Chapter 546

Also, Xiaowanzi has always only had this nickname, and has no real name yet. I don't know what Mu Taotao is thinking. The child is six years old, and it's time to go to elementary school. She didn't think about what to give him. name.

"Mu Taotao, tell me, are you planning to take my son all to yourself, that's why you don't give him a name and make him officially surnamed Mo?"

With a pale face, Mo Yanshao reprimanded Mu Taotao while standing in the luxuriously furnished bedroom.

Mu Taotao was not willing to be reprimanded by him, so he couldn't help retorting: "Who knows if you really did something wrong to me, of course I don't want my son to take your surname.

Think about it, knowing a scumbag is enough to make people sad and heartbroken, but if I want my son to have the surname of a scumbag, would I be willing? "

When Mo Yanshao heard what she said, didn't he turn around and scold him?
Call him a scumbag!
"Mu Taotao, be careful what you say to me, but tell me, who is the scumbag?"

"Whoever gets mad at me will be the one."

Mu Taotao winked at him, the meaning was unclear, but the irony in those words was strong.

Mo Yanshao was completely speechless.

This woman is really sharp-tongued and dares to use this to block his mouth.

If he gets mad, he's a scumbag.

Mo Yanshao had to take a deep breath, not to be too angry with this woman.

The life without her in the past six years has been like suffering, because I miss her like a tide.

Six years later, she finally came back, but he quarreled with her about naming the child, which really didn't make much sense.

"Mu Taotao, I won't tell you these things, just think about it now, what kind of name should Xiaowanzi choose?"

Hearing what he meant, Mu Taotao didn't plan to pursue the matter of her not giving Xiaowanzi a name, so of course she relaxed.

As soon as this mood is relaxed, the idea of ​​committing crimes comes.

Mu Taotao was pacing in the bedroom while thinking of Xiaowanzi's name.

It was time to go to bed at night, so Mu Taotao was wearing a champagne-colored silk pajamas, the style of tops and bottoms.

She walked around in this flowing pajamas, the silk fabric glistening in the light.

Contrary to her beautiful and noble image, the way she paced the room was completely like she was filming a comedy movie, shaking her head, and muttering in her mouth: "The surname is Mo, so it's called Mo flustered?"

Mo Yanshao's face darkened half.

"Not good, not good, should Mo worry?"

"It's not good, it's not good, it's better to call Mo Yanchou."

Mo Yanshao's face was completely black.

Mu Taotao, you named your son so casually, didn't you really mean it?

Looking at Mo Yanshao's almost completely black face, Mu Taotao knew that this was a harbinger of a storm.

Offended Mo Yanshao, she really wanted to walk around without food.

"Oh, you know I don't have much experience with names, why don't you do it yourself?"

"Just call Mo Xingyu, how about it?"

Handing over the right to name to Mo Yanshao, he pondered for a while, then said.

"Mo Xingyu? This name seems pretty good, does it have any meaning?"

"The vast universe, dotted with stars, will have a bright future, won't it?"

Although I don't understand it, I don't understand it.

Mu Taotao also thought it was very good, so she also nodded and said: "That's it, Xiaowanzi's name is Mo Xingyu."


The couple finally came to an agreement.

Then there was one more thing to do. Although the child was born to his parents, he was also the golden grandson of the Mo family. Mr. Mo was nearly 80 years old, and he was still waiting to look after his great-grandson.

Originally, this wish could have been realized six years ago, but this is a good thing, the first class is six years.

Not to mention that Mo Yanshao was impatient to wait, his parents were also urging him all day long.

Especially Liu Yuewen.

She was simply remorseful.

If she hadn't said those words in Mu Taotao's ear that made her feel uneasy, that woman would never have thought of running away from home.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuewen felt that he had harmed his son.

So, when he heard that Mu Taotao was back, Liu Yuewen went towards the place where the family of three lived full of anger.

Liu Yuewen didn't know about Mu Taotao and Xiaowanzi's return until after Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao had discussed the name of the child.

To his grandson, Liu Yuewen naturally wouldn't say anything, but to Mu Taotao, he really hated him.

This woman abducted her son at a young age.

Forget it, the son who abducted her should be cherished, but she was lucky, not only didn't cherish it, but also made his son wait for her for six full years.

Six years, just think about it, how many six years can there be in life?
Therefore, when Liu Yuewen rushed to the villa area where Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao lived, he was very imposing.

At first, Mu Taotao was folding clothes in the bedroom, and did not hear any movement downstairs.

But then I heard the maid talking to someone downstairs, and footsteps coming upstairs.

Mu Taotao thought that some kind of guest must be here.

She put the folded clothes back in the closet, then got up to see who was coming.

As soon as the door was opened, Liu Yuewen was seen dressed in a dark noble lady's attire, which was in line with her domineering and graceful aura.

The diamond pendant earrings around her ears formed a sharp and delicate arc with her movements, just like her.

When Mu Taotao appeared at the door in casual home clothes and looked up at her, Liu Yuewen's eyes already had a mysterious image of breathing fire.

Almost without giving the woman a chance to argue, Liu Yuewen walked over quickly, and when Mu Taotao was defenseless, he raised his hand and slapped her twice.

The two slaps were crisp and loud, and the maid who followed up the stairs was stunned by this amazing scene.

Mother-in-law beating daughter-in-law, this is really nothing new in the old days, isn't there a saying all along: A daughter-in-law who has been married for many years becomes a mother-in-law.

In other words, in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, it is the daughter-in-law who always suffers, and it is also common to be beaten by the mother-in-law in the old society.

But the times are different now, and it stands to reason that such concepts and ideas should not still exist.

But in Liu Yuewen's view, Mu Taotao has always been that shameless woman who seduced her son.

"Mu Taotao, these two slaps, one is for my son, and the other is for my grandson who has suffered so much in the past six years.

You woman is really vicious.

It's fine if you left without saying goodbye six years ago, if you want to leave alone, just leave.

But why did you take away the golden grandson of our Mo family?

(End of this chapter)

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