Chapter 129 Protected

Yao Fei'er looked ferociously at Lu Yaoguang who was standing on the other side. Under Gu Zhiyang's protection, not only did Lu Yaoguang not make a fool of himself, but Zhiyang actually rushed out to save her!Solve this crisis for her!

Sacrifice her stage play!

Yao Fei'er picked up Fang Lijuan's clothes, "How did you do it?! Why did Zhiyang know that there was something wrong with Lu Yaoguang's clothes? Didn't you say that this matter is very safe?! Didn't you say that there are only two of us Do you know? What's going on, why is there a third person who knows?! This person is Zhiyang..." Yao Fei'er said, and let go of Fang Lijuan's clothes.

Why, it happens to be Zhiyang...
No, not right!

Why, Zhiyang, after you found out, you rushed out...

Once you rush out, what about our script?Didn't you say that you want to win the first place?Didn't you ask me to write the script and let us all rehearse diligently? !
Zhiyang, do you know that all our hard work these days has been in vain when you rushed out...

Fang Lijuan looked flustered, even at this moment, her heart was still pounding!Since Jinxiu came on stage just now, she has tampered with the clothes, but she can't predict the time when the clothes will tear, every time Jinxiu makes a move, her heart is in her throat, will it split?No, not yet, I have to wait for a while, but when will I have to wait?The next moment, the next moment,... Countless "next moment" finally waited for its end moment, the clothes were still torn after all, and the stage play Yun Shao worked so hard to prepare was ruined by her... ····She closed her eyes, ready to meet the exclamation from the audience.

Unexpectedly, the exclamation came!But it wasn't because Lu Yaoguang's body was exposed, but because Young Master Gu played? !
Why did Young Master Gu play? !
In her mind, this sentence has been playing back since just now, Gu Shao came to the stage to save the scene, but at such a critical moment? !

Is it a coincidence? !

No, it's impossible!Where do so many coincidences come from in the world!

Since it wasn't a coincidence, Gu Shao knew in advance that there was something wrong with Lu Yaoguang's clothes!

The moment this idea appeared, Fang Lijuan's whole body broke out in cold sweat. Who is Gu Shao, the "one king" of St. Geli College, the future successor of the Gu Group, and Gu Shao is definitely the one who cares about the things she protects. Cover to the end!
There was once a person who accidentally spilled water on Gu Shaoxin's new shoes, which were Gu Shaoxin's favorite shoes. I heard afterwards that it was also the first time Gu Shaoxin wore these shoes.

And this person not only went bankrupt, but also had a car accident...
Amputation below the knee.

And now, no matter how much Yao Fei'er emphasizes that Young Master Gu is hers, that Young Master Gu cares about her and so on, she is not stupid, she has eyes!She can naturally see that Gu Shao treats Lu Yaoguang differently compared to other girls!

Lu Yaoguang is different to Gu Shao!This difference can even be said to be "protected"!Young Master Gu does not allow Lu Yaoguang to feel a little bit wronged!

Why, because after the rat incident, Young Master Gu sent someone to tie her into a room full of rats. At that time, she thought it was kidnapping and was very scared...

(End of this chapter)

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