from the ocean.

There are not only a large number of valuable supplies on board, but also some new weapons.

"You will get this batch of weapons, but unfortunately, someone wants to share the treasure with you, and there will be two factions on the ship to fight.

My ancestors seem to be on this side. You will form a confrontation with the other side, and many people will die. Your vitality will be severely damaged. In the end, you have to order the boat to dock and rest.

The place you went to was later called Fugui Island.

Because you let people move all those treasures to the island and hide them. "

After Mu Taotao finished speaking eloquently, Chu Yun was still dubious.

While the two of them were talking, the boat shook violently, as if it had hit something.

Chu Yun, who was leaning on the bed, immediately sat up reflexively.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted a report and came to the door of his cabin: "Captain, something happened!"

"whats the matter?"

"There is a big ship ahead, please instruct!"

When Chu Yun heard the news, he couldn't help but look at Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao nodded, the meaning was obvious, that ship was exactly what she said, a ship with both treasure and weapons.

Chu Yun seemed to believe Mu Taotao's words.

He told her to stay in the cabin, while he put on his cloak and walked towards the deck with the young man who came to report the situation.

Mu Taotao was curious and wanted to see the scene of the pirates hijacking the ship with her own eyes, so when all the pirates were gathering on the deck, she bent her back and quietly followed behind them.

After a while, she quietly came to the cabin door not far from the deck, and looked up.

Just as she watched the pirates approach the merchant ship, and then raised the unique black sails of pirates, Leng Buding got a slap on the shoulder.

Mu Taotao raised his hands reflexively, as a gesture of surrender, but he heard someone giggling behind him.

Mu Taotao turned her head and saw that behind her was a mirage.

"Why are you here too?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help being surprised.

Haishi said: "They all went to the deck, so naturally no one cares about us, so we ran out."

That's right, as a professional snitch, he doesn't have the ability to escape at all. Are you waiting to be caught and sent to the police station?

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao said happily: "Then let's go and see how they removed the supplies from that ship, shall we?"

"Aren't you afraid of seeing dead people?"

Haishi couldn't help reminding her.

When Mu Taotao heard this, the excited expression on his face really changed immediately, and he couldn't help asking in horror: "They will kill people?"

"Of course, have you ever seen a few pirates who hijacked other people's ships and left them alive?"

Mu Taotao and Mirage were both startled by Haimi's words.

The three of them stood where they were, with no intention of going further to the deck.

(End of this chapter)

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