Chapter 127 Nanfeng VS Yufei
Gu Zhiyang's words instantly confused Yunyi, it was strange, what was he talking about?But in order to make the stage play go smoothly, Yunyi had no choice but to say, "I don't know what I did to make Your Excellency admire you?"

Throwing the question back to Nanfeng.

Nanfeng looked at Huang Yan for a while, "You sent the person who wanted to harass Miss Jinxiu just now, right? To attract Jinxiu's attention, I never thought that a person of your status would do such a despicable thing."

At this time, Lu Yaoguang, who had changed his clothes, hurried back to the backstage, and heard what Gu Zhiyang said just after returning to the backstage.

Yunyi: "..."

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

Ji Shaoyi stroked his forehead angrily, and flicked his hair, what the hell is this bastard Gu Zhiyang doing? !In this way, wouldn't Yunyi's script be completely messed up?However, the audience in the audience heard something from Nanfeng's words, and they guessed in their hearts, "Could it be that Huang Yan fell in love with Jinxiu, and in order to better win Jinxiu's favor, he sent a People pretend to be mean to Jinxiu, but at this time, as long as Huangyan steps forward, then Miss Jinxiu will definitely have a good impression of Huangyan!"

Yunyi naturally understood the meaning behind what Gu Zhiyang said, so he had no choice but to go along with this statement now, but once he replied according to this statement, it would be equivalent to admitting that he had a despicable character in disguise, Moreover, did the means not achieve the goal?After all, there are so many ways to make Jinxiu deepen her impression of herself, but Huang Yan chose to use this method of "meeting heroes".


Yunyi met Gu Zhiyang's gaze head-on, who knows what kind of moth he will make in a while? !

Huang Yan suddenly laughed out loud, "Puff hahaha! Hahaha!" After the laughter ended, an unkind look glanced at Nanfeng, Gu Zhiyang himself couldn't help but stand on end.

I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect, I thought he was a soft woman, but now it seems that he made a wrong guess!Gu Zhiyang thought in his heart, and slowly moved his fingers towards his sword.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you know my affairs so thoroughly?!" Huang Yan said sharply, but Nan Feng didn't answer, but slowly drew out his sword, "A man who came to kill you!" It was too late to say it, but it was too late, Nan Feng just finished speaking, he drew his sword and hit Huang Yan's chest directly!
Among swords and swords——

A sword met Nanfeng's sword, and Yufei suddenly appeared!Brutally met the sword drawn by Nanfeng!

In order to make the effect realistic, Yunyi made the sword almost like a real sword when making the materials, except that it is not sharp, but even so, the sound of the two swords colliding with each other is absolutely amazing. People feel the tension and danger of the situation at this moment!
What a close call!

The hearts of the audience have reached their throats!

Gu Zhiyang VS Ji Shaoyi.

Nanfeng VS Yufei.

Who will win?Who loses?
Nan Feng took two steps back. After seeing who the favor was, he looked at Yu Fei with a provocative gaze, which seemed to say to Yu Fei, "Come on."

Ji Shaoyi, who was already unhappy looking after Gu Zhiyang, took advantage of this opportunity to fix Gu Zhiyang!Therefore, in the face of the opponent's provocation, Ji Shaoyi is of course willing to accompany him!

After the swords collided with each other, Nanfeng saw the timing and raised his foot——

(End of this chapter)

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