Chapter 112 Clothing
There was still more than one month left before the stage performance, but for some reason, the time was suddenly brought forward.Change to a week later show.

Such a change has made many people dissatisfied, and the answer given by the school is: from the day of the notice to today, the sudden change of the performance time is fair to everyone.The sudden change of time exercises is everyone's solution to the unexpected things...

Although the statement given by the school seemed outrageous to many people, and many students from the noble district complained, they could not change the iron-clad fact of the time change.

So during this week, Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang seldom saw each other, except Gu Zhiyang knocked on Lu Yaoguang's door in the middle of the night and occupied Lu Yaoguang's bed grandly, the two of them were awake. The time to meet and talk is very small.

It was rare for Gu Zhiyang not to get on well with Lu Yao.

The stage performance is about to begin, and he is bound to win this competition!

"Yaoguang, this is the costume I prepared for your performance. You can see if you are satisfied." Yunyi sent a message. Lu Yaoguang clicked on the picture sent by Yunyi. After the picture was loaded, his eyes lit up. !
It was a light green cross-neck skirt, and around the corners of the skirt, there were several lotus flowers embroidered, and there were some light yellow embellishments in the skirt.

The style is simple, but Lu Yaoguang surprisingly likes it.

"This is your costume in the early stage, and there will be another costume in the later stage."

Lu Yaoguang replied: "This dress is beautiful, I like it very much!"

Yunyi looked at the message replied by Lu Yaoguang on the phone, and smiled lightly, "Well, as long as you like it, the other outfit will be a little more gorgeous, and I will bring the clothes over in the next two days. You can try them on, and You have to be proficient in how to dress, and the time to change clothes will be tight, and it will be played when the dance clip is projected."

After this message was sent, Yunyi tapped on the keyboard again with her slender fingers and wrote: "The two dances you showed me are amazing. If I have the opportunity, I really want to watch it live." That dance, Although it's just a silhouette, you can see the superb dancing skills of the dancer just from that silhouette!If possible, I really want to see it with my own eyes!

At least, that was the second person besides Bai Lu who made him feel shocked when he saw the dance.

Although, that's just a silhouette...
"Well. If there is a chance, I will talk to her." After a while, Yunyi received a message from Lu Yaoguang. He put away his phone and did not reply to Lu Yaoguang.Picking up the drawing board on the table, he didn't tell Lu Yaoguang that both of her clothes were designed by him...

The next day, Yunyi brought two sets of clothes to school, when Lu Yaoguang tried on the first light green dress.Yunyi's eyes lit up, and it took more than ten seconds for her to react.

Rao Ji Shaoyi, who already has his own heart, when he saw Lu Yaoguang wearing this dress, his eyes stayed on her for a moment.

"My God Yaoguang! You are so beautiful! This dress suits you so well!" Xia Heyi stepped forward, picked up her phone, and was about to take a photo with Lu Yaoguang.Her action was immediately blocked by Yunyi and Lu Yaoguang.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Lu Yaoguang refused, avoiding Xia Heyi.

"That's right, He Yi, don't take pictures, if the photos are circulated, it will be bad."

(End of this chapter)

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