Chapter 511

Besides, he didn't want her to smell the alcohol on him, so it's better to clean himself up before meeting her.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao smiled wryly, then got into the bathroom of the guest room, and washed himself well to prevent the smell of alcohol from remaining on his body.

It was a peaceful night, and no one would have imagined what kind of century war would break out the next day.

When she woke up the next day, Mu Taotao habitually touched the bed beside her with her hands.

To my surprise, the seat next to me was empty.

This woke up Mu Taotao, who had her eyes closed and wanted to hug Mo Yanshao.

What about people?

What about Mo Yanshao?

Did he not return overnight?
He didn't come back, where did he go?
When Mu Taotao thought about what Liu Yuewen said to her, she felt as if she was being entangled in something, and then tightened a little bit, making it difficult for her to even breathe.

This man really went out to fool around while he was pregnant, and he was able to stay out all night.

When Mu Taotao thought of this, he couldn't help but sat on the bed and burst into tears, his tears soaked the quilt on the bed.

A maid knocked on the door and said she would come in and clean it.

He thought Mu Taotao had already woken up, but found that she was still on the bed, and she was still crying.

This startled the maid in charge of cleaning, not understanding what happened.

Mu Taotao didn't want others to see her crying face, so she couldn't help but threw the pillow behind her to the door and shouted, "Get out, don't let anyone in!"

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she began to cry again.

The cleaning maid's expression changed in fright, and she hurried out of the room, wondering what happened to Mu Taotao, who has always been good-tempered and nice to people.

At this moment, Mo Yanshao came out from the next room in full dress, and seeing the maid panicked as if she had seen a ghost, her eyes hadn't left the door of Mu Taotao's bedroom, so she couldn't help walking over and asking, "What's wrong? What happened?" What's the matter?"

"Eldest young master, eldest young mistress doesn't know what's going on recently, she loses her temper at every turn, and she kicked me out just now."

"is it?"

When Mo Yanshao heard this, his heart sank.

He thought it was just treating him like this, but he didn't expect that Mu Taotao's temperament has changed a lot. Could it be that pregnant women are so unreasonable.

In any case, he had to go in and see her, to see what happened to her.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao ignored the maid, and quickly opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

Mu Taotao only heard the door knock, and thought it was another blind maid who walked in, so she threw the remaining pillows towards the door very rudely.

Mo Yanshao did not expect that the moment he entered the room, he would be attacked by Mu Taotao's pillow.

He is not an ordinary person, it is too easy to pick up a pillow.

But that's not the point, the point is that Mu Taotao is crying and has a terrible temper.

"Mu Taotao, what are you going crazy about?"

Mo Yanshao couldn't help but was about to yell at her.

When Mu Taotao raised his eyes, he saw Mo Yanshao's frosty face.

For so long, I don't know how many times he has yelled at himself.

When Mu Taotao heard his roar, instead of restraining himself, he became even more unscrupulous.

"You yell at me, how dare you yell at me?"

Mu Taotao's eyes were still wet, they were as red as rabbits.

It was fine if he didn't come home at night, but he dared to stand in her room and yell at her the next day.

This made Mu Taotao willing to be yelled at by him: "Mo Yanshao, why do you dislike me? What do you want?"

"I should ask you this question, Mu Taotao, you are making trouble all day long, what are you making a fuss about, have you had enough of it?"

"What's wrong with me? You don't come home at night, don't you allow me to make trouble? You are heartless. I am pregnant with your child and have a big belly. It's hard work.

And you, you actually stayed out at night and yelled at me when you came back, where did your conscience go? "

While complaining about his behavior, Mu Taotao burst into tears.

Just crying is enough, Mu Taotao rushed towards him like a shrew, trying to fight Mo Yanshao desperately.

She had been wondering if he had other women outside, and now she is still out at night, isn't she completely convinced?
A layer of frost covered Mo Yanshao's face.

When Mu Taotao rushed over, Mo Yanshao's hands tightly wrapped around her wrists like iron tongs, and shouted at her: "Mu Taotao, can you be more rational? Who said I don't sleep at night?" home?"

"I woke up this morning and you weren't by my side. What is it that you don't come home at night? I'm fighting with you."

Mu Taotao didn't want to listen to his explanation at all, and only thought about how to defeat him.

Mo Yanshao didn't dare to push her hard, so he could only keep holding her hand like this, and then explained loudly: "I slept in the guest room, otherwise why would you see me here so early in the morning, I'm How could it be possible to not return home at night, you don't want to be suspicious all day, okay?
Why are women who are pregnant with children so unreasonable? "

"Hmph, who knows if you came back early in the morning? How can I believe that you really don't have a night out?"

"Mu Taotao, can you trust me for once? If you don't believe me, you can go to the guest room and have a look. The maid Zhang Ma just helped me clean the room."

Speaking of this, Mo Yanshao called Zhang Ma loudly.

Zhang Ma heard Mo Yanshao's call, and hurried out of the guest room: "What's the matter? Master."

"Quickly explain to young mistress, did I sleep in the guest room last night?"

"Yes, young mistress, I was just helping the young master clean up the room."

Mama Zhang said honestly.

However, in Mu Taotao's view, Mama Zhang was the maid of Shao Mo Yan's family, so of course she could talk to him.

"Who knows if you are in collusion? Huh, I don't believe a word."

"Mu Taotao, you are too much! Don't you really hope that I will stay out at night?"

Mo Yanshao really didn't want to talk to this unreasonable woman anymore.

So he quickly broke away from Mu Taotao's hand, and then walked away quickly.

Mu Taotao looked at his back as he left, tears streaming down his face.

She slowly caressed her slightly swollen belly with her hands, tears kept falling, and said in her mouth: "You have no conscience, dare to treat me like this."

"Young Mistress, I really didn't lie, I'm old, why should I lie?"

Seeing the young couple arguing like this, Mama Zhang is not worth it for the two of them.

But Mu Taotao didn't want to hear a word.

This man was not by her side when she needed it most, and she would never need him in the future.

Mu Taotao entered the room and locked herself up.

(End of this chapter)

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