Chapter 542

"I don't know, all I know is that I want my son, and no one can take him away from me, no one!"

Mu Taotao almost shouted.

She just wanted to express her feelings for Maruko in this way, the child was hers, and he would never be allowed to leave her.

Mo Yanshao stared at her for a long time before he gently opened his thin lips and said, "Mu Taotao, do you know how selfish you are when you say this? Have you ever considered Xiaowanzi's feelings?"

Mo Yanshao planned to give Mu Taotao a good ideological and political lesson.

"I am the mother of the child. I want the child to be with me. Is this selfish? Mo Yanshao, are you making a mistake?"

"I'm not mistaken, what you said just now is not love for children, but really selfish.

Have you ever thought about what a child as big as Maruko needs most? "

"What does he need most?"

Mu Taotao humbly asked for advice.

There was a hint of blankness in her eyes, or rather, she wanted to hear what Mo Yanshao meant.

Naturally, Mo Yanshao would not let go of this opportunity to educate and persuade her.

"Of course it comes from the warmth of the family and the care of the parents.

You keep saying that you love this child, but you can give him the mother's love, but you can't give him the father's love he should have. Don't you understand?

Only letting him stay at home with his parents at the same time is really helpful and meaningful to his growth. "

Mo Yanshao spoke earnestly and earnestly, really like an old master preaching.

Mu Taotao originally thought that he would pull out some nonsense like himself.

But Mo Yanshao explained from the perspective of the family that the love of both parents for the child is the most important thing to him, and he has to convince her that taking the child away alone is the most selfish expression.

Realizing this, Mu Taotao did not speak.

"See what I mean now?"

Mo Yanshao got up and walked out from behind the desk, walking towards Mu Taotao.

The woman who was still in a daze suddenly found that Mo Yanshao was only a short distance away from her, she was shocked, her whole body shook, and she asked, "Why are you here?"

"Shouldn't I come over?"

The charming man raised his handsome eyebrows, and turned his attention to Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao yelled that she couldn't take it any longer, this man was clearly trying to trick her into a beauty trick.

Look at his neat suit, raised eyebrows casually, and smiled with the corners of his lips curled up. The electricity is so powerful, comparable to a high voltage of [-] volts, how many women can stand it.

The whole body is full of walking male hormones.

Mu Taotao was really amazed by him, no, he has always been in love with him.

"Mo Yanshao, can you stay away from me?"

While talking, Mu Taotao reached out and pushed Mo Yanshao.

However, the man did not retreat because of this, but instead pulled her into his arms with her hand, and hugged her directly.

"Mu Taotao, look at me carefully, do you dare to say that you don't feel anything for me?"

This man has a pair of deep eyes that are so beautiful. When looking at people with black and white eyes, there is a feeling that people are constantly sucking down, and it is unforgettable to look at it.

His demeanor is very calm and majestic, definitely not comparable to the ordinary little boy.

And women will be deeply fascinated by him because of the aura in his gestures.

Mu Taotao couldn't escape her infatuation with him.

How could she admit to such a shameful thing?

At this time, the person was still in Mo Yanshao's arms, Mu Taotao just wanted to struggle to leave: "Mo Yanshao, let me go."

"I just want to ask you, do you have feelings for me?"

"No, no, just no!"

Mu Taotao was stubborn and completely denied it.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you want to deny it.

Mo Yanshao's black eyes were even more radiant, it doesn't matter if he doesn't admit it, and he will report directly.

Just when Mu Taotao said that he didn't have feelings for him, Mo Yanshao's thin lips stuck to him, and the scene became out of control.

At the beginning, Mu Taotao was like a wooden man, her eyes were wide open, she even forgot to blink, all she knew was that her mouth was occupied by someone.

Not only that, the smooth long snake, like a nimble loach, also sent her mouth that opened as she spoke.

What does it feel like to be kissed?
Mu Taotao felt as if sparks exploded in his head suddenly, and the starry sky was filled with colorful sprinkles.

At the same time as golden flowers were shooting in his head, an indescribable electric shock hit his whole body, and he even had a very strange reaction.

This kind of reaction was too long for Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao.

When the two of them were together in the past, they often had such an electric shock feeling.

Now that they have been separated for so long, kissing together again makes the feeling even stronger.

Mu Taotao finally blinked, trying to push Mo Yanshao away.

Her little hands clenched into fists, trying to push Mo Yanshao away.

However, the more she did this, the more he kissed him in return, with some kind of punishment.

This kiss can't help but make people dizzy, and there is a kind of domineering style, which makes people have to accept it.

It's impossible to break free.

Just like that, Mu Taotao was wrapped in Mo Yanshao's arms and kissed heartily.

At first, Mo Yanshao took the initiative, and his long tongue stirred up everything in her mouth.

In the end, God, Lei finally stirred the ground fire, so Mu Taotao also began to enjoy the kiss.

There is no way, what happened in the past six years is about to explode in an instant.

The kiss between the two really took an indeterminate amount of time, as if it would last forever.

Through the thin fabric, you can feel the warmth from your body.

I believe that because of a kiss, it is not unreasonable for people to want to continue.

Just restraint, must restraint, Mu Taotao said to herself.

But why is she so happy about this kiss?

Is she too shameless?He even took the initiative to hold the other person's face.

From the rejection at the beginning to the initiative at the end, Mu Taotao felt that his psychological journey was not too long.

Just, is this really good?
This is Mo Yanshao's office, what if something really happened to them?Will such a place of work be given to that?

Mu Taotao became inattentive at first, her eyes rolled around, looking at the structure and layout of this office.

Mo Yanshao just felt that the waist of the woman in his hand was thin and soft, and it felt great to hold her.

So his kiss did not fall naturally.

The more you kiss, the better you feel, the less you want to share.

He just opened his eyes by accident, wanting to see if the woman was as devoted as himself, but found that she was looking around with big beautiful eyes.

The raging fire in my heart was almost extinguished by the woman's absent-minded performance in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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