Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 136 Princess Nan'an Guofei

Chapter 136 Princess Nan'an Guofei

Facts have proved that Gu Zhiyang has such a plan.

Under the leadership of Nanfeng's superb acting skills, Jinxiu (Lu Yaoguang helplessly) and Nanfeng finally made an oath of eternal love.

When Huang Yan returned to the city, everything was a foregone conclusion and could not be changed.

But what is even more hateful is that when Nanfeng and Jinxiu had already left the stage, leaving Huangyan drinking alone, Nanfeng suddenly came on stage again, and had another confrontation with Huangyan, abruptly calling Huangyan " Blackening".

Yunyi really wanted to throw the table up, Nima let the two of you have fun, can't you just step back obediently?I planned to let Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang stop going on the stage, and let him deal with it later, but Gu Zhiyang was not satisfied at all!He is going to forcibly blacken the Huang Yan he played into a person who will do anything to win the beauty!

Black heart, black heart.

When Huang Yan was forced to take this path helplessly, Yao Fei'er couldn't help but appear again, blackening was fine, no matter what, she had to stop Jinxiu and Nanfeng from being together!
But this time it was not the right time for her to step on the stage, because someone came to report that Nalan Yun wanted to see her!
Next is Xia Heyi and Yao Feier's scenes.

Xia Heyi secretly laughed in her heart, hurry up, hurry up!I really can't wait to see Yao Feier's embarrassment hahaha Gu Zhiyang's plan is well arranged!
"What? The princess of Nan'an Kingdom, seeing me, isn't she going to salute me?" Nalan Yun gave Yao Fei'er a big blow as soon as they met.

No matter how much Yao Fei'er hated her, now that she is the princess Xia Heyi and the queen mother, she still has to salute her politely on the stage!
But Yao Feier is not a princess of her own country after all, so she was very perfunctory in saluting to the Queen Mother, Xia Heyi didn't care about this, as long as she could see Yao Feier's expression of eating a fly, she would be happy!

I don't know why, Xia Heyi seldom hates a person the moment they meet, but ever since meeting Yao Feier for the first time, Xia Heyi has seen Yao Feier very unhappy!She felt that Yao Fei'er was definitely not a good person. In addition, Yao Fei'er liked Gu Zhiyang. Since she liked Gu Zhiyang, Xia Heyi felt that she would definitely attack Lu Yaoguang!Even if there is no basis, Xia Heyi feels that Yao Feier is not good, Yao Feier is wrong!

Although this is very unreasonable, she doesn't like anyone who may hurt Yaoguang!
So, hey, let's take this opportunity to treat you well.

"Princess Fei!" Nalan Yun said, "Princess Fei" made Yao Fei'er almost vomit blood!

Originally, she was troubled by the love affair between Nanfeng and Jinxiu, and in addition to the performance on the stage just now, she had been performing with those people, and she hadn't had time to formally introduce her name and identity, now, abruptly Xia Heyi forcefully added "Nan'an Kingdom" and "Princess Fei"

Nan'an, Nan'an, doesn't that mean she is uneasy?

Princess Fei, Princess Fei, isn't this belittling her as a "non-princess"? !
Damn Xia Heyi!

Yao Fei'er hated her teeth, this Liangzi, the two of them are bound!

Because of what Xia Heyi said, there was a burst of laughter from the audience, and Yao Fei'er's face turned blue and white.

Xia Heyi was so excited to see it, she thought to herself: It would be nice if I didn't call you "Princess Jia" directly, at least I used a homonym, didn't I? !Although, it still means the same thing...

(End of this chapter)

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