Chapter 540

Upon hearing this call, Xiaowanzi's tense little face immediately burst into a smile, and even dimples appeared on her cheeks, very cute.

The people in the crowd dispersed, and a tall, handsome, dignified man with a handsome face appeared in front of Maruko.

And this man has almost [-]% similarity with him in appearance, who else is it not Mo Yanshao?


How many female employees who are already mothers have been broken by this cry?

Think about it, how many parents who have children are not moved by such a scene of father and son reunion?
After Xiaowanzi called her father, she pounced on Mo Yanshao.

Not surprisingly, Mo Yanshao also quickly squatted down and hugged Xiao Wanzi who was rushing towards him, holding him tightly in his arms.

The child's skeleton is small, and his body is not strong. It is probably because he does not eat well, so he is so thin.

Mo Yanshao blamed himself in his heart for not being with his child well, which is why he suffered so much with Mu Taotao in the past six years.

"Little Maruko, tell Dad, why are you here?"

The two hugged for a while, and then Mo Yanshao confronted Xiaowanzi and asked seriously.

Although Mu Taotao lost the child, Mo Yanshao was very angry, but speaking of it, Xiaowanzi was also at fault.

She ran out without discussing with the adults, and Mu Taotao must be in a hurry to die!
When Xiao Maruko heard her father's criticism of her, her face immediately blushed,

Of course he also realized how wrong his approach was.

What if I was really abducted by human traffickers?
Faced with Mo Yanshao's question, Xiao Maruko still lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "Dad, I made a mistake, and I will never do it again."

"Do you know what's wrong?"

"I shouldn't run out without telling the adults, it will make my mother worry."

Xiaowanzi's small hand was picking at Mo Yanshao's skirt, her upper lip was biting her lower lip tightly, her delicate brows were tightly frowned, looking very aggrieved.

In the next second, without warning, Xiao Maruko's tears flowed out.

At first the child was just crying, but when Mu Taotao and He Ziqi took a taxi to the entrance of the company and met him, Xiaowanzi couldn't bear the pressure anymore and burst into tears.

That cry was really shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, making those who heard it cry, and the listener was sad.

Mu Taotao was anxious at first, and her breathing was uneven, but when she really recovered, especially when she saw Xiaowanzi, her heart that was fried by oil finally let go.

It's just that the child was crying too sadly, and others talked about it when they saw it.

Those who didn't know it thought it was a husband and wife quarreling, which made the child sad. In addition, there were two adult men, an adult woman, and a child in this picture.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that the mother has a male mistress, and she wants to abandon the rhythm of the original partner and the child.

So the public opinion overwhelmingly expressed dissatisfaction with Mu Taotao: "This child is so pitiful, is it because the child's mother doesn't want him?"

"Yeah, yeah, didn't you see it? This kid was printed in the same mold as Dad, so pretty."

"That's right, that's right, look at that other man, he doesn't look as handsome as his husband, why is he willing to abandon his husband and children, and want to be with a mistress?"


There are so many discussions like this, it's true that rumors can kill people.

Mu Taotao was speechless and could not argue for herself.

For Mo Yanshao, he is very angry now.

Holding the child in his hands, Mo Yanshao said to Mu Taotao with a cold and handsome face, "Come to my office."

"I dont go."

The last two words were spoken without any confidence, and a fresh and beautiful face was also full of grievances.

But Mo Yanshao just gave her a hard look, and Mu Taotao went numb.

If Mo Yanshao's gaze could kill, I believe she, Mu Taotao, would have been cut hundreds of times. I don't know if she is still alive.

But since this is the case, she should go to his office obediently.

She didn't want to be forcibly taken away by Mo Yanshao's people.

He Ziqi also said to her: "Talk to him carefully, don't intensify the conflict."


Mu Taotao glanced at He Ziqi gratefully, and then followed Mo Yanshao and a group of employees sent out to find someone into Mo Yanshao's office building.

Those dispatched employees went back to their jobs in an orderly manner, and the family of three got into Mo Yanshao's special elevator for the president.

Inside the elevator, the atmosphere was naturally awkward. Mu Taotao kept one hand on the elbow of the other hand, which was her usual expression of nervousness.

Her profile is beautiful, with a high nose bridge, pink lips like flowers, and the tip of her nose seems to be dripping with sweat, which is enough to show how nervous she is, so nervous that she breaks out in a cold sweat.

Mo Yanshao was right behind her, holding Xiaowanzi in his arms.

As for Xiaowanzi, she was very quiet at this time, hugging her father's neck tightly, as if she was afraid of being abandoned.

Mu Taotao didn't look back, but could see what was going on from the mirror-like elevator wall.

She was really ashamed and almost lost her son.

The elevator finally stopped on the 28th floor.

Mu Taotao was not the first to rush out of the elevator, even though she was standing in front.

In contrast, Mo Yanshao, who had a cold face as the president, took the lead out of the elevator door with his long legs.

The dark trousers on his body showed the beauty and slenderness of his long legs.

Mu Taotao watched the man's long legs stepping out of the elevator, and for a while his soul pulled away, not knowing what he was thinking.

It wasn't until Mo Yanshao turned around and gave her a cold look that the woman had the consciousness to leave the elevator.

Hurriedly following behind the man, Mu Taotao was like a pissed off daughter-in-law.

For her, this metaphor couldn't be more apt for her now.

Isn't she just an angry little daughter-in-law?

But this is also self-inflicted.

Why did she almost lose the golden grandson of the Mo family?
Mu Taotao knew he was wrong, so he didn't refute his actions from the beginning to the end.

After arriving at the office, Mo Yanshao quickly called his female assistant, a married woman surnamed Bai, and said to her, "Miss Bai, this is my son Xiaowanzi."

Mo Yanshao gently pushed the child in front of Assistant Bai.

"Wow, Maruko, so cute."

The nympho look on Assistant Bai's face, I don't know if it's Mr. President Ha's iceberg face, or Ha Xiaowanzi's Zhengtai face that is almost the same as the iceberg face.

Without waiting for Assistant Bai to say another nonsense, Mo Yanshao said again: "Leave the work in your hands to other assistants, and now please help me take care of Xiaowanzi for a while, okay?"

"Of course it's okay. Boss Mo is too polite. My child is almost five years old. He is about the same age as the young master. I will take care of him."

(End of this chapter)

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