Chapter 550

She could tell from the way Liu Yuewen didn't look at her directly that she was still dissatisfied with her.

Thinking about the two slaps she got from her two days ago, Mu Taotao was still heaving a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the fact that it was a family gathering, she would have chosen not to come.

But now, what should she do?

Not waiting for Mu Taotao to teach Xiaowanzi how to speak.

Liu Yuewen's beautiful smiling face immediately turned into an angry one, then gradually stood up straight, and said coldly to Mo Yanshao: "No need, it seems that this child was taught by some caring woman." After that, I don’t intend to recognize me as a grandma.”

These words obviously meant something, and the woman in her words could only be Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao's face turned blue and white, and she didn't refute her words.

Anyway, what she said, the woman who is a mother-in-law believes that she is sophistry, so why should she defend herself?
But Mo Yanshao didn't think so, he immediately spoke for Mu Taotao: "Mom, what are you talking about? Taotao is teaching Xiaowanzi very seriously, he won't be so rude.

Probably because he was a little nervous when he saw you for the first time today, so he didn't know what to call you. "

While talking, Mo Yanshao waved to Xiaowanzi behind Mu Taotao, and said softly, "Little Wanzi, come and call grandma, don't make grandma angry."

Xiaowanzi has always been a well-behaved and sensible child, and has been with his father Mo Yanshao for a while, so naturally he listens to him.

So soon, Xiaowanzi came out from behind her mother Mu Taotao, and took the initiative to come to Liu Yuewen, bowed and apologized to her: "Grandma, hello, please don't blame Mommy, she didn't teach me It's not polite, it's just that Xiaowanzi didn't know that you were grandma, so she didn't greet you immediately."

What Xiaowanzi said was childish but not childish at all, just like a little adult, very sensible.

Apparently, like his father, he wanted to put in a good word for his mother.

Mu Taotao still stood where she was, with mixed feelings in her heart.

In this family, probably the one who has the biggest opinion on her is her mother-in-law Liu Yuewen.

Listening to Xiaowanzi's words, Liu Yuewen almost smiled like a chrysanthemum, but she didn't care at all.

She really thinks that Xiaowanzi is the treasure given to them by the Mo family from heaven, and she really likes it so much.

"Little Maruko, come, let grandma give you a hug."

Liu Yuewen squatted down and came forward, wanting to hug Xiaowanzi.

But the child just looked at her seriously and said: "Grandma, I'm already very old, almost six years old, grandma, you can't hold me, just hold my hand."

After Xiaowanzi finished speaking, he took the initiative to put his little hand into Liu Yuewen's.

Such a well-behaved and sensible child, Liu Yuewen really eats more, he is worthy of being a descendant of their Mo family.

"Okay, then let grandma hold your hand, let's meet more uncles, aunts, grandparents, okay?"

"it is good."

Xiao Maruko didn't object, he just turned his head and looked at his mother, with questioning and longing in his big eyes, as if he was asking Mu Taotao, how is he doing?
Mu Taotao sighed again, this child is indeed very spiritual, as expected of inheriting Mo Yanshao, so she gave him a thumbs up, which was regarded as encouragement and affirmation to him.

As a result, Xiao Wanzi was held by Liu Yuewen, like a little child star, and he became the focus of every place where people gathered.

Liu Yuewen was even more proud of him and asked him to greet other rich people and introduce him to those as rich as the Mo family one by one.

Mu Taotao watched his children struggling to cope with those slaves, and he must be exhausted today.

She vowed that in the future, such gatherings could be as few as possible, and Xiaowanzi must not be allowed to come to such a place often.

In the past, when only the mother and son depended on each other, the two of them were very ordinary members of the common people, so whether it was food, housing or transportation, it was very simple.

But it's different now. Once Xiao Maruko returns to the Mo family, he will be the eldest grandson of the Mo family. In the future, he may inherit the huge financial group of the Mo family and become a new candidate for the president.

But isn't that kind of life too tiring?He is out of touch with the whole society. She doesn't want him to be a social tool, hanging around with people all day long.

Mo Yanshao said hello to Mu Taotao, and went to chat and laugh with his friends in the business circle.

In this room, Mu Taotao seemed very lonely and helpless.

The son was taken by the grandmother to socialize, while the husband socialized with his friends.

As for her, she has been away for six years and has no social circle of her own at all. The only people she knows have not come today. Who should she talk to?

Since no one talked to her, she was relaxed and natural, so she decided to find a corner and hide to eat and drink.

She is Mu Taotao, a foodie, and a playful Mu Taotao, so she can't let herself be aggrieved.

So, Mu Taotao came to the buffet table, looking at the dazzling array of food, she filled a plate full, and then planned to hide in a corner to eat something special.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here? Why don't you go play with other people?"

Sister-in-law, the voice sounds familiar, who is it?Are you calling her?
Mu Taotao was a little surprised, but she turned around quickly.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was startled when I saw it. The so-and-so Pian Pianjia standing behind him had clear and bright black eyes, and a handsome face similar to Mo Yanshao.

It was Mo Yanshao's third younger brother, Mo Yanqing, the man who once helped Mu Taotao.

Think about Mo Yanshao cheating to death because of the car bombing, and Mu Taotao being kicked out of Mo's Manor, but it was Mo Yanqing who was by her side.

She is forever grateful to him.

"Yan Qing, I didn't expect it to be you."

Mu Taotao had a long-lost happy expression on his face, and unconsciously leaned towards the man.

But she never expected that with such a move, the food piled up on the dinner plate would tilt down, so Mo Yanqing's light gray evening dress suffered disaster.

Mu Taotao also accidentally exclaimed because of this sudden situation.

This exclamation immediately attracted the attention of many people, including Liu Yuewen who was in the crowd with Xiao Wanzi, and Mo Yanshao who was chatting with others.

Mu Taotao felt very sorry when she saw that Mo Yanqing's clothes were stained with a large piece of cream because of the trouble she caused.

Her first reaction was to put down the dinner plate, and then took out the napkin to help Mo Yanqing deal with the cream stains on her clothes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't expect to get on your clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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