Chapter 116 Mutual Benefit
Seeing that Fang Lijuan was silent, Yao Feier suddenly smiled, and sat down lazily. With her movements, the school uniform was slightly blown up, "That's right, after all, once you make a move, you will not only have no chance to appear , Moreover, so many days of rehearsals have been wasted..."

"Me!" Fang Lijuan panicked, Yao Fei'er was right, she was indeed a little shaken.

"In addition to these, there is Young Master Yun, you can't bear to destroy the stage play that Young Master Yun has rehearsed so hard." Yao Fei'er continued.

Fang Lijuan retorted, "So what if it's like this? Don't you dare to say that you didn't use me to get rid of her again?!"

This she, of course, refers to Lu Yaoguang.

Yao Fei'er shrugged indifferently, "I never said that I didn't use you again. Oh, no, Lijuan, you said that wrongly. We are mutual benefit. Lu Yaoguang is our common enemy, To you, she is not only someone who embarrasses you in front of the whole school, but more importantly, you find that Young Master Yun seems to be interested in her, doesn't he? Bai Lu is not here now, originally you thought this was how you could get close to Yunyi It's a good opportunity, but you didn't expect that Lu Yaoguang suddenly appeared. And you thought she was just an insignificant little character at first, but when you found out that Yunyi showed on Lu Yaoguang, even when he looked at Bai Lu You didn't get anxious until after you showed no expression, didn't you?"

Her thoughts were dismantled layer by layer by Yao Fei'er like peeling an onion. Fang Lijuan was a little flustered, but more angry, "Yeah, I found out that Young Master Yun treated her very differently. But the same, Does Young Master Gu treat her normally?! Not to mention, Lu Yaoguang lives in Young Master Gu's house!"

Yao Fei'er didn't expect Fang Lijuan to say that suddenly, especially when she heard "Lu Yaoguang is still living in Gu Shao's house!", her expression changed, but she quickly put away her own words. "Yeah. So Lu Yaoguang is our common enemy. For me, if I want to crush her to death, it's as easy as crushing an ant. Therefore, I have many chances to crush her, but For you, Lijuan, you are different."

The last sentence, Yao Fei'er said very slowly, this tone quickly aroused Fang Lijuan's uneasiness, "Yao Fei'er, what do you mean?"

Yao Fei'er smiled, "Zhiyang, he seems to have found out, last time you sent someone to trick Lu Yaoguang out and then..."

"Wait, wait!" Fang Lijuan interrupted Yao Feier, "What do you mean I tricked her out, Yao Feier, it's obviously you..."

"Me?" Yao Feier pretended to be surprised and shouted, "What's wrong with me? I didn't do anything!"

Fang Lijuan looked at Yao Fei'er in disbelief, "You didn't do anything, that text message, you used your connections to bribe the teacher at school to get Lu Yaoguang's mobile phone number, sent a text message to her mobile phone, and deceived her Come out, and then you found a group of punks, planning to let them take Lu Yaoguang..."

Fang Lijuan spoke more and more quietly, and at the end, she couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. She suddenly remembered that although Yao Fei'er operated the whole thing, the real executor was... she!
Fang Lijuan was so frightened that she sat down, cold sweat broke out on her face, it's over!She is finished!

(End of this chapter)

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