Chapter 509

Obviously he has already seen that his black limited edition mobile phone is in her hand, yet she would deny it.

This made Mo Yanshao a little puzzled.

Women are acting really weird lately.

She would call him from time to time while he was working, and as long as he didn't answer her call after a while, she would immediately say, "What were you doing just now? Why didn't you answer my call?"

At first, Mo Yanshao didn't think there was any problem, but later he became impatient when he asked, "Mu Taotao, I'm at work, please don't call me in the future to affect my work."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Mu Taotao's call came right after him, and then she asked him crying: "Mr. Yan, do you really think I'm annoying? You said it!"

Mo Yanshao really felt that she was a little inexplicable.

At this moment, she obviously caught her looking through his mobile phone, but she didn't admit it. What does it mean?

Mo Yanshao suddenly realized something, rushed over, and forcibly snatched the phone from behind Mu Taotao.

He glanced at the phone in his hand, then at Mu Taotao: "What is this?"

"how could I know?"

Mu Taotao pretended to be stupid on purpose.

"This is my phone, are you looking at my phone? Are you checking me? Don't you believe me?"

Mo Yanshao asked a series of questions.

Mu Taotao's face blushed for a while, then turned pale for a while, her eyes rolled wildly, and her whole expression was flustered.

Even if she admitted in her heart that she was doing this, she didn't admit it with her mouth.

"I said no, it just didn't."

Even though Mu Taotao was beaten to death, he refused to admit it.

Mo Yanshao has nothing to do with her.

He just couldn't figure out why this woman became a little unreasonable now.

He simply sat on the sofa next to her and sulked.

Without saying a word, he was as cold as a large piece of ice, and even the surrounding air seemed to have become colder because of him.

Mu Taotao glanced at him, but his back was turned to her, so she couldn't see his expression.

But judging from his lonely back, he can also feel that he is angry.

Mu Taotao's expression changed from panic to embarrassment.

The other party ignored her, making her feel like she didn't know what to say.

Mo Yanshao rarely gets angry with her for anything.

But today, he seemed really angry.

Mu Taotao had to pat him on the shoulder, trying to calm him down: "I really didn't peek at your phone, trust me."

"Then why is my phone in your hand?"

"I just want to see, what is the value of such a valuable mobile phone?"

Mu Taotao lied without even blinking her eyes.

Mo Yanshao turned his head, his black eyes were bottomless: "You really think so?"

"Of course I..."

Mu Taotao was unnaturally looked at by his too sharp eyes, so he couldn't continue speaking in the middle of the sentence.

For Mu Taotao's behavior, Mo Yanshao could only sigh softly.

Immediately, he turned around, held her thin shoulders with both hands, and said to her earnestly: "Taotao, we are husband and wife, what can we not say?
You just want to see my call and text messages to see if I have contacted other women, right?
Do you not believe my feelings for you?

Afraid that I will have anything to do with other women outside? "

He hit everything he said, so what else did she say?

Mu Taotao preemptively took the initiative, raised her hands, and quickly pushed away Mo Yanshao's hands holding her shoulders, and said with a serious face: "Yes, I'm worried, I'm pregnant now, I have a big belly, I can't Always on hand to meet your needs like never before.

So I'm worried, will you mess around with other women outside.

Just like your dad.When will there be another illegitimate daughter. "

"Mu Taotao, what nonsense are you talking about? Who do you take me, Mo Yanshao?"

When Mo Yanshao heard Mu Taotao say such words to himself, he got up and interrupted her.

He really didn't expect that this woman thought so, that she was worried that she would mess around with other women.

"Then did you find anything on my phone?"

"I only saw that you have a lot of phone calls with Zhu Ying, you can't be talking to her..."

Mu Taotao couldn't believe it herself.

Mo Yanshao sneered again and again: "Zhu Ying? If I am interested in her, will I wait until today?"

"But even if a man doesn't like a woman, he can still find her for his needs, right?"

Mu Taotao is really outspoken, she is too suspicious.

"Mu Taotao, is your brain too dirty? You should wash it well."

"How can you say that about me?"

Mu Taotao was not convinced, and yelled at Mo Yanshao: "Did I say something wrong? You have a dirty mind, and you think so much about your husband and his female subordinates.

Mu Taotao, I warn you, you'd better stop thinking like this, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you. "

After Mo Yanshao threatened Mu Taotao, he got up to change his clothes. After putting on the silk pajamas, he walked to the bed, occupied part of the bed, and ignored Mu Taotao again.

Mu Taotao looked at his sleeping figure with his back turned to her, feeling sore in his heart.

He was so fierce to her, how dare he say he likes her?

Can't he even explain his relationship with Zhu Ying?Do you have to let her guess?
The more Mu Taotao thought about it, the sadder she became.

Mo Yanshao also tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, and Mu Taotao's crying sound filled his ears.

Did you just say that she said too much and made her sad?
But when he thought of her suspicious appearance now, he was furious.

If she doesn't trust her husband so much, is there nothing wrong with her as a wife?

Fortunately, he endured so hard, but he didn't want to hurt him.

God knows, Mo Yanshao is a person who is very dedicated to feelings, how could he find another woman to satisfy his needs?

After getting off work this day, Mo Yanshao didn't rush home immediately.

He asked Tao Song and the others to have a drink outside to relieve boredom.

Recently, because Mu Taotao doubted his affairs, the two of them didn't even talk, and they were in the cold war all the time.

When Tao Song and Sheng Bo came to the Violet Bar together, they saw Mo Yanshao who had already started drinking here.

Watching him drink himself cup after cup, he seemed to get himself drunk.

"Yo, Young Master Mo, what's the matter with you? Are you having trouble with your wife?"

When Tao Song opened his mouth, it meant that Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao had a quarrel.

Otherwise, according to Mo Yanshao's character, how could he come to the bar to get drunk?
With drunken eyes, Mo Yanshao looked at his friend, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who would come to a bar to get drunk just to quarrel with his wife?"


(End of this chapter)

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