Chapter 133

Nan Feng walked towards Yao Fei'er, following his movement, the audience became commotion again.

"Wow! Young Master Gu and Xiao Hua! Oh my god, they match so well!"

"My girlish heart! The more you look at the school belle, the more beautiful she is. She really matches Young Master Gu."

"What's not worthy? You're blind! Didn't you see that Lu Yaoguang's Jin Xiu is much prettier than Yao Fei'er?"

"No matter how good-looking it is, it's just Gu Shao's poodle! What's so amazing about it? Our Sister Fei'er is amazing. Standing with Gu Shao is a beautiful couple!"

Yao Fei'er was very satisfied with the cheers from the audience, she glanced at Lu Yaoguang with her eyes, did you see it?No matter how popular you are, as soon as I appear on stage, it's none of your business!

And the south wind gradually came, Yao Fei'er felt like a spring breeze, Zhiyang, did you hear that?The voices in the audience saying that we are a good match!
As a result, when Nanfeng came over, he saluted Yao Fei'er slightly. The voice was different from what he said just now, but it was enough for the audience to hear, "Princess." The audience watched this scene excitedly.

Yao Fei'er was stunned, princess? ?What princess? ?

But no matter what, once you stand on the stage, you must continue to perform this scene! "Nan, Nanfeng, where did you go just now?"

"Returning to Miss, just now Nanfeng was going to fetch water for the princess, but he encountered a gangster who was about to commit murder, so Nanfeng gave him a handguard to help. Unexpectedly, it made Miss worry. It was Nanfeng's fault, and I hope Miss will forgive me."

"Princess" in the front and "Miss" in the back, what Zhiyang meant, could it be that she is playing a princess who came out of a modest suit?And now there are so many people here, do you not want them to know her identity?Yao Fei'er guessed in her heart, "It's okay. Nanfeng, are you injured?"

Nanfeng shook his head.

Huang Yan walked to Jin Xiu, Yu Fei followed, and then looked at Nan Feng and Yao Fei'er with a smile, "So the young hero Nan Feng is this lady's retainer."

Simple one stop, separate factions.

Gu Zhiyang cursed in his heart: Damn fox!This fox, of course, refers to Yunyi, always wanting to smile, and thought it was a little boy, but unexpectedly, his thoughts are so delicate!
Damn that little white-faced fox!

"Don't talk nonsense, Nanfeng is not a subordinate!" After Yao Fei'er finished speaking, she looked at Nanfeng shyly.

Yunyi couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding, now he had the prototype of another script in his mind, and the one who pushed this script forward was naturally this key figure!An exotic princess who is obsessed with the south wind!

"Since that's the case, then I've made a mistake. Please don't blame this lady!"

Nan Feng looked at Huang Yan with sharp eyes, Huang Yan did not dodge, and greeted him head-on.

An unknown pressure spread across the stage.

At this moment, Jinxiu said, "My house is nearby, do you want to sit down at home and rest for a while?" Hurry up and agree!In this way, while the scene is changing for a while, we can also exchange ideas on how to proceed with this stage play!
Huang Yan nodded, "Since Miss Jinxiu invited me, then Huang Sheng thanked Miss Jinxiu in advance."

Jinxiu smiled, "You're welcome." Then she looked at Nanfeng, "I don't know what you think, hero Nanfeng?"

Nan Feng didn't say anything, looked at Yao Fei'er, Yao Fei'er naturally agreed, now he has to step down from the stage to discuss countermeasures!
(End of this chapter)

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