Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 118 Don't Wear Clothes

Chapter 118 Don't Wear Clothes
When they reached the center of the stage, under Yunyi's command, the crowd began to rehearse.

"Hey, I said, aren't we going to rehearse in costumes? Don't we do it all over again?" Xia Heyi suggested when the rehearsal was about to start.

Yunyi looked at Lu Yaoguang and Ji Shaoyi, asking for their opinions,

"I'm fine!" Ji Shaoyi waved his hand, although he found it troublesome to put on clothes.

"Me too, if we want to wear clothes, then let's wear them." Lu Yaoguang also expressed that he could accept this proposal.

Yunyi nodded, "Since everyone agrees, I'll ask someone to bring the costume!" After Yunyi finished speaking, she planned to make a phone call.

"Wait a minute!" Fang Lijuan shouted suddenly, Yunyi looked at Fang Lijuan, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Fang Lijuan looked evasive, "Well, I think, let's hurry up the rehearsal. Didn't you try on the clothes yesterday? Why do you need to put them on now?"

Xia Heyi felt that Fang Lijuan's expression was a little weird, and she was a little puzzled, "But don't you think, since it's a rehearsal, it's better to go through it all?"

Fang Lijuan moved her hands behind her back a little anxiously, "But I see, Young Master Gu and the others didn't change their clothes just now."

"Hey, Fang Lijuan, what's the matter with you? Is there any problem with changing clothes? Why can't we change without Gu Zhiyang and the others? I think it will be better if we change into clothes for rehearsal! You clearly You are with us, but why do I feel that your elbow is always turning outward!"

Xia Heyi was a little dissatisfied. For some reason, she had a strange feeling in her heart that there must be something wrong with Fang Lijuan's situation!
Fang Lijuan looked at Lu Yaoguang with some embarrassment, "Yaoguang, I think it's better for us to come to the rehearsal directly, so that if there is a problem later, we can immediately adjust and solve it immediately! After all, the time for rehearsal is limited... ···”

Lu Yaoguang thought for a while, and felt that what Fang Lijuan said was not entirely unreasonable, so she turned her head and said to Xia Heyi, "Heyi, let's forget it. Lijuan is right, we tried on the clothes yesterday, There is no problem. Let someone send Yunyi over now, if we change it again, it will definitely delay a lot of time, I think we should start the rehearsal immediately to save time."

Hearing what Lu Yaoguang said, Xia Heyi felt very angry, stomped on the floor, and didn't say anything more, but still couldn't help shouting at Fang Lijuan, "Why do you always go to Yaoguang whenever you have something? You won't let us wear costumes, I think you must be weird!"

Xia Heyi's words undoubtedly gave Fang Lijuan a great embarrassment in front of everyone. She smiled in embarrassment, "Heyi, you are overthinking. I am also doing it for the good of our crew."

"Hmph!" Xia Heyi tilted her head, ignoring Fang Lijuan.

Fang Lijuan's heart was covered in a cold sweat, Xia Heyi, it seems that she is a bit difficult to deal with!Almost exposed!

Because of everyone's hard work before, although there were some problems in this rehearsal, fortunately, the problems were not serious, and every problem could be solved on the spot.

But there is a problem, the dance video that Lu Yaoguang gave to Yunyi was not released by Yunyi.

Lu Yaoguang was puzzled, "Yunyi, why haven't those two dance videos been released..."

(End of this chapter)

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