Chapter 480

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Xiaomiao is tonight's bride, her name is Ge Xiaomiao, and the sick one is her aunt, Ge Yufen."

"I'm not interested in knowing what their names are. Go on, what happened next?"

Mu Taotao interrupted him impatiently.

Mo Yanshao continued: "Later, Xiao Miao took me back to the Ge family's compound. Her aunt called me Chu Yun when she saw me, and hugged me, crying and laughing, touching my face. Say miss me.

I was also confused at the time, thinking that the old lady was out of her mind.

But later I heard from her that I am Chu Yun, and everyone calls me Chu Yun. "

Mo Yan said honestly.

"And then don't want you to marry that young lady from the Ge family?"

Mu Taotao said out of anger.

"Well, probably so."

Mo Yanshao didn't refute her words, and looked honest.

Mu Taotao became even more angry, poking his forehead and said, "Are you a fool? If others want you to marry, you marry. If others say you are Chu Yun, you are Chu Yun. Do you still have brains?" ?”

Well, Mo Yanshao who lost his memory has become a character who can be bullied and manipulated at will.

Think about your former self, when did you dare to poke his forehead and talk to him?

Mu Taotao felt deeply sad for him.

But Mo Yanshao didn't take it seriously, he just said: "Are we really from the same world? No wonder I feel so strange to this place."

"It's not that you are unfamiliar with this place, it's that you have no memory at all, okay?"

Mu Taotao continued to lecture him.

Mo Yanshao carefully looked at the woman in front of him, his almond eyes were wide open, his willow eyebrows were slightly raised, his small face was a little fat, but he couldn't hide his beautiful appearance.

In short, compared to Miss Ge's family, this girl looks more energetic and comfortable.

"Then are you going to rescue me?"

"Will you come with me?"

Mu Taotao tentatively said.

After all, he is planning to enter the bridal chamber with the bride now.

"I can get married or not. If you take me away, I won't get married."

Mo Yanshao's words were refreshing.

But Mu Taotao felt that she was cheating on her marriage.

This is the rhythm of planning to abduct the groom from someone else's bridal chamber.

If Miss Ge's family found out, would she still be alive?
By the way, he wasn't Mo Yanshao, how could she be afraid that the Ge family would blame him?
"Listen, your name is Mo Yanshao, and you come from the 21st century in the future. We came to this world so that your avatar in this time and space can survive.

As long as Chu Yun really survives, I can also return to our time and space and leave this ghost place, do you understand? "

Mo Yanshao was confused, but he still shook his head and said, "I don't quite understand."

Mu Taotao was completely defeated by him, so he couldn't help but took his hand and said, "I don't have time to talk to you, so let me go. If someone finds me later, I won't be able to leave."

Mo Yanshao nodded. He had an intuition that he could trust the girl in front of him.

So, holding hands, the two left the bridal room illuminated by red candles, and came to the bottom of the wall, intending to climb over the wall and get out.

Unexpectedly, just when Mu Taotao was about to sprint and then climbed up the wall, the guard of the Ge family found her: "Hey, who are you? Why are you here? Stop for me."

When Mu Taotao heard that voice, she felt bad in her heart.

Pulling Mo Yanshao, he ran around in the yard.

The two clashed left and right.

As for the Nursing Academy, one spreads it to ten, ten spreads it to a hundred, and the entire Ge family's Nursing Academy was alarmed.

Soon, Mu Taotao failed to take Mo Yanshao out, but trapped himself in the Ge family compound, unable to leave again.

Those nurses only regarded Mu Taotao as an ordinary thief and wanted to tie her up, but they only thought of Mo Yanshao as the new son-in-law and dared not touch him.

However, Mo Yanshao said to those nursing homes at this moment: "You are not allowed to touch this girl, did you hear?"

However, even though he was an uncle, his words did not have much prestige.

Those nursing homes still tied Mu Taotao to Wu Huada.

Even though Mu Taotao is a snitch, he has no problem running away.

But she wanted to run with Mo Yanshao at that time.

This is good, he didn't take the person out of the yard, but he was arrested.

How unlucky!

While complaining about his bad luck, Mu Taotao thought of ways to escape.

Ge Xiaomiao also heard that a thief came in and wanted to take away my uncle, so she also hurried out of Ge Yufen's room.

When she held the lantern to look at Mu Taotao's face, she realized that it was the woman who made a big fuss about her wedding during the day, and she was really furious.

"You woman, if I give you a good way, you don't want to go, but you want to break into the gate of hell?

Tell me, why did you hold on to my uncle? "

"Your uncle? Pooh, don't even think about it. How did your uncle come here? Is he your uncle?"

Mu Taotao sarcastically said.

Seeing that she was being rude to the eldest lady, the housekeeper raised his wrist and was about to slap her.

However, the slap did not fall, but the butler's hand was caught by the people beside him.

The rest stared in surprise at the man who grabbed the butler's hand.

It was their new uncle, Mo Yanshao.

Ge Xiaomiao on the side was also quite surprised: "Master, you don't really know this girl, do you?"

"It doesn't matter whether you know each other or not, I just don't want someone to hit someone casually."

Mo Yanshao said with a serious face.

No one would have thought that the new uncle looks gentle and beautiful, and even his hands are so strong, he is not as weak as he looks on the outside.

Ge Xiaomiao said in a sour tone: "But she scolded me, and the butler just wanted to teach her a lesson."

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, don't you understand this truth?

Reasonable reason, why beat people?
Is it reasonable to hit someone? "

Mo Yanshao's words made the butler bow his head in shame, and stepped aside.

Mu Taotao expressed his joy that Mo Yanshao was still willing to help him.

It appears his memory may be recoverable.

But Ge Bumiao didn't intend to let her go.

At this moment, Mo Yanshao was speaking for her. If this woman were left here again, there might be problems between the two of them.

Ge Xiaomiao ordered Mu Taotao to be tied up and thrown in the dungeon, and she was sent to see the official tomorrow.

When Mu Taotao heard this, she was going to be sent to see an official. Was she going to be sentenced?

Then she was wronged, people didn't take her away, but put herself in it, it was really not worthwhile.

She had to find a way to save herself.

"You can't treat me like this. I'm useful to you. Don't lock me up, let alone send me to see an official."

When Ge Xiaomiao heard that her tone seemed to be begging them, she had a smug expression on her face.

But she still put on the look of a young lady and said: "You came to my house without authorization and wanted to take away my new son-in-law, so you should have sent him to the official.

(End of this chapter)

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