Chapter 527

How could she believe that he was not that kind of man?

"Mu Taotao, don't you know that the news in gossip magazines is the most unreliable?
Why do you still believe in that nonsense?

"There are pictures in the newspaper, and you did not come back that night, of course I will believe it."

Mu Taotao brought up the old story again.

It seems that this case has become the biggest unsolved case in six years.

"How else can I stress to you that I didn't do what you said?
Mu Taotao, you don't believe me, how can we live together?
We have been through so much, just because of those photos, you doubt my feelings for you, think that I am the kind of man who can spend time outside when his wife is pregnant, I really misunderstood you. "

Mo Yanshao's words also deeply hurt Mu Taotao.

She didn't know what she came here for this time, whether she came to send blessings to him, or to keep him.

But judging by the current situation, people cannot be retained.

The rift between them is also growing.

"Six years have really changed a lot. You should go and complete your engagement ceremony. I'm going to take my son back to the hotel."

Mu Taotao didn't look at Mo Yanshao either, but said this mechanically.

Her eyes were a little bit confused, because she didn't know the purpose of her return to China, she would rather she never came back, maybe there would be no quarrel with Mo Yanshao again.

Six years of time did not seem to close the rift between each other in each other's hearts, but it seemed to be getting deeper and deeper.

"you dare!"

Mo Yanshao grabbed Mu Taotao's hand that was about to turn around and leave, making it impossible for her to move on.

"Mo Yanshao, let me go!"

Mu Taotao was in a hurry, as if she wanted to fight Mo Yanshao desperately.

"Mu Taotao, I didn't know you had such a son before, he is yours, and it is also mine, I will not let you take him away easily, or leave him alone, do you hear clearly? "

"Why? I raised the child by myself, and he has nothing to do with you, Mao."

Mu Taotao couldn't choose what to say, her pretty face was flushed with anger.

Her eyes were also very bright, but it was also because of anger.

Mo Yanshao smiled coldly, the corners of his lips curled slightly, his whole body was filled with a dangerous aura, and his aura instantly became several times stronger: "Mu Taotao, do you know who you are talking to?

How dare you say that child has nothing to do with me?

Can you alone give birth to a child like that?
You said it! "

In the last sentence, Mo Yanshao almost roared, which shocked Mu Taotao's eardrums, and he couldn't help covering his ears.

When Mo Yanshao saw how she was afraid of him, his heart was also bleeding.

Why can't she understand herself?
Why doubt his feelings for her.

"Mu Taotao, I can forgive you for not hearing anything from me when you left, but I can't forgive you for taking the child away from me again.

Since he came to me, he should let me see him clearly, do you understand? "

"Mo Yanshao, since you let me go six years ago, why are you still pestering me six years later? Aren't you already engaged?
Bring the divorce agreement and I'll just sign it. From now on, you can live a good life with your new love, and I will take my son to live a good life. Everyone lives their own lives, isn't it good? "

Mu Taotao's words sounded really cold-blooded and heartless.

Mo Yanshao's face was dark and gloomy, and his eyebrows were about to wring out.

He stared at the woman in front of him, and murmured: "Do you really think so?
You came to my engagement site today just to give me blessings so that I can get engaged to another woman? "

"It's not all. I'm mainly here to sign the divorce agreement, so that your engagement ceremony won't go wrong."

Mu Taotao said against his will.

She obviously came to disrupt the situation and didn't want him to get engaged, but in the end she said that she was here to send blessings, which is really duplicity.

Mo Yanshao looked at her face carefully, trying to see if what she said was true or false.

However, he really couldn't tell if she was telling the truth.

"It seems that you haven't been idle in the past six years. Have you got a new boyfriend?"

Mo Yanshao asked casually, there was a strange brilliance in his black eyes.

Mu Taotao didn't even think about it, and immediately replied: "Of course, you have a new love, and of course I can't be idle, of course I also have a boyfriend."

This sentence completely angered Mo Yanshao, he couldn't help but cornered the woman again, making it impossible for her to escape his shackles.

"Can you say that again!"

Major General Mo Yan put his elbow on top of Mu Taotao and growled at her.

At this time, Mo Yanshao's eyes were very scary, and he could see the uncontainable anger in those eyes when he stared at others.

He was really going to get angry, this woman really didn't know what to do.

"Mo Yanshao, don't think that I will be afraid of you if you stare wide. Let me tell you, it's not fair that you are only allowed to get engaged and I am not allowed to have a boyfriend!"

"Are you fair to me? Have you ever been fair to me? Do you know how I got here in the past six years? Do I even know?"

Mo Yanshao almost yelled at Mu Taotao's face.

At this time, he completely lost his demeanor as President Mo.

All he knew was that he was about to be driven crazy by this woman.

She just has the ability to make him jump in anger, but she is reluctant to hurt her.

Mu Taotao put her hands behind her back, and her whole body was pressed against the cold wall, and the chill directly soaked into her body.

Her confrontation with Mo Yanshao also hurt her.

She couldn't understand why this man was angry and why he looked even more angry than her.

He was the one who got engaged, and he was the one who humiliated her.

Before the two of them officially divorced, he had already announced that he was going to get engaged. If this was not a humiliation to her, who was his original spouse?
"Mo Yanshao, you say I'm unfair, but are you fair to me?

We are not divorced yet, what kind of marriage are you engaged to? "

"My engagement can be canceled at any time, so are you willing to bring your son back?"

If he was struggling with this problem, Mo Yanshao felt that it was not a problem at all.

Mu Taotao was shocked by his words, what can be canceled at any time, this is news to the world.

When she was still on Bard Island, he had already announced his engagement, and everyone was looking forward to this day, but now he said that he could cancel it at any time.

"Mo Yanshao, are you taking your engagement ceremony too much?"

"It was originally a play, and there was only one audience, but the audience didn't seem to understand."

Mo Yanshao felt that he had really failed.

But Mu Taotao was still in a daze: "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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