Chapter 565

Zhu Ying was the one with the softest facial expression, and the most pleasant to speak: "Boss, just tell me, what's the matter? We can make preparations."

Looking at the four people who fought with him in the past, Mo Yanshao had mixed feelings in his heart.

"If I say something that needs help, I hope you can give me a good answer."

"Go ahead."

"Go ahead."


Four pairs of eyes fixed on Mo Yanshao, waiting for his question.

Mo Yanshao's face turned a little red, obviously what he was going to say was a bit difficult to say.

His conscientious expression made his subordinates keep guessing, what made their boss so embarrassed?

The first thing Ziyue thought of was that, so she couldn't help asking: "Boss, can't you show off your glory and make the young mistress satisfied with you?
This is very simple, as long as you use it, you are guaranteed to be cured! "

Ziyue raised her eyebrows, her peach blossom eyes were filled with that obscene light.

His words attracted the contempt and sideways glances of the other three.

And Mo Yanshao's face was almost half green, and his voice was cold: "Did I say that I have problems with that?"

"That's right, the boss won't have a problem, seven times a night will be fine."

Qi Yuan immediately smoothed things over.

This seems to be too exaggerated, so Qi Yuan also drew Mo Yanshao's eyes.

The two of them offended the boss completely.

"Can you listen carefully to what the boss has to say, and stop interrupting, do we still have to do the task?"

Zhu Ying accused the other two companions of being too ignorant.

Qi Yuan stuck out his tongue, the baby face looked very cute.

His fingers continued to swipe on the tablet, and he didn't look at the others.

Ziyue also remained silent and stopped talking.

The cold wind has always been cold, Mo Yan rarely speaks, and it is absolutely impossible for him to say a word.

Mo Yanshao glanced at everyone again, in order to avoid their continued misunderstanding, he decided to vomit quickly.

"I came to you today because I want you to find a way so that my mother and Mu Taotao can live in peace. Do you have any good ideas?"

As soon as Mo Yanshao said these words, the other four felt like they were going to faint almost at the same time.

Is this why the boss asked them to come?
Just to solve their family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law problems?
Zhu Ying can still understand him, after all, she is a woman, and she may have to face the same problem in the future.

The other three are pure men, once they heard Mo Yanshao's words, they immediately fell asleep.

"Boss, isn't it, that's why you came to us, don't you know that there is a saying that it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework?

We really can't help you with your family's affairs. "

Ziyue was the first to speak ruffiantly.

If you ask him to help a certain girl, he still has the confidence, or if he wants to steal some information, that's fine.

But to make Liu Yuewen and Mu Taotao live in harmony, Ziyue said that there is nothing she can do.

Qiyuan also didn't understand why Mo Yanshao asked them for advice on this question, and he also expressed his surrender, so he didn't speak at all.

And Leng Feng turned his attention to Zhu Ying, hoping that she could help Mo Yan to come up with some ideas.

Zhu Ying was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by everyone, and it seemed that she couldn't get through without saying something.

It's just that she didn't think about how to say this.

With a look of embarrassment on her face, Zhu Ying was about to speak but was interrupted by Mo Yanshao impatiently.

"Forget it, I thought I could count on you to come up with suggestions. It seems that I overestimated you. If you can't help, you should leave quickly."

Mo Yanshao was so distraught that he simply wanted to drive his subordinates away.

These four also have to follow Mo Yanshao in everything.

As for his family's housework, they naturally don't want to participate too much. Anyway, the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not easy to solve, so they naturally have no choice but to get involved in this muddy water.

So soon, the other three people scattered like birds and beasts, only Zhu Ying said to Mo Yanshao before leaving: "Boss, don't worry too much, there is always a solution to the matter.

Don't you already have children?Can the old lady treat the young mistress better for the sake of the child?
Or, you should directly ask the old lady what dissatisfaction you have with the young mistress, and then decide what to do. "

After Zhu Ying left, Mo Yanshao thought about what she said carefully, and it was true.

There is a saying that, to untie a bell, one must tie it, that's it.

Mo Yanshao decided to talk to Liu Yuewen in person.

This afternoon, the sun was fine, Liu Yuewen did not go out to play cards with poker friends because of his leg injury, but chose to sit and drink afternoon tea in the back garden of the mansion.

When Mo Yanshao came to her with flowers, she was admiring the beauty of the garden and tasting the fragrant coffee.

Seeing that her eldest son came to visit her, but did not bring Xiaowanzi, the old lady was naturally very upset.

"Why are you here alone? Where's your son?"

"Mom, do you want to see Xiaowanzi more than me?"

Mo Yanshao couldn't help joking.

Seeing the displeasure on the old lady's face, he could only use this method to ease the atmosphere.

"Of course, this son married a wife and forgot his mother. My grandson is still young, so he should still remember my grandmother."

Thinking about it, it is really not easy for the Mo family. The second and third children have not married yet, and the only eldest has such a son, who else should he treasure?
When Liu Yuewen thought about it, he blamed Mo Yanshao again: "I said, did you listen to my words? I want to see my grandson."

Regarding Liu Yuewen's losing his temper, Mo Yanshao was noncommittal, and only said: "Mom, can you talk to me first today? Can you stop thinking about little balls?"

"What Xiaowanzi? Isn't my grandson called Mo Xingyu? Why is he called Xiaowanzi again?

What's the name?Soil is dead! "

For Liu Yuewen, she guessed that it was Mu Taotao's nickname for the child, so she wanted to slander it.

Mo Yanshao didn't care about Liu Yuewen's attitude towards this nickname, he just said: "Mom, that kid really likes his nickname, don't keep saying his name is not nice in front of him, he will hold grudges."

"Hey, look at what you said, my grandson can still hold grudges against grandma? Shao Mo Yan, don't you think your son is too mean?"

"Mom, it's not that the child is stingy, it's that he is more sensible than you."

As soon as Mo Yanshao said this, Liu Yuewen was completely upset.

"Mo Yanshao, tell me clearly, why am I not understanding the truth?"

"Mom, I just said that one thing, and you just messed with me. Tell me, how can you be sensible?"


Liu Yuewen just wanted to refute again, thinking about what he said was not unreasonable, but he stopped cursing, calmed down and said: "You just talk about it, I don't understand why, I want to hear your opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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